The Secret

Who is the Baby?

Since long, Suho knew he had two moms, Seohyun told him and showed him her picture.  She told him that he had a mom who gave birth of him and a mom who raised him, the last one was Seohyun.  Although Seohyun told Suho about it, she never told Kyuhyun.  However Kyuhyun managed to know about.

After their marriage, when they did it, Kyuhyun knew that Seohyun was still .  She wasn’t tainted.  It confused him a bit, why Seohyun should take Suho into her life and made her lost the warmth of her family.  But Kyuhyun had a theory and he had to test his theory by a DNA test.  Secretly he requested a DNA test of him and Suho, the result showed their DNA matched 99.99%.  Suho was his biological son.  There’s only one possibility who’s the mom. But how did Seohyun know?


-8 years ago-

Kangin threw a graduation party in which Kyuhyun was invited.  It was a really small party in his apartment.  He invited several friends and provided alcohols for them.  It was happened after Seohyun was sent to study at Japan, so Kyuhyun came alone to the party.

He was introduced to Yoona, Kangin’s hoobae and Seohyun’s bestfriend since elementary school.  He never met her before because Seohyun also haven’t met her for a long time.  That night Kyuhyun got drunk and, Yoona, who was underage, also got drunk.  Almost everyone at the party got drunk.

Kyuhyun was talking about Seohyun with Yoona when his conscious left him.  When he woke up the next morning, he has just a blur memory about last night.  He woke up on Kangin’s bed, , but he found no one beside him.  So, he concluded he was just subconsciously climbed onto the bed and felt like home so he opened all his clothes.  He didn’t know that Yoona had woken up earlier and realized what had happened and left him alone.  She felt she had betrayed her bestfriend, so she decided not to let Kyuhyun know about it.

About month later, Yoona found out that she was pregnant.  She cried, she was an orphan, she had no one to lean on.  She decided to go to Japan and talked to Seohyun.  She told Seohyun that she was carrying Kyuhyun’s child, it made Seohyun furious but Yoona assured Seohyun that it was really an accident, even Kyuhyun didn’t know it was happened – or she hoped so.

Yoona didn’t know what to do, she was 16 and pregnant, what she supposed to do.  Yoona told Seohyun her plan to put the baby in her old orphanage since she didn’t want Kyuhyun to know, left alone about asking for his responsibility.  But then Seohyun begged her to let her be the child’s mom, since she loved Kyuhyun that much, she couldn’t bear losing him.  Yoona thought it was better idea since the child would be able to feel parents’ care.  Although it wasn’t from her.

Seohyun suggested going back to Korea and stayed in Yoona’s old orphanage in Incheon until Yoona gave birth, Yoona agreed.  People in the orphanage agreed to help after hearing Yoona’s pleading.

When Yoona saw Kyuhyun’s willingness to take care of her child, she decided to disappear from their life.  It was how this story began.


Suho never mentioned about his other mom to Kyuhyun.  To Kyuhyun surprised, the very first day they met Yoona at school, Suho innocently told him that Yoona was his mom who gave birth of him, as Seohyun told Suho.  Kyuhyun smiled and told Suho that it was true, Yoona was the one who gave birth of him but it didn’t mean he could simply called Yoona mom unless Yoona agreed with him to do so.

Since that day, they agreed not to talk about this matter again, it was their little secret, although they didn’t know before they already share the secret.  But today, Suho brought up about this matter again.

“Dad, why do I have two moms?” Suho asked.

“Because your dad messes up,” Kyuhyun gave him a faint smile.

“Dad, you know that I love you right?” Suho asked again.


“and I’m sorry if I messed up your life,” Suho said.

“Don’t say it.  You’re the best thing I ever had.  You never messed up my life,” Kyuhyun said calmly.

“Then don’t say that you messed up either,” Suho smiled.

Kyuhyun was amused by the wittiness of his son, “okay,” he smiled.

Kyuhyun dropped Suho at their house and continues to go to his work.


When Suho went to school again, to his dismay he found out that Yoona had left.  Once again, his mom left him.


Hoho.. I've answered your questions in this chapter..
Does the story even make sense?
well, whatever, since it’s a fiction anyway.. *smirk*
how is it?  Please drop your comment and let me know.. *put on shades*

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Chapter 11: Please update
Angel_219 #2
Chapter 1: Please please update! =)
deerburning19 #3
Chapter 11: update please :)
lovestory123 #4
Chapter 11: please update! thanks~~
Pinkaholic_yoona #5
update please...
pijapinky #6
Chapter 11: authornim..update soon plez..!! i love your story..hope you can keep updating..
Chapter 11: please update soon... unnie^^
nhinia #8
Chapter 11: please update soon//...
Chapter 11: oh! elji, i missed you chingu! thanks for this update.

i'm so excited for the next chap. yey! amusement park. i hope kyu would go with them. update soon elji^^
JQ0808 #10
Chapter 11: Can't wait for ur update!!!!! Do update soon!!!!! XD