
Loving U

Loving U

Chapter one


Bora's POV:

I’m walking down the hallway, smiling and greeting everyone on my way.

I'm getting used to it by now, I just got the title of 'Student Council President' and trust me.. I worked hard to get it.
Anyways, school started 5 days ago, and girls all over the country transferred to here. We all live in dorms here, and we all have respect for each other.
Of course there's one group of girls who are a bit … judgemental and all.

This semester, I’m in charge, and it feels great.
Nothing will get in my way, I at least hope so.

I walked into the student council room and sat down on my seat.
There was already tons of papers and documents on my desk.
I just stared at it.
It will take at least weeks to get through all this.
‘’Bora?’’ one of the student council’s said
I looked at her ‘’Yes?’’
‘’The principal wants you in his office’’
‘’Okay, thanks’’ I said as I got up and started walking towards his office.
I wonder what he wants, he has never called me to his office before..
I guess it must be important.

I walked up the stairs to the top floor, and walked down the hallway to a big brown old door.
I was standing infront of it, nervously.
What if he doesn’t want me as the student council president anymore?
I was debating whether I should knock or not.
I turned around and saw a boy coming towards my way.
He walked up to the principals door and was about to knock

I gave him a glare ‘’I think you’re in the wrong building’’
‘’How come?’’ he turned around and faced me
He had a deep dark voice, and a handsome face too.
But, I wouldn’t give in like that.
‘’This is an all-girl school, no boys allowed. Well, except teachers’’ I crossed my arms.
‘’You don’t know who I am?’’
I gave him another glare ‘’No? I’m not even interested in knowing who you are either’’
‘’I’m the school council president, to the building next to this’’
I widen my eyes in shock as I looked at him ‘’You’re KRIS?!’’
‘’So you have heard of me’’ he smirked

He’s Kris, the Kris.
If the girls in this school even saw him right now, they would drool all over him.
I have to agree.. What people say about him is a bit true.
He has a deep voice, he has mysterious eyes and.. he is handsome.
‘’Exploring my face, much?’’ he smirked
I rolled my eyes ‘’What are you doing here?’’
‘’The principal wants to talk to me’’
‘’Why?’’ I asked
‘’I don’t know yet’’
‘’Well, I’m first.. So, come back later’’
I was about to answer when the door opened and the vice principal was standing there
‘’Bora, Kris?’’ She said pointing at us
‘’Yeah?’’ I answered
‘’The principal will be seeing you now, come in’’ she said smiling and walked inside.
Both of us...?
We both started to walk in, and I closed the door behind us.

I walked over and stood beside Kris who was standing infront of the principals desk.
The principal looked at us before talking
‘’The government have decided to mash up the two schools together’’
‘’Which?’’ I ask
‘’This one, and the all-boy school’’
‘’How? When? Why?’’
‘’We’re having troubles with paying some feeds so the best way is to mash then up together, we’re already planning to build a hallway, since it isn’t so far away, it will work’’
‘’What about the dorms?’’
‘’We will transfer some boys over here, and some girls over there, but all in all, they’re all going to be in both schools since we're becoming one.’’
‘’But, sir, when will this happen?’’
‘’They will start building the hallway on wednesday, but we’re gonna start transferring people tomorrow’’
‘’What about the student council?’’
‘’There won’t be any changes, just that we’re gonna transfer the student council on the other school into this one, so you will have to work as a team’’

‘’We can do that’’ Kris said
‘’And.. the student council president? It’s still me, right?’’ I said
‘’Well.. you have to make room for another one’’
‘’WHAT?!’’ I yelled
‘’You have to share the position with Kris’’
‘’Why? I’ve worked so hard to be it, why do I have to share it?’’
‘’It will be too hard for you to take care of so many students all at once, besides Kris is also the student council president in his school, we have to make this fair’’
‘’There’s no way I can work with him’’
‘’Why not?’’
I didn’t have a reason.. ah
I need to find an excuse fast
I looked at Kris, and I found the perfect excuse.

He smirked at me

I looked back at the principal
‘’Well.. he is so handsome, how could I handle being with him almost everyday?’’ I said
Kris chuckled and said ‘’And I can’t work with her either, sir.’’
I looked at him and said ‘’Why?’’
‘’You’re a dramaqueen’’
‘’I am NOT a dramaqueen’’ I yelled
‘’There’s my proof’’
‘’Enough! You will both have to hold it in then, the decision is final.’’ the principal stated
He continued ‘’You will both share the position 50/50, have respect towards each other or else we’ll have to find two other student council presidents. You may leave now’’
I sighed as I turned around and started to walk out of the office with Kris.
I closed the door behind me as I got out of the office.
I faced Kris, it looked like he was about to say something.
‘’It will be nice working with you’’ he said as he walked towards my back.
He continued as he whispered in my ear ‘’..Partner’’ he smirked and walked away.
I turned around to face him, but he had already walked away.
‘’YAH! YOU JERK’’ I yelled at the empty hallway.

This semester is going to be the worst ever.


Author's Note

Hey everyone!

Hm.. I don't have so much to say, haha.

But, thank you all for subscribing ^^,



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elosnsd99 #1
Chapter 3: Even if i'm not lesbian you can always talk to me :) btw i would really really like it if you continue to write this story! I think you did a really good job with starting it ^.^
taeteuk2330 #2
please update!!^^i love the love team
Chapter 2: When does your hiatus end~? I can't wait for your update~ ^^
Chapter 2: This seems like an interesting story~ hope you update soon~ ^^
Chapter 2: Update soon
i hope you update soon!
this looks like a one heck of
a story. and the poster reminds
me of clannad because of the
building e u e
. . .
elosnsd99 #7
Chapter 2: Please update soon author-nim :)
Addiction_ss #8
Chapter 2: It's funny. Really funny.

Update soon please.<3!!
NikeIsCraZy #9
Don't give up on life ok? I love you!