Stay True To Yourself

Burst Of Sunshine

A small crowd had formed around Sehun and I while we were talking and they slowly dispersed when he left. Not only had he completely ruined my hope and spirit but he publicly embarrassed me. What horrible luck do I have? How naive and vain could I have been to think that Sehun or let alone anyone would want to be my friend? Yeah, I know I’m a bit weird but I’m not going to conform to society and pretend that I’m someone that I’m not.

Head up princess, your tiara is falling down; I walked to class with a new found confidence. You can’t please everyone and frankly I’m not the depressed sort of person. Some guy (no matter how attractive he is) isn’t going to make me feel bad about myself or get me to change my personality.

Kai was sitting up warily glancing at the door; perhaps hoping that I would not walk through the door. When I walked through the door, his face contorted into a mixture of dread and apprehension. As I was walking towards him, I honestly felt a bit sorry for him as he looked a bit cautious of me. I stood in front of Kai and goofily started dancing and singing to the Pikachu song.

“HAHAHA what the hell is wrong with you Mia?” he asked in between his laughter.

Mission complete; I sat down next to him.

“You’re so embarrassing hahaha,” he said.

I poked his cheek and said, “Pika, Pika.”

“Ew, Mia! There’s a no touching rule,” he said.

“WHAT? Am I going to spread some incurable disease to you?” I asked

“God only knows if you have rabies, herpes, AIDS or chlamydia! I don’t want to take any chances,” he said.

“You have so much undying faith in me!” I said.

“You wish but I have to admit that the Pikachu costume is cute,” he said.

“Naaw you think I’m cute!” I replied.

“I said the COSTUME is cute; don’t you dare try to put words in my mouth Mia!” he said.

“Sure, sure; so are you staying at school today or are you going to ditch me again?” I asked.

“Do you know how boring this school is? Of course I’m not going to stay the whole day! What a waste of life,” he said.

“If you’re going, please take me with you!” I begged

 “Of course not, you’re too annoying Mia!” he replied.

Before I had a chance to reply Mr Kim screamed for silence.

“Today, we’re going to hear all the lovely songs that you wrote about each other yesterday. Do we have any volunteers?” he asked.

No one put their hand up to volunteer so Mr Kim scanned the students in the classroom with his eyes and *magically* landed on me. We had a staring contest in which I pleaded him to not choose me and remember my request that no one hears my rap...EVER.

But things never go the way you want them to go because Mr Kim said, “Thank you Mia for volunteering yourself. Everyone give a round of applause for Mia.”

As I stood up Kai grabbed my wrist and said, “Say something nice about me, yeah.”

I shook his hand off and snorted like a pig; as if I would change the rap for him. As I walked to the front of the classroom there were murmurs from all the students; mostly about my choice of fashion and how I was new and blah blah blah.

“Would you like your paper which you wrote the rap on to read off of?” Mr Kim asked.

“No sir. I’ve got this. I know it off by heart as I did write it. This one’s for you Kai” I said then blew him a kiss.

I took a deep breath and began my rap I made eye contact with the whole class but mainly looked at Kai. His facial expressions were hilarious. I added hand gestures which I’m sure screamed out SWAG.

This is how my rap went:

YO, YO, YO it’s Mia YO,

That careless dark brown hair flick,

Treating me like , YO,

You think you’re cool sleeping in class huh?

Well, let me show you!

You’re rude,

Not much a dude,

Pissing out money,

Who you tryna fool honey,

I’ll be there,

Will you care?

No, you’re just a silly boy,

I’m not gonna be your toy,

For abandoning me,

I hope you walk into a tree,

Yo, Word, Peace.

When I finished I curtseyed and the whole class erupted into laughter and cheered for me.

“Thank you, thank you, very much,” I said.

“Sir, can I come up and say a rap?” Kai screamed out.

When he spoke the whole class fell into silence.

“ weren’t here for yesterdays’ lesson so don’t worry about it,” Mr Kim replied.

“No, I insist. I made one up just then for Mia,” he said.

“Okay, if you insist. Mia can you please go and sit back down. Up you come to the front Kai,“ Mr Kim said.

As I walked past Kai to get to my seat, he playfully bumped his shoulder with mine and whispered, “Now, watch the pro.”

Pro...pfft! I can rap better than him in my sleep. All the girls in the class (with the exception of me) were practically drooling over Kai. Seriously girls; close your mouths before flies go in and control those raging hormones. It was as if they’d never seen Kai up close before. He was like a God to them.

Kai started by saying, “This one’s for you, Mia,” then mockingly blew me a kiss, which sent the girl into a frenzy. I put my rude ringer up at Kai in response.

When Kai rapped it was amazing how captivated he had everyone in the room. We were breathing off his every word and hand gesture. Kai really is an attractive boy; there’s no denying that but when he raps he becomes so charismatic and he’s right. He does look like a pro. I probably would have been like the other girls who developed a crush on Kai while watching him rap but when I heard the lyrics of his rap boy oh boy I was offended.

Here’s how his rap went:

Mia, Mia, Mia

Can’t you see huh?

You drive me up the wall

Why do you do that for?

I must admit you make me laugh

But other times you make me want to barf

I’m not your friend

So don’t pretend

Pika chu?

More like Pika ew

Before you came things were nice and silent

Now I just can’t get a moment of quiet

You’re weird as hell

But that’s just you

I hope you drown in a pit of poo

XOXO mwah

When Kai finished everyone stood up and gave him a standing ovation. I didn’t bother standing up because let’s face it he doesn’t deserve my applause. For the rest of the lesson students came up and performed their songs.

When Kai sat next to me he asked, “How was it, breathtaking?”

I chose to ignore him but he turned his chair around to face me and started making funny faces at me to get me to not ignore him.

When I looked at him and we made eye contact we both cracked up laughing.

“Even though you don’t want to be friends with me, aren’t we kind of friends?” I asked.

“No we’re not. But can I ask you something?” he asked.

“Yeah shoot,” I said.

“Why do you want to be my friend?“ he asked.

“You seem like a really sweet person, why wouldn’t I want to be your friend?” I asked.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked.

“You’re Kai, what else is there to know?” I asked.

“No. Do you know who my parents are?” he asked.

“Kai, you haven’t told me who your parents are so why would I know? Where are you going with all these questions?” I asked.

Before he had a chance to reply the bell rang.

He stood up and said, “I won’t be coming back to class today so see you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” I whispered as he was already out of the door before I could respond.

The rest of the day went by quite slowly but I had fashion and design which was really fun. We’re designing formal wear for the opposite so we need to find someone to model our clothes. I was thinking of Kai since he’s kind of the only person I know here so I might ask him tomorrow.

When I got home from school, I layed down on the couch and sighed.

“Baby, what happened?” my dad asked.

“Mum was right. I lost a friend because of my Pikachu costume,” I said.

“Oh who cares about that friend? I’m sure you can make another one beautiful. I’m proud of you for staying true to yourself and not changing for anyone. Now get up because we’re going to take you somewhere,” my dad said.

We passed numerous buildings while my dad was driving his Porsche and I couldn’t help but to feel a sense of familiarity to the route he was driving. When he stopped the car and I got out of the car, I felt so damn stupid. How could I have not guessed that we were coming here?

“Honey, your dad and I have to do some grocery shopping but we’ll come back to pick you up in an hour. Have fun and say hi to my brother for me. Would you?” she asked.

“Of course! I’ll tell him you said hi. Bye guys, I love you both,” I said.

When I could no longer see their car any more, I ran up the stairs faster than a cheater! I stood in front of the receptionist and realised that she is a new receptionist so the chance of her recognising me is fairly low.

I put on the brightest smile that I could muster and said, “Hi! I’m here to see my uncle.”

She looked really taken aback but decided to humour me, “Honey and who may your uncle be?” she asked.

“Lee Sooman,” I replied.

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Bibliophile #1
Chapter 1: Your writing is soo detailed. Very niceee
Chapter 6: OH. MA. GAAH.
and oOoO palpitating? IS IT A SHIRTLESS HOT GUY?! ;DD
Chapter 5: Hahah Sooman is hilarious XD
Update soon~
I wanna see Sehun's face when he sees Mia's kickass dancing >:D
MsTrollolol #4
Chapter 3: I thought they have a school uniform

If we didn't have uniforms, I'd go to school in a pickachu suit!
MsTrollolol #7
Chapter 1: Nice! Hahahaaa. Keep it up ;)