Chapter 1

The Seven Heavenly Virtues (( Apply open for CAMEO ONLY ))

N o  o n e ' s  P O V


"Okay, guys! It's time to wake up! It's ten in the morning. Wakey wakey!"

Moans and groans were replied with the manager oppa.

"Seriously, guys. Or I'll you all!"

"Anything but that!" "Ewww... ERT!" "I'm awake! I'm awake!" A small thump was heard. "Oh, hell no. Don't you dare touch me, erted ." "You better not." "We don't have a schedule, though." "I'm making out with my pillow. Don't disturb us."

"Please, guys. Today is an important day. Gather in the living room in ten minutes."

"Come on, kids. Because he asked us nicely."

"Ughhh." "Nooo~" "You disturbed me and my making out time, oppa!"

Ten minutes later, the seven girls were sitting or laying down in the living room, watching their manager oppa warily.

"Okay, spill the beans, oppa."

"Okay, well... The company thought that you guys were doing extremely well and that they were over working you guys, so we all get a vacation!"

"Woo!" "Booyah!" "Yay!" The three youngest girls cheered, holding each others hands. They were jumping up and down in a circle. "Vacation~" They sang, not stopping their jumping.

"Hana, Kai, Minnie. Stop jumping." "Yes, Eliza unni." They stopped jumping but grinned at their leader, Simjang, who just rolled her eyes in return.

Simjang turned to the manager. "Okay, we have a vacation. When do we start packing?"

"Right now. You'll be going to Namji Camp. You'll be staying there for three days, two nights. You guys have three hours to get ready."

"Isn't that where they filmed that one Running Man episode with Dae-sung and Yong-hwa oppa?"

"Yes, it is. Now, go! two hours, fifty-nine minutes and counting. DON'T FORGET YOUR SWIMMING SUITS!"

The girls ran to their rooms, taking out bags and stuffing them full with essentials needs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Three hours are up. Did you guys get everything you need?"

"Yup." "You want to check?" "Why do you think I'm standing here, waiting?"

"Okay, okay. Let's go!"

The girls followed him out, Simjang closing the door behind them. After hearing the digital door lock lock, she nodded and walked to the elevator where her members were waiting for her.

They went down to the lobby, hearing the elevator ding before opening. They walked out the front doors and into a black van waiting for them.

"Okay, kids. Have fun there!"

"Your not going?"

"No, I have work to do."

"Thank the heavens." "Teehee." "Good, now I can make out with my pillow as much as I want."

"Hey! That's really hurtful, guys."

"Ummm... That's kinda the point?"

"Whatever. I promise, one day I will you all." He gave a deep, scary laugh before closing the door on them. "Take them away, driver."

The girls all waved to their manager until he went inside and was out of sight. They sat, sighing.

"So, do you think we'll be the only idols there? It'd be, like, so embarrasing if we were," Mika- the third oldest- asked, looking at the other members.

"I'm not sure, actually. Oppa didn't give us much information," replied Eliza, the second oldest.

"Ugh. That good-for-nothing erted ," commented Simjang, the oldest and the Seven Heavenly Virtues' leader.

"Maybe it's a surprise, or something?" Ana- the one in the middle- commented, not looking up from her phone.

"What if he, like, was kidding?" The maknae, Minnie, asked, looking at her unni's.

"He better not have. I want, no, scratch that, need a vacation," the third youngest said.

"I agree with Hana unni. We've been working our arses off since we debuted," Kai- the second youngest- muttered, trying to 'make-out' with her pillow, again. Well, she was just trying to sleep on it.

"Well, whatever. Let's just relax, girls. That's what vacations are for, relaxing. And, boy, do we need to relax. Oh, and hope no one who we hate is there- if there are idols, okay?"

"Okay umma~" The girls chorused, nodding at their leader. Simjang checked the time on her phone. 12:17 p.m. We have time to rest.

"Driver oppa, can you put in a random CD we can sleep to?"

"You got it, Simjang."

The girls got comfortable in their seats, closing their eyes. Soon, Yiruma's Moonlight was heared around the van. The song quickly lulled the girls to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Simjang, hey, Simjang."


"We're almost there, kiddo."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, driver oppa."

He smiled at Simjang. "Just call me Hwannie."


"Short for Hwan Min."

"Oh. Thank you, Hwannie oppa."

"No problem, Simjang."

She roused the other members up, telling them to get ready to leave.

"Okay, your manager left some stuff for you guys."

"Eh? No way. Jay oppa did?" Mika asked, rubbing her eye. (( A/N: No, not Park Jaebum. D; ))

"Yeah. He said something about... Ah, he told me not to tell you guys."

"Oh, come on, oppa. Tell us," Ana whined, aegyo dripping freely from her words.

"Nope, sorry Ana-sshi."

She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, looking down at her lap. My aegyo didn't work on him!

"Don't worry about your aegyo not working on me, Ana-sshi. I'm used aegyo." What the heck? Did he read my mind?

"Oh, and if you think I'm a mind reader, I'm not. It's just that girls always do that after their aegyo not working on me." What a liar. You are a mind reader.

"Are you still thinking I'm a mind reader? Do you think I'm lying?" Yes.

"I'll take your silence as a 'yes,' then." You are a mind reader!

"Oppa, please tell us this 'secret.'"

"Sorry, kiddos. My lips are sealed on that subject. Oh! Here we are, Namji Camp."

The girls stared as Hwannie parked the car and helped them out.

"Okay, let's see... There's a baseball field and a swimming pool attraction thing on the west. You can also rent a bicycle. If you go farther, there's another swimming pool attraction place, but its far to walk and too short  to drive, so I won't drive you. Your tents are on the east, D section. They're the biggest ones. Ummm... You can buy food, barbeque and take showers. The Han River is behind the camp and the World Cup Stadium is 2 kilometers from here."

"What the hell. How do you know all that?" Minnie asked, looking up from playing with Kai's hair.

"I came here before."

"Oh... Well... Carry on."

"Ah, right. Food is in the trunk, if you guys want barbeque. Also, when we get in, to the right there will be a convenience store. If you want anything that we don't have, buy it from there. Don't buy alcohol or cigarettes. The whole D section is for idols only, so you guys aren't the only ones here on vacation."

"Well, my question just got answered." Mika absently said, hugging Minnie.

"I'll go get us checked in. You guys wait here."


Other black vans popped up next to theirs, dropping off random males and females from different groups.

Two from Black and White: Namine and Sharona. Six from Super Junior: Eunhyuk, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Ryeowook and Heechul. Four from SNSD: Jessica, Sunny, Taeyeon and Seohyun. Three from SHINee: Taemin, Key, and Jonghyun. Two from Miss A: Suzy and Jia. Four from Infinite: L, Dongwoo, Woohyun and Hoya. Two from 4 Minute: Sohyun and Jiyoon. Four from U-Kiss: Dongho, Kevin, Eli and Kiseop. Three from 2NE1: CL, Dara and Bom. Four from B2ST: Junhyung, Gi Kwang, Hyun Seung and Yoseob. Two from Girl's Day: Jihae and Min Ah. Three from Big Bang: T.O.P, G Dragon and Seungri. Two from f(x): Krystal and Sulli. Three from Teen Top: Niel, Changjo, Ricky, and L. Joe. Four from Paradise: Sachiko, HyeRim, Sarah and Nanie.

"Well... This is going to be an interesting vacation. And, guess what? It's only three p.m." Simjang commented, watching Hwannie walk toward them.


T h e    S e v e n    H e a v e n l y    V i r t u e s

Sorry for the agonizingly boring chapter. I didn't know what else to write, okay? X3

And, last night, I slept at five in the morning.

I'm amazed I'm even awake.

I'm even more amazed that I even wrote a chapter.

So, thank me. D:<

Nah, I'm kidding. :3

I can't update everyday, but I'll try to update as fast as I can.

Thanks for reading.

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Update soon D:
I read this first.. And I hope you didn't put the same thing on the other one cause I'm gonna cry TT^TT<br />
*goes to check*<br />
Oh NO~~ You DID! O.o<br />
And I was so excited about the update xD<br />
Good luck on finding your co-author *wink*<br />
I was like "ooh! Update!" but its not xD love this story though~
I am sooo pissed off right now. D:<<br />
I saved a draft and now it's all deleted! <br />
Unni! Hai! Nice fanfic(: but lay off the cussing. Its burning my poor eyes. Good Job! SUBSCRIBE TO MY FANFIC BEFORE I BITE YOU! Love you~ :D
kalleninlove #6
LoLz~~ i keep making out with my pillow and keep calling the thing the swimming pool thingy!? LoLz!<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update! Update soon :)<br />
<br />
@SimJangSsi: Haha. (:<br />
Yawning. I always yawn where I hear that word. D:<<br />
Burn, baby, burn. >:D