Be Mine?

Be Mine?

  A/n Picture is not mine~ Credit as tagged ( I believe the water mark says "Brisk")


      Himchan watched as you doodled quietly in your notebook. He loved how before every class, instead of wandering the halls, or talking to your friends, you would be sitting at your desk. Some of the time he would catch you humming along, to whatever you were listening to on your iPod. Other times you would be doodling little pictures on your homework, with a small smile playing on your lips.

     Mostly, you would just stare out of the open window beside your desk. Your bright eyes would always sparkle at the sight of what was beyond the dirty, semi-white walls of the school. When the wind would blow strands of your hair around your face. Some sticking to some of the fresh lip gloss you applied not to long before. He wanted nothing more then to kiss those lips, but he couldn't do that you only saw him as the goofy seat mate.

     "Will you just ask her already! You have been staring at her for the last fifteen minutes, and your drooling!" Daehyun said flicking Himchan between the eyes taking him from his day dreaming.

     "Be quiet," he said jumping up to cover his friends mouth, "She might hear you!"

     "Wouldn't that be the point," Zelo said sitting in his seat "You have been crushing on her forever. What would it hurt if you asked her out on a date"

     "It wouldn't hurt, but what if she says no. I sit by her every day, that would be so awkward!" he said putting his face in his hands.

     "Don't worry man we'll help you out." Daehyun said patting Himchan on the back.

     Himchan looked up at his friends with a look of disbelief. were they really going to help him, or was this some kind of revenge for the prank he pulled last week. At this point he didn't care he just wanted you to be his.

     "Ok, What do I have to do first," Himchan said smiling at the thought.


Present day

     You liked being alone, but sometimes you wish your friends had the same free period as you. As you walked into the empty library, you greeted the librarian, and headed to your usual spot near the back. You set with your back up against a shelf of books.

maybe I should review my notes

     Pulling out your notebook, and flipping through the pages, you realized that you doodled more then you actually took notes today. Flowers and leaves covered one page, random characters of your imagination on the next, ending with a simple sketch of your silly seat mate. Sure you felt like a creep, but he was perfect. You loved everything about him. From his slim nose, and pouty lips to his dyed, blonde hair. Oh, and you could never forget about those captivating eyes, that gave you chills every time he looked at you. Plus, he was one of the sweetest and funniest guys in the world. He rarely talked to you but when he did it always made you smile and giggle.

     You shut your notebook as you heard someone passing by where you sat. Looking up right into those beautiful eyes that had your heart beating faster.

      "What are you doing sitting on the floor?" he asked staring down at you with that goofy smile.

     "Waiting for the period to end. What about you?"

     "Well I just wanted to as..." before he could finish he ended up knocking books of the shelf behind you. One hitting you on the top of the head. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel good either. You looked up to him, with a pout on your lips, while rubbing your head.

     "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do that! Are you ok? Of course your not ok, I basically just hit you with books," he said messing up his hair in frustration.

     "It's ok! I'm fine," you said getting up "see?" You dusted yourself off and smiled at him

     "Now what did you want to ask me?"

     "Oh, ummm.... I wanted to know if.."  he was cut short again by the bell, telling you it was the end of the period.

     "oops, I got to go maybe you could ask me after next period?"

     "Sure."  he said smiling.


     "You did WHAT?" Daehyun asked " We told you to walk up to her and ask her to lunch Saturday, and you drop books on her head?!"

     "It wasn't my fault! I was trying to look cool, but when I leaned up against the bookcase ... Well you know what happened," he said watching Daehyun rub the sides of his head "Besides I'm going to ask her next period"



     Sitting at your seat in the front, you wondered what Himchan wanted to ask you back in the library. You were so deep in thought you didn't even notice Himchan sit down beside you.

     He didn't want to bother you, but when he caught Daehyun watching him. He knew he should ask now.

     "______," he said poking your shoulder

     "yes?" you replied jumping a little

     "um.. I was just wondering if I.. a Could borrow your notes from last class?" he asked quickly

     "Oh.. Sure," you said passing him your notebook "I didn't take very good notes last class though"

     "That's ok. I don't mind" he said taking the book from your hands.



     Himchan opened the notebook and smiled at all of the little drawings that surrounded your few notes. Page after page he could feel the smile forming on his lips. Until he made it to one of the last pages, It was a perfect sketch of himself. With the caption (_______ + Himchan) written with tiny hearts around it. He quickly looked up to see all of your attention focused on the teacher. He quickly wrote something beside the picture, and passed it back to you.

     "All of your drawing are really cute, but my favorite was the last one," he whispered so the teacher wouldn't hear.

     You looked at him in confusion, but soon realized what he was talking about. You quickly opened to that page to find he had written something beside the picture. Before you could read it the teacher stopped talking, and picked it up.

     "Hmmm... These sure don't look like notes to me," she said looking over the page "maybe the class would like to know what was so important.

     "_______, I've liked you for a long time now. Your sweet, beautiful, and you make me nervous. I tried asking you out a few times, afraid you would say no.~ But after seeing this... I want to know will you be mine?" She couldn't help but say awww after.

     "Finally!" Daehyun and Zelo yelled for the back of the room.

     "So? What's your answer?" he asked

     "Yes" The entire class, even the teacher, clapped and cheered.

     Class went back to normal, and your notebook was returned. Thankfully the teacher was kind enough not to give you both detention for "passing notes in class." Now you didn't sit alone, you had your boyfriend, and his friends. After school, Himchan walked you home, with his fingers laced with yours. Both of you knowing this would go way beyond the High School crush stage.

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ZakhirahMeyh #1
Chapter 1: the teacher... HAHAHAHA! XD
Chapter 1: My ideal type of relationship and himchan is everything but also my ideal type! I❤it
MitsuKyuYamazaki #3
Chapter 1: Aawww himchan is so cute XD
Good job author-nim~
Chapter 1: awwwww > < this is supa dupa cute !!!
Chapter 1: lol. the teacher helped. hahaha
Chapter 1: Awwww~~ so cute<3
Chapter 1: i actually went lol over awww at the last paragraph... but its still cute :3
Chapter 1: Awwh cute himchan cx
I felt my cheeks warmer lmao xD
Love it~
Chapter 1: asjhdasfgaskj all my fluffeh feels aww a shy himchan is so cute cx
Mittaa #10
Chapter 1: Awwww~ so cute ><