
Friends like Oxygen

"Taemin-ah~" Onew tapped Taemin's shoulder. Taemin was just watching Minho try some of the games, staying three steps aways from him.


Taemin turned his head smiling, noticing his hyung's voice. "Hi, hyung~" Onew had this goofy smile he was clearly trying to hide "I won something for you, my dear~" Taemin smiled widely "Really?! What is it? What is it?"


From behind his back, Onew pulled out a cute and little bunny doll.


"Hyung!!" Taemin took it and hugged it to death "It's so cute! And soft!... It's like you!!"


"Aaw, Minnie, Thank you. I won over there, and I--"


"Taemin, you gotta see this!" Minho turned to pull Taemin's arm, not aware of him a Onew having a conversation. "Look look look!! It's a darts game! It's very simple, you just have to--" Taemin chuckled "Yeah, yeah, hyung, I know what darts are about..."


"Oh~ Well, let me tell you, you're looking at the 'Prince of aiming~' " Minho said, cockily "Oh, really?" Taemin said. Minho smirked. He call the guy in charge and gave him money. He handed Minho three darts. "I'm going to tell you a little story"


'Oh, God. ANOTHER story?' Taemin frowned just for a second, before Minho could notice.


"...when I turned 12, my father took me hunting for the first time. I was very very excited, and so happy to get to spend time with him, that I didn't realize what we were actually gonna do. I had so many pets, I didn't wanted to kill any animals, not even a squirrel. My dad wasn't mad and he understood. The next time we went, he and his friends gathered a lot of empty beer and soda cans. They would throw them and hit them with a baseball bat, and I had to shoot them. It was really fun" Minho threw the first dart. It landed on the 80. "huh... Well, anyways, like I said, it was really really fun and we kept doing that at least twice a year..." Minho threw a second dart, this one got closer to the center. "...I swear I am a lot better than this, I got to practice a lot... I just need to take a deep breath and maybe... a kiss?" He said, taking his eyes of the target, smiling at Taemin, playfully.


Taemin face turned red. That last part was totally unexpected. "a-amm...No, hyung" He answered, nervous, knowing that Jinki was just a few steps away, watching them.


Minho sighed, but his smile didn't disappear. "It was worth the try..." He took a deep breath and threw the last dart immediately afterwards, much faster than the other ones.


It landed on the 100. Exactly on that little dot in the middle of the target.


Taemin's eyes widened, truly amazed "Omo! Minho-hyung!!" Tae clapped his hands, holding Onew's bunny between his forearm and his ribs.


The man told Minho he could pick any price he wanted. Minho looked at all the stuffed animals hanging around. "hmm... That one!!" He pointed at a big one. The man gave it to him. It was a huge stuffed froggie. It had a little crown on his big head, the eyes were also big and bright, and it's cheeks were pink. It was really cute.


"It's me!" Minho said "Charming Froggie Prince~"


Taemin giggled cutely.


That innocent little laught, and the pure look on his eyes... It moved something inside Minho.


Minho's hands were a little shaky. He admired that pretty face. Until that moment, Minho wasn't aware of the magnitude of this date. Now his excitement was reaching crazy levels.


"...Here" Minho said, his lips trembling a little at the beggining "This is for you, Tae" He held his price out for Taemin, smiling


"O-Oh! Are you sure?" Taemin smiled, turning his eyes into little half-moons, it caused Minho to smile even more. "Of course! That's why I won it! For you~"


"Aww~ Thank you, hyung!" Gently, Taemin took the frog from Minho's hands. Minho brushed some of Taemin's hair behind his ear, and caressed his cheek slightly.




Onew watched, ready to pounce on Minho if he got closer to any dangerous Taemin zones. His lips, his neck, or his waist.


"Would you stop that?" Jonghyun harshly said into Onew's ear. "W-What??"


"You know. All day you've been watching those two THAT way"


"Pff, what way?" Onew frowned.


"THAT way!.. I think you're jealous" Jonghyun crossed his arms "Oh, please, jealous of what?" Onew said rolling his eyes, and trying not to show how nervous he was.


"I don't know! I don't know who are you jealous of! But we're not going there right now and you have to cut it out"


"Aish, Jonghyun I don't know what are you talking about..."


"Yes,you do!"


"Ah, you know what? Whe-where is- Where is Key? Where did you left him?" Onew said, looking around. He didn't wanted Jonghyun t think deeper about his real jealousy.


"I left him right over th-" Jjong pointed at a stand behind them, but Key wasn't there "Crap. Where is he?"


"HI!" Key appeared next to Jonghyun. "Key, where were you?"


"Oh! Around. Jjong! I saw a fortune wheel!! I didn't see it before. We have to go!!" Key already pulling Jonghyun's arm.


"Wait, wait!" Jonghyun said, laughting. "Let's call the others. Minho! Taemin!" They turned their heads "Wanna go to the fortune wheel?? Key wants to.."


"Oh, yeah!" Minho said.


"I want to go, too. THANK YOU" Onew sarcastically said.




At the line to get in the cabines of the big wheel, Minho kept bouncing on his feet, and Taemin noticed. "Hyung, are you okay? You're not scared, are you?" Taemin giggled.


"Oh, no. I was just thinking something.. You know, you guys should go on, I catch up with you later!" Minho said to them and walked out of the line. He went somewhere else.


They were just four people away from the ride. Jonghyun whispered to Onew "Hey Jinki, me and Key would like to have a cabine.. Just for ourselves. You guys don't mind, do you?"




"Oh, no, of course not! Go, go have your private time~"


Jonghyun smiled “Thanks, man!”  He plafully punched Onew’s arm. Jjong went back to Key. They got in their cabine shortly alter.


“…I thought we were all going together” Taemin said, posting a little. Onew poked him “Hey, silly. We get to have our own cabine~, too” Taemin’s face lit up “Ohh! YAY!!”


They got in their cabine, craving for a little alone time with each other. Taemin sat his two plushies on the seat in front of theirs. They waited till the wheel moved a little, so that they were out of the sight from the people outside.


“Ah, hyung” Taemin hugged Onew, who was leaned on the metal wall, and snuggled on his hyung’s chest. “mmm, you smell so nice”

Onew chuckled and patted Taemin’s head “Thank you”


“I wanna go home, hyung”


“Oh, we’ll go home soon, don’t worry.”


“yesss, I wanna go home and go to bed and cuddle, and I wanna kiss you, and--”


Onew raised Taemin’s head, holding his chin gently and kissed him “We can kiss right now, you know”


Taemin smiled. He wrapped his arms around Onew’s neck, while he held his waist closer to him. They kissed, caressing eachother’s cheeks and necks. Every once in a while they let out a low moan. Making out softly.


“You’re such a good boyfriend, hyung. Thank you for not freaking out today..” Taemin said, and kissed him again.


“It’s just cause I know I can trust you, Minnie” Onew tapped Taemin’s lip with his index finger, smiling.  


They smiled to eachother sweetly. Taemin looked over Onew’s shoulder, through the window. “Look at that!”


Onew looked behind him too. Taemin liked all the lights outside. He always does.

Jinki knows that’s why Taemin’s favorite time of the year is christmas. Not because of the presents, he gets that all the year from Onew. Not because the people gets all happy and kind, Taemin is able to turn any person into a ball of kindness any time he wants. He loves christmas time because the whole world is full of shiny little lights. Onew works really hard to fill his house with lights during that time. Even when Taemin didn’t live with him yet.


Onew’s favorite light is the one that shines when Taemin sees the other ones.


Jinki made Taemin look at him and kissed him deeply again.


“You’re the cutest thing ever, Taemin-ah”


The younger boy blushed, and smiled shyly.



The ride ended sooner than they expected. Taemin took his plushies and Onew helped him out. They found Jonghyunh and Key outside, and they seemed kinda… intimate.

And no, they weren’t hugging or even holding hands. It was the way they were looking at eachother. It was so loving and deep.



-Flashback of JongKey’s time in the fortune wheel-


As the wheel moved, a uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere. They were sitting in the same seat, but not so close to eachother. Jonghyun looked through the window and Key whistled.


“…Jonghyun” “Kibummie”


They spoke at the same time, and laughed.


“You go first” Key said, giggling.

“Oh, ok, hmm.. I wanted to ask you… to tell me a little about yourself”


Key felt nervous “…l-like what?”


“, ok, I’ll go first.” Jonghyun thought for a moment “…when.. I was younger, my biggest dream was to become a singer. Not even a famous singer, I just wanted to sing everyday, and have people listening to me..” He said, not looking at Key, but at his own memory.


“Oh. Are you good, Jjong?” Key asked kindly


“Well…it is me saying it, but I thing i was pretty good” He said chuckling and nodding. “I would love to hear you sometime!!” The cat-eyed boy said, tilting his head to the side. “I would love to sing to you sometime, too..” Jonghyun smiled at him.


They spend a little moment like this, just smiling to eachother, before Key snapped out.


“Oh! My turn!” He said, excited. “aah… when I younger… all I wanted to do was design clothes.. I still do” He added, a little embarrassed. “I spent all my time watching runways, reading fashion magazines, and doing jackets for myself… when… my parents were getting a little used to the idea… I came out…y-you know, came out of the c-c-closet”


“Oh, yeah yeah yeah, I know, I know..”


Key took a deep breath “well… I came out and… I got kicked out…”


“What?? Kibum, that’s awful!” Jonghyun moved closer to him and held his hand. “It’s okay, Jjongie. It was long time ago..”


“..b-but still..”


“Thank you” Key smiled to him “I just… It was hard at first, of course, but I made it. I got a bunch of jobs, till I had enough to rent my own apartment, instead of staying with friends. Right now I only have this jobs, but I used to have at least two at a time..”


“wow…well, I admire you Kibum”


“Wh- Really?”


“Of course! You’re really brave… and don’t worry, you will never have to think about money again, Key, I’ll take care of you.”


“What?? No, no, Jonghyun, you’ve done enough!”


“Oh, Please! You deserve it”


Jonghyun held Key’s hand tightly between both of his hands. Gathering courage and strengh, Jjong leaned in slowly, and kissed his cheek softly. Key’s breath got cut off, and the kissed boy shivered.

“Oh, Kibum, Are you cold?”


“..ah, a-a little” Key smiled nervously.


Jonghyun wrapped his arm around the boy’s shoulders, sharing his bodywarm with him. Kibum rested his head on the man’s shoulder, feeling safe.



 -End of flashback-




Out of nowhere, Minho came and grabbed Taemin’s hand, making it hard for him to hold his two plushies. “Thank you for taking care of him, Onew. Please, take these” He took Taemin’s plushies and gave them to Onew. With that he left, taking Taemin away.


“Wait, what?” Onew frowned, he didn’t like this. He gave the toys to Jonghyun and followed Minho.




“Where-where are we going, hyung?” Taemin said, being dragged. “hmm, I don’t know, somewhere private..” The tall man responded, looking around. They walked and walked rushed. Minho spotted a little purple tent at the end of a hallway created between two bigger stands. “Perfect.”


Minho moved the fabric that covered the entrance and went in with Taemin. Inside they found a lady with crazy curly hair, sitting on a round table in front of a glowing crystal ball. Taemin shivered a little, seeing the “decoration”. Candles, feathers and weird symbols everywhere. Even a skull that Taemin couldn’t tell if it was real or not.. he hoped not.


“Hello, gentlemen” The lady said, she had a husky voice and dark makeup on her eyes “What can I do for you?  Read you fortune?... Cards?... Future?...”


“Actually, I need you to let us be here. Alone. Just 10 minutes..” Minho said.


The lady laughed lowly,  it scared Taemin “I’m sorry. This is a sacred place. I’m afraid I can’t leave a couple of strangers corrupt my territory”


“I’ll pay you 100 bucks” Minho said.


“Excuse me? I already said, I--”


“Fine, 300”


She chuckled and stood up “Young man, I cannot--”




“I warn you, I’m not--”


“500. That’s all the  cash I have left..” Minho said, taking it out of his wallet.


The lady took it from his hand “I’ll be out of your way” She walked to the exit, and passed next to Taemin, whispering to him “I knew he had more than 100 bucks..”  She chuckled lightly and moved the fabric, creating a sound with all her bracelets made from different little stones clashing together, and left them alone.


“Taeminnie, don’t freak out, I just want to say something..” Minho said, when he was sure they were alone.




Taemin was still as nervous as hell.


“ok…ok here it goes.. I.. I wanted to say… This whole day ment a lot to me. I feel honored to be your date, Minnie” Taemin blushed, unable to reply. “When you were at the fortune wheel” Minho continued. “…I got you this” He pulled out something from his pocket.


It was a home-made looking necklace, black and blue. With a stone that had the shape of a heart. Taemin covered his mouth “A-ah, Minho-hyung, I…I-”


“It’s okay, you just have to take it” Minho smiled.


Taemin reached for it, shaky. This was bad..and it is going to be worse..


“Taemin, you would make me really happy, if you accepted to be my date again. Maybe next weekend?”


Taemin put a hand over his chest. He kinda felt like he was going to cry… he has never done this to anyone…


“Hyung… you… you are so sweet, but…” Taemin’s heard sunk a little…



“…I’m sorry”






“TAEMIN! TAEMIN, Where are you??” Onew looked and looked for him. He knows Minho is not a crazy kidnapper, but he was really freaking out. “TAEMIN!”


Taking a breath to calm down, he looked around… he saw a weird looking tent. He missed it the two other times he looked around here. It wouldn’t hurt to look.


As he got closer, he spoted his boyfriend and Minho through the half-opened fabric that wasn’t covering the entrance anymore.


“Taemin..” Onew rushed to him, but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. Confused, he looked back. It was a weird looking lady with a deep look.


“Don’t worry, Jinki, they’re just talking.” She said letting his wrist go.


“Ah… what did you call me?”


“What do you mean?”


“eh.. Did you call me Jinki?”


“I don’t know, did I?” She giggled.



“…h-hm, ok, whatever, excuse me.” Onew said, attempting to get Taemin again, but was stopped once more “I told you. They’re just talking, you don’t need to worry about him.. C’mon, young man, let them have their talk. It is necessary”


Onew giggled, a little nervous “I’m sorry, how could you know that?”


“I just do. Don’t you trust Taemin?”


“O-Of course I do!.. wait, what did you call him??” Onew said, surprised once more.




“Did you say Taemin??”


“Did I?”




“Are you sure?”




“hehehe… I like you, you’re a very caring person.” She half smiled “Give me your hand”


Onew was confused, but didn’t dare to say no. He held his hand out for her. She held it between her hands. Then she caressed his palm, while she hummed a strange melody.


She suddenly smiled. “Oh! Congratulations!”


“T-Thanks… for what?”


“You have no idea how many couples have come to me, asking about their future together, if there’s any. I lie. I can’t tell someone they are not with their soulmate. They would probably lost hope on their relationship, and some relationships are necessary to get to their love!” She said sounding really worried, but smiled again “But you…Oh, you have found it congratulations!”


Onew smiled “Really?? Oh, why do I ask, I knew it.”


“…Also, years from now, I can’t tell you how’re gonna be a great father”




“your partner…well, he’s gonna need a lot of help”


“p-parents? Really?”


“mhmm… Don’t you want a family?”


“…Yes. B-but I don’t know if Taem--”


“Shhh, I can’t tell you everything. You’ll know. Now go” she patted his hand “Go before they see you…”


“o-ok. Thank y--”




Confused, Onew got out f there, to looked for Jjong and Key.






“I’m sorry, hyung.. I’m really really sorry” Taemin apologized, after explaining Minho, there wasn’t going to be a second date.


“..I--.. Was it something I did?” Minho asked, his voice trembling  little.


“N-no.. I’m just… I’m not looking for…someone…I’m sorry, Minho-hyung”


“H-hey! It’s okay… It’s good you tell me now…” Minho said, holding back his sadness. “let’s go..l-let’s go look for the others, okay?”


They stepped out and walked.



…Minho didn’t tried to hold Taemin’s hand.












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January 22nd - Friends like Oxygen's on year anniversary!! Don't worry my readers :) I have a chap coming up :P


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Inmyheart33 #1
Your story is so amazing, I love it!!!
Hope you update soon ^^
Please update soon, I really wanna know what's going to happen to them. :)
Ylmm92 #3
No no no!!! Please tell me it is gonna be continued!!!!!
It is just perfect!!! It cant be the end of this!!!please please please!!!!
Chapter 37: OH GODDDD THIS STORY IS. PERFECT JSVSKAVSKABWOAB ITS LONG AND CHEEEESY OMGGG I LOVE IT. REALLY. Aaaaaaah keep on writing alot!!! I really reallllyyy like your writing <3
tamagochi #6
Hello, will you update someday? The story is good, thanks
I can honestly say that I have lost count of how many times I have read this wonderful story. Shhhhh... XD
babygurl123654789q #8
Chapter 40: I love this story !!