Chapter 2

A shy Jong In or a y Kai

Before you knew it he was on one knee! You glanced at the tree wondering if it worked so quickly. You looked back down only to see him tying his shoe. Perhaps th three wasn't that strong...


When he got up he grabbed a piece of paper as well. He scribbled his wish: Give me the courage to do what needs to be done.


When you both placed them on the tree he grabbed your hand and led you out of the garden. His driver was waiting for him and you both got in the car. He was silent the entire drive home and when you talked to him he acknowledged it with a nod or "hmm"


The car stopped in front of your apartment building and you gave Kai a good bye kiss. His soft plump lips were always so sweet. You walked up the stairs thinking about your time dating Kai. You met him when you were running an errand as an SM Intern.  


You were rushing because the barrista took forever with the latte you had for your boss and your boss was already in a bod mood that day. Being you, the day just had to get worse when you saw that the elevators weren't working and you ran up 4 flights of stairs. When you reached the fourth floor you didn't see Kai turning the corner and ran right into him. The hot drink spilled all over your exposed arm and the burning sensation was intense. You cried out and clutched your arm with a death grip. Kai quickly scrambled up to check if you were alright. He picked you up bridal style and rushed you to the infirmary where the he and the nurse treated the not so serious burn. He must have apologized over 100 times. He walked you to your office and stood next to you as you approached and apologized to your superior. Your boss imediately started to scold you and just as she was about to smack you with the papers in her hand Kai stepped in and took the hit. You boss was surprised and quickly took a step back.


Kai bowed at a perfect 90 degree angle and apologized for being the cause of your tardiness. He asked that she not take it out on you and that any punishment should be given to him.


You boss shook her head quickly and said you could take the day off to treat your wound and rest. You stood there in shock and quickly bowed and walked out with Kai leading you by then hand.


It was there that you realized you would like him, and later fall in love with him. Your first kiss was perfect as it happened in that very garden on a summer's day with the pink setting sun. You reached your apartment and plopped down on your bed. You kicked your shoes off and got ready for bed. You curled yourself up in the blanket and went to sleep anticipating tomorrow's concert.





You woke up and got dressed for the show. You went to the concert arena and began to set up for the show. It was a full day's process to set up a concert.


When the show was a few hours from starting you saw all of the Exo members come in through the back. They all greeted you kindly as they knew who you were. You waited for Kai to come in but when he did he only nodded towards you. His face was pale and he looked extremely nervous. You were scared that something was wrong but you had to go back to work.


The show was finally going to begin and you watched from the side to make sure everything was on cue. The boys began to perform and just as they were going to have the interlude you saw Kai take a microphone from the left wing. You questioned what that was about because you didn't have anything planned with him for this interlude. You looked over the concert schedule and saw nothing written for the time slot.


"HOW'S EVERYONE DOING TONIGHT?!" Kai screamed into the mic. He looked like his confident and y stage self. He lived off of the crowds energy. When the crowd died down a little he continued speaking. "I'm Kai from Exo K and I have a surprise for everyone!" More screams from the fans followed. "I would like to invite a special someone on stage with me!"


Your eyes bulged out of your head and you considered killing him. What was he thinking bringing up a fan without permission. You saw the entire stadium of fan girls go crazy.


"Will ___________ come on stage with me please?!" He smiled and turned to look at the right wing where you were standing. You choked on your gum and began to cough. What was he thinking??


You spit out your gum and left the clipboard of concert info with your partner. You walked onto the stage slowly and hesitantly. You were confused and worried about what he would do. When you got to the center of the stage you were worried about some of the angry fan girls. Your relationship with Kai was known at this point. SM allowed you to publicize it after Kai got his waist injury and you were constantly there to take care of him. He saw that your relationship was pretty serious. You looked at him with wondering eyes. He smirked at your reaction. A smirk he only gets when he's being y kai on stage. He walked closer to you and held the mic to his mouth. "Everyone, this is __________. She's been my girlfriend for 11 months now and i have a question to ask her."


Many fans began to scream and screech at his words. Some were excited for their oppa's act while others were furious. Kai got down on one knee as you had seen him do at the park. Your eyes followed his hands as he reached in his pocket to get something. He pulled out a small velvet box and you nearly fainted from the sight of it. You could hear your heart beating loudly in your chest and nearly died from the excitement happening in you.


He opened the box to reveal a beautifully made and simply cut diamond ring. He smiled up at you," _____________, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife. Will you spend the rest of your life dealing with a shy and awkward man who's too scared to propose when he plans it at fully decorated and rented out park?"


So that was why the park was empty. The thought crossed your mind as you processed what was just said. You quickly regained your senses and began to nod furiously. "Yes! Kim Jong In, of course i will marry you!" You smiled and covered your face with your hands. His smiled widened intensely as he stood up and quickly kissed you.


You were shocked as the confident and bold Kai never kissed you. You only kissed the shy and sweet Kai. His lips pressed firmly against you and when he pulled away you couldn't breathe. You couldn't even hear the crazy amount of screaming going on around you. Kim Jong In just proposed and kissed you infront of all of his fans. The two of you bowed to the audience and rushed off stage.


"You realize that you just lost some fans right?" You asked him as he held your hands.


"Yeah... but i gained a fiance... i think it's a fair trade." He grinned at you as he gave you another kiss. "So?"


"So what?" You looked at him puzzled.


"Who did you like better?"


"Between who??"


"Shy Jong In or y Kai? Which one do you like better?"


"Hmmm... I like all of Jong In best. Because he's shy and y and full of surprises. And it's both the shyness and the iness that i love." You gave him a kiss this time and he wrapped his arms around you.


"__________ I love you." He held you close and you wrapped your arms around his neck.


"I love you to, my perfect man/boy." He flicked your forehead and you giggled as you pecked his cheek and pushed him on stage again to resume the show.



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EXOing #1
Chapter 2: HE'S SHYY!! XD
fida0704 #2
Chapter 2: omg, if my bias proposed to a girl he likes, i would literally die on the spot. haha. anyways, nice fiction you got there authornim!
Chapter 1: Your writing style seems to have improved here, and I can see that you really put a lot of effort into it ^^ And the story-line is extremely sweet! Shy Kai is my favorite, he's such a darling when he's being his usual sensitive self. Good job!
EXOing #4
EXO!! Happy already!