Text Confession?

Loving The Leader

You were sleeping when you heard your phone ring next to you. You slowly rubbed your eyes and looked at your phone, the light blinding you for a while. A text message at 2 am, it better be good. You opened up the next.

I miss you, yeobo. I want you here now and always forever yeobo yeobo yeobo, HR. I love you..

You were shocked at the message. Who is it? And why at 2 am? You looked at it for a bit and then decided to call the number.

GO: Yeobosaeyo?

You: Ne, I recieved a text from this number, who is this?

GO: Ah is this Rina-ssi?

You: Ne, who are you?

GO: This is GO, but this phone is Seungho's. We had a little too much fun and he got drunk so he probaly sent you something wierd. I'm sorry if we woke you.

You thought for a moment, how did he get your number? Not that you mind but you never gave it to him.

You: Oh, it's okay, where is he right now?

GO: I have a favor to ask you Rina-ssi, I got a phone call a while ago and I have a family emergency. Can you pick up Seungho and send him home?

You thought for a moment and then simply agreed. You asked where they were and then you grabbed your jacket and your keys and left.

When you arrived at the place you could see GO and Seungho at their table. Seungho was passed out on the table and GO stood up as you arrived.

GO: I'm really sorry, the other members still have schedule and the manager was with them so no one can pick him up now.

You: Aniyo, it's okay.

GO helped get Seungho to your car. You turned around to ask for directions but GO was already gone.

You: Aish, how am I going to get him home if I don't know where he lives?

You got in the car and slowly reached into Seungho's pocket hoping his phone was there. Nothing. GO must have brought it too. You couldn't think of anything and if you called your manager, you would get scolded.

You decided it was best to go to your place since it would be no good to stay here in your car. As you arrived home you entered through the back door, trying to pull Seungho's heavy body slowly. You managed to get him inside and pushed him onto the sofa. You put your hands on your knees and tried to catch your breath. You looked at him, he was sleeping so peacefully. You went into the kitchen and came out with a bowl of cold water and a washcloth. Sitting down next to him you drained the washcloth and slowly wiped his forehead. You took this time to slowly look at his facial features. Only whne he had his eyes closed would you be able to look at him.

Seungho: So....so..so hot..

He started to twist and turn and you got off the sofa. You were thinking about removing just his jacket but you had to many thoughts running through your head. You finally got a hold of your self and started to try and take off his jacket. You managed to get it off without any problem. His face was a little pink, probaly from the alcohol.

You went into your room and brought out a pillow and an extra blanket. You put the blanket over him and then slowly pulled up his head to get the pillow under his head. Suddenly he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a bear hug. You squealed at his sudden movement and then your face hit his warm chest. He turned around so now you were caught between the backboard of the sofa and his body.

You: Y...Yang..Yang Seungho-ssi

Your voice was shaking and you could hear your heart pace quicken.
You tried to get up but he pulled you back down.

Seungho: I miss you soooooooo much.

He was sleeptalking at this point and no matter what you did he wouldn't wake up. You felt as though your heart was going to explode. What to do? What to do? the thoughts raced thorugh your head. Your entire body was stiff at his warm touch but it was somewhat comfortable. After what seemed like forever you evtually fell asleep in his arms.

(Next Day)

You opened your eyes to the shining room. Seungho was still holdng you tightly and he was still asleep. You looked at the clock on the wall. 7 o'clock

You tried getting up again but his grasp was still strong. This time though he woke up. At the sight of you his eyes widened and he jumped back from the sofa falling onto the ground with a loud thud. Both your faces were bright red at this point.

Seungho: Wh..w.....w..why am I here? Last...las..last night..GO....beer....

You looked at him. he was somewhat cute and you had to restrain yourself from laughing.

You explained what happened. He nodded and then looked at his jacket on the table. He quickly turn to you and noticed you were in a racerback tank top and pajama shorts.

Seungho: Last night....Did I do.....Did I do anything bad?

You: What?

You finally thought of it and your face turned super red. Why would he ask such a question.

You: ANI! Nothing happened.

He took a deep breath and then looked at his watch, his eye widening

Seungho: It's 7:15?! I hav a schedule at 8!

He reached into his pockets and search for his phone but it wasn't there.

You: GO-ssi has your phone, you caould use mine.

You handed him your phone and he took it. You forgot that the message was still opened up on your phone. You suddenly rememebr and turned quickly to Seungho. He already saw the text message and saw his number. His cheeks turned red.

Seungho: Sorry.....I was drunk.....yesterday..and...I...I..

You: it's okay, don't you have to call someone? You're going to be late.

He remembered and then quickly called GO. In about 15 minutes GO arrived and Seungho left. before he left he turned to you.

Seungho: Thanks for yesterday and I'm sorry for bothering you.

You: Aniyo, it's okay I was free anyways.

He nodded and then left. You watched him leave and then shut the door and crawled back onto the couch. You could still smell his good scent and feel his warmth. It was comfortable.

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Chapter 17: congrats :)
Dalily #2
Chapter 17: whoaa..good job,,good job..!! its really interesting..hope you can create another fanfic.. =)
Chapter 17: ohhh! You're done! It's complete! -Clapping my hands- Wohhhhhooo! It was a great story! I enjoy reading all the updates!
Author-nim, Thank you!!! Haha!
Tabi0411 #4
Chapter 16: Yeay!!! They together again..update soon
Dalily #5
Chapter 16: owwhh...i love this fic..*clap,,clap..n thanks for upload..hope you can create another fanfic about Yang Leader..(thumbs up) =)
Chapter 14: Did you just...? What the fudging chocolate ice cream!!! NO!
Seungho is clearly depress with Rina-Ssi's disappearing act. She could have at least told the poor leader. I feel sorry for the already madly in love dark eye bags Leader. Now, now... I sound like a rabid fangirl. Haha!
Great update by the way, I like it! Don't misunderstand my first two statements, I was too hangover with Rina-Ssi leaving the man. Uwah! Author-nim, tell Rina-Ssi that it was a cowardly thing to do even if she did it for their own sake. Oh goodness, the drama! HAha! =D
Author-nim, Hwaiting!
Chapter 14: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw...look at what you did to him rina-ssi! (T_T)
Chapter 11: NOOO! You didn't!!! Hahaha! What a climactic way to start a Drama... a throat fire hazard. I hope Rina-Ssi is alright... I sense Seungho Leader taking care of his wifey.
Author-nim, Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: Rina-Ssi, try to lie to your feelings for a while so I can enjoy the drama for a while... Hehe. =D
Anyway, 2 updates... Daebak! Author-nim, Hwaiting!
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