
Friends like Oxygen


Waken by the sound of water running, Taemin slowly opened his eyes "mmoah... Hyung...?..." He saw Jinki's side of the bed empty. "Hyung, you there?" Taemin raised his voice, still sleepy.
"I'm here, Taemin-ah!" Onew's voice came out of the bathroom.
With his eyes closed, Taemin mumbled incoherent words, getting the blankets off him. Got up, walked to the bathroom door and with his eyes still shut, he opened it, so he could talk to Onew. He never really locks the door when he's showering.
"Good morning..." Taemin said, picking their clothes up from the floor. They slept .
"Ah, I'm sorry, did I wake you? It's still early, you can go back to bed.."
"... I'm up, I'm up... Did you sleep well, honey?"
"..well...I think I passed out after... Round 6..."
Taemin smiled while he tossed the dried-to-death bottle of lube to their little trash can.
"...I'm very sore, Taemin" Onew, added, kinda embarrased.
"..well, yeobo, I bet I was a lot more sore the morning after our first time..." Taemin half-smiled, standing on front of the open door, crossing his arms, talking to the blurry image of Jinki behind the steamy glass door " ...unlike you, a monster doesn't live in my crotch.." He said, giggling.
Jinki turned the water off and steped out of the shower, wrapping a white towel around his waist.
...Taemin had a little . His eyes were all over Jinki. His hyung looked really really y... His hair was wet and it looked darker than usual. The drops all over his chest and abs. His arms... And the steam surrounding him, it made him look like an fallen angel from heaven... The hottest angel ever...
Taemin saw Jinki's plumb lips moving, but he didn't really heard anything. He was busy banging Jinki in his mind.
Tae blinked a bunch of times "W-What did you say?"
"I said, you're probably right.."
"Oh..." Taemin gave Jinki a 'Hello, there~' smile. "Jinki~"
Onew noticed the look in Taemin's eyes. "Oh, no.."
"What? I just want a hug, hyung~" He said, getting closer "Aren't you gonna hug me? After having your way with me all night?"
"Ahh... You had your way with me, too.."
Taemin smirked and tried to grab Jinki, but he dodged Tae and ran out of the bathdoor. Taemin only grabbed Jinki's towel, but it was a good move, cause Jinki was now . Taemin pounced Jinki on their bed.
Jinki couldn't escape.
"Why are you resisting so much?" Taemin laugh, grabbing both of his wrists. " seemed to be having the time of your life last night~" He smiled and said with a funny tone "Oh, Taemin, don't stop~!! Harder~! There! oh God, there~! It feels SO GOOD!" Then he imitated Jinki's moan "...I never heard you moan like that before,honey~"
"Y-Yes, I really liked it, Taemin... But I told you, I'm sore..."
"...I'll be careful~"
"...that's what you said last night"
"hmm..ok, ok~ I'll make it up to you" Taemin rolled to land on his back next to Jinki. He ran his hand over his own body "...all yours~"
Jinki made a dork victory pose, before he were all over his lovely man~.
"C'moon, Pick uuup, pick up,you frog!!" Key talked to himself, with the phone attached to his ear, helding it with his shoulder, while he move his bed sheets, the clothes and fabrics on the floor, the other blanket that covers his old couch "Where are you, STUPID earing??"
He moved some coushins, looking for it under them "Ok, I'm sorry. You're not stupid. You're so pretty! Please, please, come to daddy!" Key asked, looking under the couch.
"What? You want me to come over? You miss me?" Minho asked, confuse but amused at the same time.
"Aish, I wasn't talking to you, Minho"
"...but you called me..?"
"Ah! I'm looking for my earing--"
"Well, I haven't seen it, but I'll check--"
"MINHO. I didn't call you to ask you about my earing! I wanted to tell you something... I think it's good news~"
"Oh, really~?... About what?"
"Gosh, you're an idiot... It's about what you asked me to do.."
"hmm... Did you got that nurse costume~?"
Key rolled his eyes "It's about TAEMIN!"
"woo~! My beautiful angel~ What is it?"
"Well, yesterday, at the little 'party' I talked to him and--"
"Oh, I talked to him too~ Isn't his voice so attractive? Is like velvet caressing your ears~"
"Minho, please, focus! I don't have all morning!...Ok, so I asked him is he had a girlfriend and he said no. I asked him is he had a boyfriend then, I think a made him nervous, heheh, but it was worth it, he said '..kind of..' "
"What?? You said it was good news, Key!!" Minho whined.
"I'm not done yet! I asked him 'what does that mean? Are you single or not?' He said 'I guess so..' ...he didn't sound so sure, but maybe it is because he doesn't like other people to know he's single..Or gay? I don't know"
"I CAN FIX THAT!!" Minho yelled. Key clunched his face "Minho!!... God... So I guess, he's single AND gay...there you go!" Key smiled to himself, proud.
"Oh, Thank you, thank you Key!! I love you and you're the queen of everything! I really owe you one. OMG, I have to start thinking how to ask him out and--"
"okokokok, I did my part, I have to go!" He hung up on Minho and put his phone in his pocket.
Key kept looking. 
He needed that earing. 
He wanted to look perfect.
He NEEDED to look perfect. 
Today's a special day.
Why?.. Jonghyun's going to pick him up. 
Yesterday at the little 'party', Key was talking to Jjong and told him how his beloved scooter, which, by the way, is the most expensive thing Key owns, wasn't working, and he had to take the bus. Jonghyun immediatly offered to pick him up, and insisted a lot, so Key accepted.
Kibum got up really early to take a good shower, to fix his hair real nice, and he tried on a bunch of outfits before deciding what to wear.
The only thing missing was the damn earing.
Scanning the floor with his eyes, Key walked towards the front door and opened it, smiling.
...his smile fell when he saw it was the big guy that always comes to get the rent. Not only because that guy makes him feel uncomfortable and kinda was also because Key didn't had the money.
"G-...Good morning.." Key said.
"You know why I'm here." The guy just said.
"I-I do... I... I..."
The big scary guy rolled his eyes "Let me guess, you're not gonna pay"
"N-No, I am, I am!! It's just... I-I get paid today! I'll pay today!... But not..."
The expression on the guy's face scared Key even more. Key got his bag, that's always hanging next to the entrance. "I'm a little late, I really have to go" He just wanted to get the hell out of there.
When he was about to take a step, he saw something sparkling on the floor. He picked it up. "Yes!" It was his missing earing. Key held it in the palm of his hand, smiling.
The guy, very pissed, slapped Key's hand, and the earing flied away. Key looked back at him, but he didn't dare to yell at him... And when the guy stared getting closer, Key was frightened.
"It's always the same story with you!! You never, NEVER have the money. MY money. You think you can just live here for free!?" He grabbed the collar of Key's shirt, and Key tried to push him away "B-But I said I'll pay!! I swear! I-"
"And how do I know you're gonna come back?? How can I know you're not gonna leave with MY MONEY!?" He yelled right on Key's face.
"...c-cause my stuff is here.." Key said, trying really hard not to add 'you stupid, son of a ..'
"What stuff?? You know all this forniture is mine. Are you planning on stealing from me too??" He let Key go, pushing him roughly
"Ah!..I didn't say that!! My clothes, my tv, my--"
"I don't care!! Give me all the money you have, or I won't let you go!!"
Key's eyes were a little watery, as he took his bag upside down on his little table. The bag didn't that much, a few things rolled on the table, a little bottle of facial cream, a small sample of perfume, some folded papers, a lip gloss, his earphones...
Key stuck his hand inside the bag, and shook it. 
He showed the guy a couple bucks he found.
Annoyed, he took them and threw them at Key's face. "What am I suppose to do with that!?"
"I don't know!! You asked for them!!" Key yelled back.
...he regretted opening his mouth. The man grabbed Key and pushed him harshly against the wall. Key hissed in pain.
It would've been better if the guy just punched Key, cause moments later, he started talking with a erted, disgusting voice. " know what? Perhaps you and I... could make another kind of deal..." He ran a hand over Key's femenine waist, and with one finger, he started sliding the shirt up, uncovering part of his flat belly.
"No!" scared, Kibum pushed him away as hard as he could. Key was able to escape his embrace for a moment, but the man grabbed his wrist, twisting it, making Key whimper.
"A-ah, please, let me go.." Key begged. 
"You want it the hard way, then" The man grabbed Key's neck, and held his fist up.
Defeated, Kibum closed his eyes shut, waiting for a punch...
...but it never came...
Still afraid, he opened his eyes... The man did try to punch him, but his fist was stopped by another hand, just a few inches away from Key's face.
Confused, with his heart beating like crazy, Key turned his face to look at his saver.
"Don't you dare to touch him." Jonghyun said to the violent man, while he clunched his fist. He pushed him away from Key.
The man was furious, but he gave Jonghyun an exit. "Get the hell out of here. This is between me and him" He said, pointing at Key.
Jonghyun saw the fear on Key's begging eyes, pushing his own little body against the wall, trying to get as far as possible from that man. 
That image caused something to make a 'clic' inside of Jonghyun. The flame was ignated.
"No ing way" 
Gathering strenght he didn't even knew he had, he punched the man on the nose. He fell to the floor, and covered his own face. He was bleeding.
"I want you to stay away from him!! Is that clear!?" Jonghyun raised his voice, looking down at the injured man. "Don't call his name. Don't even dare to look at him. Cause if you think I won't come just to kick your , I WILL. I'll come, and I'll get you, no matter what it takes. Understood?!"
The man's face filled with rage, and was about to attack him, but Jonghyun was faster. He punched him again, and this time, he was knocked out.
Jonghyun tried to get his breathing back to normal. He saw that the bag Key always brings to work, was lying there on the floor. He gathered Key's stuff and put it inside, very careful.
He walked towards Key and took his hand. He lead him outside, and didn't stop till they were right next to his car.
"Kibum, Are you ok?" Jonghyun patted Key's arms up and down, careful.
Blushing Kibum reacted "I'm fine, Jjong, I'm not hurt... Well, only my wrist hurts" He saw his own wrist, it looked a little red.
Jonghyun took it in his hands, and caressed it. "I think it will be fine, it's just a little sore.." He continued rubbing it "...What did he do, Kibum? Are you sure your okay?"
Key looked down to the ground, ashamed, but Jonghyun raised his face by his chin "Kibum..." he said, with an almost motherly tone.
"Jjongie!..." Key whined. Jonghyun smiled a little. They both relaxed. "I already told you, I'm fine"
Kibum got closer to him, slowly, so Jonghyun could stop him if he wanted to, He wrapped his arms around his sides and hugged him, pillowing his head on his shoulder. "Thank you... Thank you so much... No one has ever done something like that for me before..."
Jonghyun smiled, he ran his hand through Key's pretty hair and hugged him. "I'm just glad you're fine, Key..."
"Yes, Jjongie...?"
"...I don't want you to go back there" he stop hugging him to look at Key straight to his eyes. 
Dangerous move.
For Jonghyun, Kibum's eyes are deadly. If Key couldn't walk away everytime they end a conversation, he would be stuck there, starimg at those beautiful dark cat eyes.
"Jjong, I live there. And I know you're not gonna believe me, but it's actually the best apartment I've found.."
"...come live with me"
Key shook his head a little"...what?"
"...Kibum, please, come live with me."
"..I-I can't, Jonghyun, I would never take advantage of you like that! I--"
"Kibum, you're moving in with me." He used a very firm tone... It turned Key on a little, and Jonghyun added "...a-at least till I find you a better place, ok?"
"..I ...Ok" Key nodded.
Jonghyun smiled widely. He really tried not to look TOO excited. 
"..b-but.. What about my stuff?.." Key spoke, nervously, turning his head to the entrance of the building.
"Oh, no, you're not going back there. Don't worry, I'll send someone to get all you stuff. I promise it will be at my place by the time we finish that ok?"
"...Y-Yeah... If it's not much trouble..."
"Of course not! C'mon, Kibummie"
Key giggled, while Jonghyun lead him to the other side of the car and opened it for him.
Jonghyun drove a little, and he noticed Key being serius again, staring at the window. He thought maybe he was thinking about what just happened to him. He wanted Key happy.
"You know what, Key?" Key turn to look at him. "I think we can get to work a couple hours late.."
"I'm gonna buy you a nice breakfast, what do you say?"
"ahh, thanks, but... I don't know Jjong..."
"I know this place where they do pink pancakes~"
"omo! Really??" Kibum said, excited and giggling a little.
"...not really, I lied, BUT... I made you smile~"
Key stared at him for a moment... Then he laugh openly and punched Jjong's arm.
"kekeke... Oh, but I AM buying you breakfast~ And maybe you could order pancakes with strawberries, that would be kinda pink" He chuckled at the end.
Key chuckled with him. He opened his bag and stuck his hand in it, feeling what was inside..!
Something stung Key's fingers. He took it out. His little feline eyes snapped open.
"OH MY GOD!!!"
"What?? what??" Jonghyun asked, freaking out.
"MY EARRING! JONGHYUN, YOU FOUND MY EARRING!!" Key showed it to him, smiling like a fool.
Jjong looked... He chuckled...
It was a shiny, pretty and really fun key...
...holding a little Hello Kitty bow earring.
I hope this is good!! and I bet it is full of mistakes! xD
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January 22nd - Friends like Oxygen's on year anniversary!! Don't worry my readers :) I have a chap coming up :P


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Inmyheart33 #1
Your story is so amazing, I love it!!!
Hope you update soon ^^
Please update soon, I really wanna know what's going to happen to them. :)
Ylmm92 #3
No no no!!! Please tell me it is gonna be continued!!!!!
It is just perfect!!! It cant be the end of this!!!please please please!!!!
Chapter 37: OH GODDDD THIS STORY IS. PERFECT JSVSKAVSKABWOAB ITS LONG AND CHEEEESY OMGGG I LOVE IT. REALLY. Aaaaaaah keep on writing alot!!! I really reallllyyy like your writing <3
tamagochi #6
Hello, will you update someday? The story is good, thanks
I can honestly say that I have lost count of how many times I have read this wonderful story. Shhhhh... XD
babygurl123654789q #8
Chapter 40: I love this story !!