We are the perfect two. ♥


We are the perfect two.


"All your bad memories have been erased now. Now you can make new memories... full of good ones."



Meet Sulli.

Pretty, right?

Well, she's not your normal popular good looking girl.

She's far from that actually.

She has no friends, and an abusive dad.

Alot of people at school as well for it.

She doesn't know how to trust people without getting hurt.

You know what her biggest wish is?

To have a friend.



Meet Minho.

A handsome football player.

He's popular, well liked among kids and people at his school.

He's very humble, and has good manners.

He got it from his dad.

He doesn't really have any close friends to start with.

 He has some friends here and there, but none he can really trust on.





Two worlds collide after being partners for a campingtrip, but is it for the good or for the bad?



Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I really hope you all like the story and support it, ^^

Credits to Periwinkle Graphic Shop for the poster ^_^

- Kamile

''WATPT'' [04.07] I'm back and I re-wrote chapter 1, and i added background music as well ^^, enjoy!


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