Chapter 2

The Seven Heavenly Virtues (( Apply open for CAMEO ONLY ))

S i m j a n g ' s  P O V

After checking in, Hwannie left us, telling us that he had something important to do. We were assigned to D-15 and we placed everything in the tent.

After all the idols checked in, there were security guards placed around section D, in case any fans tried to cross over the line.

The sun over-head was glaring at all of us idols and we all did nothing, because we didn't want to make ourselves even hotter than we already were.


"Yes, dear maknae?"

"I want to talk to Dongho~"

"Then go talk to him, dear." She pouted at this.

"B-but... I'm going to embarrass myself."

"No, you aren't going to do that, love. I'll go with you."

"Really?" Minnie asked, smiling brightly. "Then we should have Kai unni come with us! You know how she is with Kiseop oppa," she whispered, giggling behind her hand.

She rushed over to Kai and told her what we were going to do and Kai immediately joined us.

"Do you know where they are?"

"I think U-Kiss and Big Bang were sharing the tent D-27."

"Oh," I replied, trying not to show the blush creeping up on my face.

"Don't you have a thing for TOP oppa, unni?" Kai asked. Minnie's eyelashes were waggling.



"Okay, fine. I do."

"You do, what?"

We turned and I nearly screamed my head off.

There, in front of me, was TOP, smiling down us.

"Who is it, hyung?"

"Hmmm? Oh, it's The Virtues."

"Who's there?"

"Simjang and the two maknaes."

He called me Simjang, not the leader. I smiled mentally to myself.



Seungri and Dongho ran out, rushing to us.

"I haven't seen you in forever!"

"You saw me last week, stupid."

Seungri and I hugged each other and I saw TOP frown slightly.

"I missed you!"

"I did too, oppa. Oh, meet my friend here, Minnie. She's the maknae."

Minnie waved at Dongho shyly, a small smile on her lips.

"Oh, hello, Minnie. I'm Dongho. Hey, we're both maknaes, right?"

She nodded and they walked off, talking.

I smiled. My baby is growing up.

"Hey, Simjang, Kai. Come in. We won't do anything. Boy scouts honor."

"You were never a boy scout." TOP and I said at the same time.

I turned my head to him and he gave me a small smile and a nod.

We walked in and the six boys were there, laying on the platforms. Once the other four boys caught sight of us, they sat up and smiled. "Look, it's The Virtues."

I waved at the boys and they waved back, pushing each other and giggling like little kids.

"Can I sit?"

"Sure, here, take my seat." Kevin stood up and motioned for Kai to sit and she did. She was blushing frantically because she was sitting next to Kiseop.

"Oh my gosh. It is hot!" Eli yelled, laying down on the platform again. Kevin sat next to him and did the same, closing his eyes.

Kiseop rolled his eyes, turning to Kai and they started talking.

I stood awkwardly next to TOP who was yawning. He turned to me and gave me a lop-sided grin.

"Hot, isn't it?"

I nodded and yawned once when he did.

"Ya~ Don't yawn. Don't you know that yawning's contagious?"

"Is it?" He yawned again and, once again, I followed suit.


He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"Can't help it. I'm tired and lazy."

"I know what you're talking about."

"Sometimes, I feel like I'm the leader."

"Shut up, hyung. You don't do anything." G Dragon called, laying down and fanning himself. Kevin, Eli and Seungri were doing the same.

TOP rolled his eyes and yawned again. I followed, hitting him lightly on the shoulder.

He mocked hurt and, boy, he was a good actor. And a in' hottie who's available.

It really was hot and tried to think of something that would cool us off. Then, I remembered what Hwannie told us earlier.

"Hey, Kai."


"Didn't Hwannie say something about..."

She gasped. "The swimming pool attraction thingy!"

K a i ' s  P O V

Ohmygosh. Our leader is amazing.

How did she remember that?

We ran out of the tent, leaving the boys confused. We rushed to our dorm to find all of the members minus Minnie in the tent.

I ran out and found Minnie who was talking to Dongho.

"Hey, guys. Can I borrow Minnie?"

"Sure. I'm going to go get food. See you later, Minnie."

I grabbed her hand and ran back to our tent just in time for us to hear the last words of our leader.

"Girls. Get ready to go to the swimming pool thingy."

"But... I can't swim."

"Me too."

"I never said you have to, dears. Get dressed. Work on your tan or something."

We all got our swimming suits and rushed to the mobile dressing room, changing out of our clothes frantically.

We all looked at our swimming suits and nodded.

"Whoa. Hana and Ana have, like, the same swimming suit." ( A/N: This was NOT my intention. :P )

Mika's swimming suit. (

Eliza's swimming suit. (

My swimming suit. (

Simjang's swimming suit. (

Ana's swimming suit. (

Minnie's swimming suit. (http:///display_pic_with_logo/213187/213187,1270042317,1/stock-photo-pink-swimsuit-49970860.jpg)

Hana's swimming suit. (

We grabbed our bags and walked out of the dressing room. Our rivals, mine are the es Min Ah and Jihae, stared at us, scoffing.

"Why are you Virtues dressed up?"

I turned and saw Kiseop.

"Should I tell him, umma?"


She wasn't paying attention to me but to her cell phone. I took that as a 'yes.'

"Okay, well, our driver came here before and gave us a summary of the place. There's a swimming pool thingy towards the west of us. And, since it's hot, we decided to go."

"Oh, . I am so there."

I laughed and he chuckled.

"I'll tell the others in our dorms and some of the other guys."

"Okay, just don't tell any of the girls. Some of them we'll text to come. Others can stay here and burn to death."



"Okay, later, Kai."


Swimming pool thingy. Here. We. Come.

Ahahaha. That .

Sorry for the slow update.

I hate school.

It's discusting and prevents me from uploading. :P

Anyhoo. Comments are loved. :)

Once again, sorry for the slow update. > <

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Update soon D:
I read this first.. And I hope you didn't put the same thing on the other one cause I'm gonna cry TT^TT<br />
*goes to check*<br />
Oh NO~~ You DID! O.o<br />
And I was so excited about the update xD<br />
Good luck on finding your co-author *wink*<br />
I was like "ooh! Update!" but its not xD love this story though~
I am sooo pissed off right now. D:<<br />
I saved a draft and now it's all deleted! <br />
Unni! Hai! Nice fanfic(: but lay off the cussing. Its burning my poor eyes. Good Job! SUBSCRIBE TO MY FANFIC BEFORE I BITE YOU! Love you~ :D
kalleninlove #6
LoLz~~ i keep making out with my pillow and keep calling the thing the swimming pool thingy!? LoLz!<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update! Update soon :)<br />
<br />
@SimJangSsi: Haha. (:<br />
Yawning. I always yawn where I hear that word. D:<<br />
Burn, baby, burn. >:D