Save me


-She is mine!

Those simple words made my heart burst with happiness and hope.It may sound stupid or childish but not when it comes to Top.I was being clamed by the strongest man that ever passed our territory and even if I was afraid of this air bender,I knew that my king will protect me.I was being cared for…and that was all that mattered at this moment.

-This pretty little thing is yours?the stranger asked quite surprised.I never knew you had someone!But I must admit I am jealous of you!he said while looking intently at me.She is a looker!Care to introduce us dear cousin?

-I do not want to do such a thing!And if I were you I would keep my distance from her!She is off  limits Seven!Top said while glaring at this man that proved to be none other than the infamous Seven.He is said to be one of the strongest air benders that exist on our land.And he is Seunghyun's long lost cousin.But why was he here?And why did I feel that it was a matter of life or death?

-Arasso!Seven said while gulping.The glare he received from Top must have scared him.But it surprises me!You were never the man to settle with a woman!What has changed?

-None of your bussines!Seunghyun retorted.Do you not know that curiosity killed the cat?or should I remind you of that?

Even thought the atmosphere was tensed I could feel the bound that these two men shared.Somehow I could sense the apreacition they had for eachother.I knew Seven respected Top,even feared him,but his acts surprised even this strong and said wise air bender.

-You!Top shouted in my direction with a voice that sent shivers down my spine,one that managed to convince you of the problem you were facing.And I was in a very very big problem.

He ordered me  to not leave the room,yet here I was,cournered by a dangerous and powerful man,with no one to help me in case something bad happened.

-Yes my king?i said with my head held down.

-Back to our room!Now!Seunghyun said in a low and demanding voice.And do not think of leaving without my permission!As for you Seven,follow me,we have many things to talk about!Guards!he shouted!

-Yes my lord!?one of the guards came running towards us.

- the lady to our chamber!And make sure she does not leave it while I am gone.If everything happens report to me immediately!Understood?Top asked.

-Yes sire!the now very scared man said while bowing at 90 degrees.

I could not blame him for his fear for I was petriefied by the thought of having to deal with Top myself.I was in a very risky situation,I could feel it.And it was only accentuated by the mistery Seven presented.

The whole day was spent in a rather cloudy and moody atmosphere.I could not focus on nothing,nor rest because my mind was tucked around Top.The power he possessed upon me was far beyond any of my expectations.He slowly penetrated my veins and infected each and everyone of my tissues,he crawled into my heart and there decided to make his home.It was no longer mine.It was his to play with.


But the barrier he himself has risen was starting to break.I was being clamed and protected by our king,the one that everyone said to be incapable of  feeling a single ounce of love or simpahty.My witty little fire managed to wrap itself around a far bigger and deadlier one.

It is indeed true the saying that there is nothing a woman can not accomplish.Magnificient creatures we are.Capable of giving birth and outstanting a high level of pain,there is nothing that can stand in our path when we love someone.We fight till the end and we sacrifice everything for the things we believe in.That is what makes us women.That is what builds strong characters.

I was contemplating the complexity of life while looking trought the  window,and as I stood there lost in my own world,I was startled by a loud and boing sound of the door meeting it’s end.

And sure enough I could see a furious Top making his way towards me.

-What was in your head?He shouted.Did I not said you can not leave this chamber without my permission?

-Miahne!i said while looking directly into his eyes.But I needed to change and I did not think that a simple walk in the palace will turn out this way.I am truly sorry sire!I said almost in tears.

-I told you that it is a dangerous period to venture outside alone.You simply had luck that I happened to cross your path.Imagine if this did not happen.Top said

-I am sorry and I thank you for everything!I was indeed scared of that man.He seemed quite dangerous.I added.

-And he is!Top said.But do not worry,he will not trouble you!MY cousin is a man of his word!

-But why is he visiting Larisium Castle!I asked incapable of suppressing the need to do so.

-He is simply searching for his mate.Seunghyun added.

-His mate?Does that thing realy exist?I asked.I do know about the prophecy that each and everyone of us have a mate,but is it true?

-It is!Top said.

-But why in Larisium?i asked.Why in this castle,in this period of war,when everyone is plotting against everyone?

-Because he  felt that his mate,whomever she is,lives here.Therefor he will keep her save.It is as simple as  that.

-Do fire benders have mates as well?I asked

-Let us not open this discussion!Top said while looking away from me.

I could tell something was strange.He was keeping something from me.This matter was far more interestanting and held more than a couple of secrets.And,as a curious woman that I am,my decision to find the truth was not as surprising as you might think.

-But sire,I am merely curious!i said.I used to read about this mate issue but I never discovered something about us,fire benders.It was as if we did not have this ability,like we were meant to be lonely creatures.

And it was true.Although we control the element that is associated with passion,we rarely settle down.Fire benders are through nature hard to tame.They will not settle with a common and boring life.Danger and adventure are their second name making it difficult to find a husband or a wife willing to accept this.That is why we almost never chose outside of our cast for the other element controlers tend to seek an easy life.Fire required fire so it was only nature taking its course.

-I do not wish to discuss this matter anymore!Seunghyun said while glaring at me.I think I was patient enough with you.Do not make me do something you will regret it.This is not the first time ou disrespect my wishes.I think I should remind you of who is the true king of this castle.

-I am sorry sire,but this subject presents an interest in me.I said while feeling sad because I burdened my king in this period of time.I was being rechless and that did not affect only me,but the man I love as well.

-It is nothing you should worry yourself about.Mates don’t exist for us.We are meant to choose our own destiny.he said.Now what should I do to punish you?Top continued with a rather concentrated look on his beautiful face.Should I make you train twice as hard?he said.No,that will not be a good thing since you will be to tired!...mmm…or should I make you sleep in another room?

So he was taunting me.So be it!Two can play this game!

-Maybe you should sire!I am not worthy of sharing a room with you!i said in a bold and confident voice.That realy surprised him for I can see a flash of uncertainty tainting his face.

-Realy?are you willing to leave my room?Top asked in an stern voice.

-If that is what you wish!I said.I think it will be a wise decision since you seem to be disturbed by my presence.I am keeping you awake and I always pester you.Maybe it is my time to retrait.I continued.

-But the palace is a dangerous place!will you not be scared?

-I know it is not safe to stay alone,but so many women in our kingdom do such a thing everynight.If they can survive,than so can i.Do not worry sire,you can always put guards at my door if you are scared for my safety.I said

-What made you think that I feared for your well-being?I was simply stating some facts.You are in my guard because you are in the process of assessing wether you would make a good queen or not,it is nothing more than that!he said with a calm and expressioness voice that broke my heart.

So all that ruckus with Seven and even the sharing of his bedroom were all because he felt it is his duty to protect me,not because he wanted to.And I was such a stupid woman to consider even for a minut that this could mean something more.I was blinded by my own desire and hope.And here I lay once again betrayed by my own emotions.

-If that is what you think,than surely the best decision is to relocate to my former room.I said in a quiet voice.You should not feel responsible for me.I am just a woman amoung the thousand of this earth.It should not trouble the king.

-You are right!

-Than I shall be leaving!i said while avoiding his stare.I backed away from the window and made my way towards the door.All this time I hoped that he will stop me,that he will say that rage made him blind and that nothing could make him happier than my presence along his side.But this was no regular man,This was top,and he did not do such romantic and useless things.

-Do not waste your guards on me!I can keep myself safe.I said before exiting the room.

I do not remember the way back to my former chamber,nor the persons that greeted me along the way.My mind was a blank page,with nothing to fill it.Oh how stupid of me to think that he could care!how reckless!And I cried and I cried till I could no more!And I left my broken heart to bleed till its death!behind the closed door or this now so empty room I left Asiria to die.

And this continued for days.I was nothing but a copy of the woman I used to be.I returned to my old rutine with the difference that I did not care anymore.If an attack was being launched at me,I put little effort to block it.I did not pester nor annoy Madra the way I used to.I refused to eat.I wanted to seal myself away from everything.

And in all this time I never even once heard or saw the king.I guess Seunghyun considered that I was not worthy of his presence.

So time passed,days flew till I lost track of time.And in one of this misty mornings I came face to face with none other than Seven

-Good morning mylady!he greeted

-Good morning to you too Seven-shi!i said while doing a little bow.What brings you to this part of  the castle?i asked.

-It seems whe might have some problems of security!he said.Some intruders are inside the castle and I feared for your safety.He said

Maybe he was not such a bad person after all.

-You should not worry!i am fine by myself !I told him

-But I heard that you have no guards!What if someone decides to attack you?he asked

-Than I shall try to defend myself anyway I can!i told him

-Than let me do so!I do not understand why Top chose to leave you this way!I am quite puzzled!Seven said while looking straight at my face.But ever since you returned to your chamber you changed.I do not know you that well but the little I was capable of seing was that you are no regular woman.And you love our king!That is for sure!

-Maybe it is true!But what does it matter to you?i asked him

-It does because believe it or not I love my cousin!And I want him to become the Seunghyun I knew.

-That is nice of you to wish!but you have your own mate to worry about!GO and try to find her Seven-shi!i really wish you the best!i said while backing away from him

-But mylady!he said..

-No,do not worry!the only one that could protect me is Top!If hee does not wish to do it,than I do not want anybody at all!

So I returned to my chamber and spend the rest of the day reading a book about the history of our kingdom.Hours passed and night came so I tucked myself in bed and prepared for a restless night.

It was past midnight when I could feel footsteps along the pavement of the hall.Who could have been at this time of night.Seven maybe?

But that was not the case for I could hear the sound of swords clashing and men fighting.The intruders were here.So i hurried away from the bed and stood in front of the door.I prepared myself for what was coming.And surely enough my room was invaded by two well built and rather frighting men.

-Oh look what we have here Tack!one of the brutes told the other.Maybe we could have a little fun with tihis one before we kill it.What do you say mate?

-I guess your right,after all there is no one here to stop us!the other one retorted.

My body shivered in fright and my flame came to life.We were going to fight till the end.So I swirled my flaming whip in their direction and managed to touch one of them.That seemed to catch them out of guard because they kept looking wide-eyed at me.

-You’re a fire bender?The Tack one asked.

-Now this will be interesting!the other one said.Too bad it only makes me want to trash you harder.

And so they launched in my direction with all their force.Being two I did not manage to keep them both away.My attack were strong but not enough,and after what seemed like a couple of minutes Tack managed to catch me.I was now lost,prisoner to this men,helpless and hopeless.

-Look who managed to get caught!they purred.

-What should we do to her?Tack asked.

-She is a pretty site indeed!I think I might want to taste a little bit of her nectar!the other beast said.

I was beyond scared.I was disgusted.While I felt his lips of my neck I tried my best to escape,but there was no such chance.So I prayed and I prayed that Seven would come,that anyone would come.His hands traveled to my waist trying to open my dress.

I was weeping while I taught my life was over.The imagine of Top,of his kisses,of his touch were the  only ones that kept me alive.-

-Please leave me alone!Please!i begged them throw my weeping but my pleas did not impress them.

-Please,please just kill me!Just kill me!i told them for death was a better choice for me.I wanted Top to be the first and the only man in my life.If this was taken away from me I had no other reasons to live.

-Now that would be such a waste!one of those low-lifes said

And so I lost all hope,waiting for everything to calm down and for me to meet my end.I was lost in my own world,where only I and top existed.It was a fairwell dream before my death.I could not feel their hands around my body and that is when I opened my eyes to see that the room held 4 men in it,rather than 2.

-I will kill you!i WILL burn you slowly while you feel the pain enveloping your brain!A voice so dark and furious said that even I felt a pang of fear.But I knew that voice,I knew it.Was my mind playing a last trick?This could not be him,could it?

-Top,stop!Not infront of Asiria!Please,I will take care of these two!You will have your revenge cousin,but not now!You almost killed them already!please!I could hear Seven say.

-So it was true!It was him,it realy was him!he came to save me!

-Seunghyun!i heard myself whisper.Seunghyuun!i yelled throw my tears!

I could feel a pair of hands embracing me.I was safe.I knew this body!it was my mans body!i was safe!

-Shhhh!everything is allright !I am here!Top said

-You realy are here!i said!you realy are!

-Mmmm….do not worry!Did they manage to do something to you?

-No!you came just at the right time!i said.He had managed to save me from misery.But how did you?How did you know?

-It doesn’t matter!I will kill those bastards!i will burn them to pieces for what they have done!You are mine damn it!And I will kill everyone that dares to touch you!


Sorry for any grammar errors but i did not have the time to reread this chapter..but i will soon enough!i hope you enjoy this new twist of the story...comment please!your thoughts are always welcomed:)!

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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^