
To See the Light Again

Krystal took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. She waited patient and after a few seconds, the door opened. An old lady welcomed her and let her enter the house. The old lady offered her a drink, which Krystal immediately accepted. She was thirsty. It wasn't her fault.

"Going out now?" the old lady asked, a hint of playfulness evident in her tone.

Krystal gave her a smile and shook her head. "No. We're just friends, Mrs. Kim."

The lady nodded. "I understand. It's not really ideal to date a blind guy."

Her words made Krystal frown. She doesn't want to talk about her best friend's condition, especially not with his mom. "It's not a problem, though," she said, lowering her head.

"You're making me feel that you like my son."

Krystal kept her head down. "He's my best friend."

Mrs. Kim patted her back. "Sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it."

"It's okay," then she looked up at her. "Where is Kai, by the way?"

"He'll be here in a minute. He's just doing some important things," then the old lady stood up. "I still need to do some things. Mind waiting here alone?"

"I'm okay," Krystal said and smiled.

"Okay. Just wait for him here," then she entered the house's kitchen.

Krystal sighed and bit her lower lip. It's been 10 years since she became friends with Kai. And it's been eight years since he started suffering. She witnessed how his life became miserable after his sense of sight left him. Of course, she's also hurt. She once wished of giving her own sight just for her best friend's sake. For her, Kai is a very kind and intelligent person who doesn't deserve being blind. If possible, she's willing to sacrifice everything for him.


Krystal snapped out of her trance and saw Kai carefully descending the stairs. She stood up and approached him. "I'm here."

Kai smiled. "You're pretty early."

"It's better than being late. Let's go?"

"Okay," then he held his hand out, waiting for Krystal to grab it.

"Tch. What a gentleman," she said and took his hand.

Walking at the park is already a weekly routine for them. Every Saturday, they always go out for a stroll, not really caring about their homework and anything school-related. Their most visited spot is the park's swings. It was stupid for some young adults to still play, but that's the only way for them to free themselves from stress.

Krystal helped Kai sit down on one of the swings. "Finally, it's Saturday," then she sat on the swing beside Kai's. "Good thing there are no homeworks."

"Yeah, right," Kai agreed. "We're finally free from school works."

"A few months more and we're going to graduate," then she smiled. "I'm excited."

"Planning on entering a university?" he asked, sounding a bit sad.

"No. I guess I'll just help dad on running the restaurant," then she looked at her friend. "You?"

He hesitated for a moment and shrugged. "I don't know. I wanted to, but because of my current condition, it's pretty impossible."

Krystal frowned and looked away. "Do you... really want to?"

Kai sighed and started swing himself back and forth. "Remember what I told you before? I still have that dream of being a doctor. I know it's been a long time since I got blind, but I just can't give up on that dream. I'll wait patiently for an eye donor and reach for that dream."

A tear escaped from her eye. She immediately wiped it away, as if Kai would catch her crying. "That's right. Don't give up. That donor... will soon come."

"Yeah, I hope so," then Kai smiled weakly. "Don't worry about it that much, though. You don't have to burden yourself."

"S-Sure," she answered. She took a deep breath and looked up at her best friend. "Kai."

"Jongin," he reminded. For some reasons, he doesn't like her calling him by his nickname. "What is it?"

"... Should I... give you my own-"

"No," Kai interrupted her. "You'll never do that."

"But you need to see in order to enter college and reach your-"

"You won't do such stupid thing, Soojung. Promise me that."

Tears started falling down her cheeks. She sobbed quietly and wiped her tears away. "Why won't you let me do it? You're better than me. You deserve having it than me. I'm just a useless girl, good for nothing. I don't need-"

"Stop it. Don't say such things about yourself."

Krystal looked down at her sweaty hands, trying to stop more tears to flow. "I'm sorry," she apologized not because of looking down at herself, but for breaking a promise. Of course, she won't tell him her plan. She just can't tell him.

"I want some ice cream," he blurted out and carefully stood up. "Let's go?"



Krystal put the letter on her study table. She took a few deep breaths, calming herself down. It's been two weeks since she last visited Kai's house. She can't believe she actually managed to avoid him for two long weeks. But she has no choice. It's better that way.

She slowly climbed the stairs and arrived at her house's rooftop. She stepped closer to the edge, letting herself see the view below her. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling the cold wind hitting her face. She was ready. She was more than ready. She has prepared all the things that should be prepared, and she has readied herself for her plan's execution. She looked at her watch and nodded.

"It's time."

Krystal went out of her house and walked towards her car. She went in and started the engine. Without bothering to put on her seatbelt, she drove off.



"Kai! Come out!" Mrs. Kim called out.

Kai stood up and carefully made his way down to the living room. "What is it, mom?"

"The doctor called a while ago. He said that they already have an eye donor. He called to say that the surgery should be done soon."

Happiness swept across his features. "R-Really?" then he hugged his mom. "Finally! I'll be able to see again!"

"I'm so happy, my son. I'm really happy."

As said by the doctor, they immediately went on with the surgery. Fortunately, it was a success and Kai was able to see the world again. He immediately looked at himself at the mirror and smiled widely. That's when he realized something, causing his smile to vanish. He looked for his phone and dialed his friend's number. But no one answered. Suddenly, his heart started beating fast and he felt restless. His heart felt heavy and his breathing became abnormal.

"No. It can't be," then Kai ran off towards Krystal's house.

And there, he met her parents. Their puffy eyes welcomed him, sadness was clearly painted on them. Kai froze, as if someone splashed cold water on his face. His legs trembled, suddenly feeling weak. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards Krystal's parents.

"W-What happened?" he asked, trying to compose himself.

Krystal's mom wasn't able to hold back her tears. "Krystal... She's gone."

Without saying any words, Kai ran towards Krystal's room. He kicked the door opened and looked for Krystal. He started calling out for her, searching all corner of the room. After a few minutes of a useless search, he fell onto the floor. Tears flowed down his cheeks, wetting his shirt. He cried hard, punching the floor and blaming himself. Then a wind blew inside the room, making the letter fell right in front of Kai. Hesitating, he grabbed the letter and started reading it,

Dear Kai,

I'm sorry. I know you don't want me to do this, but I've made up my mind. I've always been a burden to people around me. You may not tell it, but I know you're also burdened just by being my best friend. I'm a useless person. That's why I'm happy for having you - someone you accepted me for who I am. I know I haven't told you this before, but I want to thank you for being a friend. You're the most important person in my life. Don't forget that.

Sorry for breaking my promise. Well, I never really promised that I won't do this. But still, sorry for leaving you all of a sudden. Seeing you suffer makes me really sad. It hurts me like hell. You deserve a better life, Kai. So don't blame yourself.

I understand if you're going to hate me. I know you've been kind to me and yet, this is how I'll repay you. I won't expect you to understand me, either. What I did was stupid. But remember, I did it to help you.

Now, you don't have to worry. You'll be able to enter college and be a doctor. I'll still watch you and cheer for you. Whenever you're down, remember that I'll always be by your side. You might not see me again, but I'll never keep my eyes off of you. You have it, right? :) Take good care of them

That's it. I wrote long enough. There are still lots of things I wanted to tell you, but I guess I'll just tell them next time. 


- Krystal

P.S. Sorry if I wasn't able to say this. I love you, Jongin. Take care of yourself.

After reading the letter, Kai lowered his head and cried silently. He brought the letter closer to his chest and closed his eyes.

"I'll take care of your eyes, Soojung," he whispered. "I love you, too."


it's rushed. i know. T___________T sorry if i wasn't able to mention some things and might have confused you. again, it's rushed. :p

so, comments, guys? it's been a while since i last wrote an angst fic. :) tell me what you think of it, okay? :)

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winterapril #1
Chapter 1: So sad....
Chapter 1: Why did she died? They should have go out together
fxwhuut #3
Chapter 1: awwwww i teared up ;~;
that was so good yet so heartbreaking</3
i hope you're gonna win the contest:)
--ohreos #4
the story sounds interesting c:
please update soon o u o;
another story from you yey ! =))) looking forward to it .