Chapter 2: Lover Over Family

明日は来るから (Because Tomorrow Will Come)

I tried my very best to update this today >.<

So I hope I don't disappoint anybody!


”I want to have a baby. Then if it’s a girl I want her to be named Jaekyung and if it’s a boy Jaejin. What do you think Yeobo?” she asked as she laid down on his chest, the two of them cuddling on the couch and playing with each other’s hand.


“Any name would be fine baby, as long as the name makes you happy.” Jaejoong said and pulled her hand near his lips and kissed it. He kept her hand on his lips and closed his eyes. When she felt that he wasn’t letting go she turned her head to face him and saw his beautiful face just steady. Her hand was against his soft pink lips and his eyes were shut.


She couldn’t help but pull out a smile, slowly widening as she felt his lips nibbling on the back of her hand. She giggled and Jaejoong peeked at her through one eye and her smile softened some more and Jaejoong enjoyed the view of her wonderful smile.


“Eun Jae ah, what do you mean who are you? Aish jinjja, (seriously/really,) you love playing jokes on Jaejoong a lot. Stop it, he’s suffered too much pain you know?” Yunho said as he gave out a soft chuckle but she continued to stare at a crying Jaejoong.


Jaejoong was just standing there stiffly, taking in everything she just said. The question she asked him. She tried to flat out her hand, wanting Jaejoong to release her hand but he wasn’t budging. He kept his hand intact and tightened his grip. Eun Jae winced in pain and Yoochun saw what was happening and quickly acted by trying to pull away Jaejoong’s hand. It took him a while to release it, luckily Yunho called Jaejoong’s name to catch his attention.


“Eun Jae ah, do you really not remember who he is?” Yoochun asked and Eun Jae took another look at the still crying Jaejoong who has kept a distance from her, thanks to Yoochun. She shook her head and Jaejoong felt like breaking down on the floor or just grabbing a sharp object and stabbing himself.


“Who is he to me?” Eun Jae asked and everyone knew that would trigger danger. Jaejoong seriously could not believe this was even happening right now. He’s waited for her to wake up and now that she has… She doesn’t even remember the person who has loved her for more than years could handle.




“Your bestfriend!” Jaejoong said out of the blue, cutting Yunho off before he could say what he really was. Jaejoong’s tears fell down once again, faster than before. Eun Jae took in the lie that Jaejoong made. The others gave him a questioning look but he chose to ignore it. Jaejoong crept a smile on his face as he saw Eun Jae slowly smiling at him.


“I’m sorry if I don’t remember you. But you know, since you are my bestfriend I guess I can get to know you better right? We can hang out when I’m out of this place. Then if I forget something else you can help me with it. Like where I live.” Eun Jae said and the others panicked.


“Actually…” Yoochun began.


“You live with us…” Yunho said with a weak smile on his face.


“Yeah you do.” Changmin added and Eun Jae grew curious but decided to nod it off. Hours have passed and all the members were getting tired. Eun Jae saw how tired they’ve become and decided to head off, Jaejoong said he wanted to stay behind and take care of her.


“You know Jaejoong sshi, you didn’t need to stay to take care of me. You could’ve gone home and gotten some proper rest as well.” Eun Jae said. Jaejoong felt his heart ache when she called him Jaejoong sshi. The fact that she had no idea who he was pained him endlessly.


“I-I-It’s okay. I-I’m your b-bestfriend after all right? I should take good care of y-you.” Jaejoong said stuttering as he gave a weak smile and turned to walk towards her. Eun Jae took a look at him and didn’t trust the weak smile. She sensed he was hiding something but she didn’t want to push his buttons and just gave into the thought that he was probably just depressed she didn’t remember him. She decided to give him an encouraging smile.


“Jaejoong sshi, don’t worry. With your help I’ll get to know you fast enough. So why don’t we start now? I’ll ask questions and you can answer them. Or you can tell me stories and then I’ll listen! Maybe some of the things you’ll say might trigger for me to remember everything!” Eun Jae said and Jaejoong swallowed hard and cleared his throat.


“Well… I don’t really know what story to tell you actually…” Jaejoong said and Eun Jae gave a soft smile, the very smile that Jaejoong loved the most.


“You can tell me anything, if it is by random.” Eun Jae said.


“Well… Do you at least remember your job? I mean, as a celebrity, a model? Do you remember any of that? Your charity works, fans, appearances and the people you’ve dated?” Jaejoong asked, terrified of speaking of the last question. Eun Jae nodded her head.


“I remember modeling. Maybe I just don’t remember the fans or appearances I’ve done but I remember my job clear as day. And as for people I’ve dated before, I’m totally clueless.” Eun Jae said and noticed something sparkling on Jaejoong’s finger. She used her finger to grab onto Jaejoong’s hand and she was surprised to see the exact same ring on her finger.


“Jaejoong sshi….” She said and Jaejoong looked at her wondering what she was about to say. Eun Jae then placed her hand closer to her face, observing the comparison of their rings. Jaejoong then noticed what she was looking at and he had to think of another lie to cover this up.


“Are we-”


“No! That’s our friendship ring.” Jaejoong said.


“Friendship right? It looks so much like a wedding ring…” she said and Jaejoong shook his head and insisted it was a friendship ring but it could be used as a wedding ring. Eun Jae followed on Jaejoong’s words like a fool. They spent the whole night talking a lot about Eun Jae and the things she has done, the works she modeled and the people she knew.


Before they could release another hint of air they both fell asleep. Eun Jae slept before Jaejoong and Jaejoong spent the time looking at her face and reminiscing the past. He just didn’t understand one thing that he did wrong for the day, and that was why he had to lie to her when he could’ve just came out saying he was her husband. It’s not like she’d ever retort to him right?


The following day Jaejoong was still fast asleep on the lounging chair. Eun Jae’s eyes slowly opened as she woke up from the sunlight peaking through the window. She turned her head and saw Jaejoong’s sleeping figure. She admired his features  and smiled to know he really cared for her. A true bestfriend he was indeed.


Jaejoong sshi, thank you so much…


Eun Jae thought to herself as she continued to admire his features. She felt something in her heart bother her, she wasn’t sure what it was but her facial expression turned into worry as she continued to look at Jaejoong and wonder what her feelings were implementing on her. Was she in love with her bestfriend in the past or something?


“Surprise!” Junsu came in holding bags of delicious smelling food. He was then followed on by Yoochun.


“Hey! Good morning to you guys too. Where’s Yunho and Changmin?” Eun Jae asked.


“They had to go do their separate activities. Yunho has an appearance on a show and we can watch it live in a couple of minutes while Changmin si busy filming. Yah! Hyung! Wake up!” Yoochun said as he began to slap Jaejoong’s lap, trying to wake him up.


“Yah! Stop that!” Jaejoong said and tried to get back to his sleep. Eun Jae giggled and Yoochun rolled his eyes. He picked up a sausage pillow from the longer couch and started whacking the heck out of Jaejoong.


“Yah! Stop it! Yoochun you better stop it or I’ll kick your !” Jaejoong said and Yoochun stopped laughing hysterically at the sight he just saw and the fun little game he had.


“Where’s the others?” Jaejoong asked.


“They’re off to do their own separate activities.” Yoochun replied as he began to fix and bring the food out. Yoochun began to prepare the food he was going to give to Eun Jae and went near her. He helped her sit up and was about to feed her when Jaejoong grabbed Yoochun’s wrist, shocking the two.


“I’ll do it Yoochun ah, you go on ahead and eat.” Jaejoong said and grabbed the food from Yoochun’s hand. He sat down on the end of the side of the bed and began to feed Eun Jae. Jaejoong’s hands kept shivering as he tried to feed Eun Jae. Eun Jae began to giggle as she noticed how nervous Jaejoong seemed as his hands were coming close to .


“Jaejoong sshi, why are your hands shaking?” Eun Jae asked giggling. Jaejoong smiled as he heard her sweet giggles, and with that it was as if everything else never happened. Her smile was genuine and Jaejoong felt his heart beating real fast. But not everything lasted that long.


“Jaejoong sshi…” she called again looked at Jaejoong. He snapped out of it and began to feed her again. After a while she fell asleep and their manager came in with one of their stylists.


“You feeling better yet? Or did you forget me too?” Manager Jang asked and followed by him and the stylist was Eun Jae’s PD Soojin.


“Don’t tell me you forgot about me already.” Soojin said as she came in.


“Of course I remember the both of you.” Eun Jae said with a smile. Soojin looked at Jaejoong and smiled at him. Jaejoong nod his head one and smiled back at her.


“Jaejoong sshi, can we talk outside?” Soojin asked and Jaejoong looked at Eun Jae who was busy looking at Manager Jang and their stylist. He nodded his head and followed Soojin outside of the room.


“So anyway, I came here to visit you and also snatch these three from you. They need to be at the SM Entertainment building for today for an important conference with Avex so I took one of Han Seul’s assistants to take care of you for the time being as well as Soojin since I know Jaejoong is pretty… You know when it comes to protecting you.” Manager Jang said and Eun Jae smiled as she noticed how everyone knows about how the two were close, but she was depressed to know she doesn’t remember anything and she knew she was hurting him.


“Her name is Min Suhwe and she’ll be taking care of you along with Soojin. There are body guards outside and I’ve chosen the same nurses that took care of you the last time you had a medical need here in the hospital.” Manager Jang said.


“Thank you so much Jang sshi.” Eun Jae said.




“I thought she forgot about me for a second there…” Soojin said and Jaejoong was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pocket and looking at the ground frowning and wanting to cry but he tried his best to suppress his tears in front of Eun Jae.


“How can she forget about you? Your family to her…” Jaejoong said. In his tone Soojin noticed how much it sounded as if he was near to crying severely and breaking down in front of her.


“Well you were her world remember? I expected her to remember you the most… After all, she didn’t really think anything of me the first time I saw her again after almost 10 years without her when she ran off with you.” Soojin said.


The following day Ji Bin left the house to head over to work. On her way there she met up with her new PD Soojin.


“Where’s my old PD?” Ji Bin asked.


“She left. Said she wanted to live with her boyfriend on the country side of Korea. We let her go.” Soojin said and Ji Bin nodded her head.


“So what’s up for today?” Ji Bin asked.


“Your mother called you.”  Soojin said.


“What did she say? Wait, how’d she… Never mind.” Ji Bin said.


“She said she had fun yesterday and she said she couldn’t take it anymore.” Soojin said and Ji Bin froze. Ji Bin turned to her PD who was looking at her with those eagle eyes of hers.


“What else did you tell you?” Ji Bin asked.


“She said she loved you Ji Bin. Who the hell are you?” Soojin said and Ji Bin was caught up with the situation. She pulled her PD to the dressing room as she saw people entering the studio. Ji Bin locked the door and faced Soojin and walked up to her.


“What else did she tell you? What did she tell you? How do you know?” Ji Bin panicked.


“I have Lee Eun Jae’s birth certificate. There is no such name as Ji Bin. You have been acting as if you know nothing and this woman isn’t your mother. First of all she looks nothing like you and second it’s because Lee Eun Jae’s mother passed away a couple years back including her foster parents.” Soojin said and Ji Bin was paralyzed. She bit her lower lip.


“I didn’t believe a single thing she said. But then when she continued working with me and started to act nice I realized maybe it was real. I thought she went crazy.” Soojin said as she chuckled and Jaejoong remained silent.


“I couldn’t really believe that she forgot you. She wouldn’t give you up even if she knew the world was gonna break or a million people would die.” Soojin said.


”No! I don’t want to!” she yelled in front of her foster parents and tears began to stroll down her face. They’ve tried to set her up with someone else. Someone she didn’t even know about and just met now.


“Sit down, you’re causing a scene.” Her foster mother said as she grasped onto her wrist but she pulled back.


“I only love Jaejoong. I don’t even know who this person is and yet here you are trying to set him up with me? How could you do that? Why won’t you accept him? Just because he isn’t as handsome or rich as anybody else? He’s only 15 why can’t you wait? He wants to become a singer and when he does he’ll have all the money you want and you can finally leave us alone!” She said and her father began to glare at her.


“Sit down, people are looking!” he said sternly.


“No! I’m not going to and your never gonna see me again! I’m never coming back!” she said and ran out of the restaurant. Soojin stood up and ran after her. As she exit the restaurant she saw she running real fast and she ran after her and as she was near her she quickly grabbed her.


“Stop running!” Soojin yelled and as she forced her to face her, Soojin slapped her face real hard.


“What the heck is wrong with you?!” Soojin asked.


“Unni! Is this really what you want me to do?! After eomma and appa died and they adopted us all they’ve been doing was this! Trying to get me to marry someone rich and handsome whom I have no idea existed in this world and I’ve never even met or gotten to know! They may have done that to you but they’re not doing that to me!” she yelled.


“They’re only thinking of what’s best for you!” Soojin said.


“Really? What’s best for me? Isn’t happiness what’s best for me? Especially after eomma and appa died? Tell me unni, are you so happy with your husband? Are you freakin’ happy and do you really love him and not Junho?” she said and Soojin froze.


“I’ll take that as a yes. Leave me alone.” She said and continued to run off. Soojin stood there rooted to the ground and completely frozen. A tear dropped from her eye as she watched her sister chase for her happiness. Something she couldn’t even do 3 years ago.


“What if she never remembers me?” Jaejoong said and began to cry.


“She’ll remember you. Things like this happen. Give it time.” Soojin said.


“How are you sure? These things can be permanent. What if before I can help her remember who I am, she falls in love with someone else?” Jaejoong said and his voice was cracking.


“She won’t.” Soojin insisted.


“She think so of me as her bestfriend? I’m so stupid to even say that! I can’t even tell her I’m the person she’s been loving for nearly 10 years now!” Jaejoong said and Soojin closed her as she knew she was going to tear up.


“Everyone around you guys, the people that care for you, your members, they’ll help you. Just wait for it, you have to help her too. But you have to help her as a bestfriend she’s never had. And maybe she’ll remember. Nothing is impossible Jaejoong.” Soojin said.


“That’s what you said.” Jaejoong said and walked away.


“Yeah that’s what I said…” Soojin spoke to herself as she leaned by the wall.


“What I said when I found out that eomma and appa were killed by our foster parents…”


Hope you guys enjoyed!




Secrets and explanations are starting to come!

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ForeverFive #1
So... That's the real Eun Jae.....? I wonder where is Ji Bin's soul.. Wonder why they never got curious of it?
mareta #2
OH NO! I guess I can`t stand the next chapter if Jaejoong commit to suicide *LoL*
Can`t EunJae just forgive him? that`s too much for Jae :`(
Totally don't remember anything!! But I'm glad you updateddfff!!! * hugs * ㅠㅡㅠ
mareta #4
ahh~ finally I'm comeback after having a hard time with troubles in connection to aff :D
Oh My! after those obstacles and pain Jaejoong had back then, now he doesn't has a chance of being together with the real Eun Jae?
I think it's unfair 'cause Jaejoong has suffered a lot for was about to lose Eun Jae:(
I'm wondering where the soul of Ji Bin will be? Is there any possibility that her soul will comeback to her dead body and she'll live normally like in the past? or maybe she's really dead?
I'm looking forward for the new chapter, I think that would be great :D !
Im really confused now... What happened to Ji Bin? And is the Eun Jae now the real one??
I do not remember this story... ;______;

PLEASE!!!! Unnie wants updates!!!! jebal!!!*sorry for my poor Korean...I swear, I'm gonna learn Korean so I don;t embarrass myself!!!! Saying mabuhay from the Philippines, dongsaengie!!!
llamalove #8
llamalove #9
I love Ji bin in the beginning but when the story progessed in the 1st story I think she so selfish. She keeps make up more lies and took advantage ppl. that care for her to cover her lies (I'm annoy with her). She even took advantage of Eunjae body and then pregnant with JJ.If I was the real Eun Jae, with someone took advantage of my body and preg with my fiancer, I will kill her..literally. Look at the characters list, it seem that Ji Bin is the lead BUT..... I ROOT FOR THE REAL EUN JAE. This is so unfair for Eun Jae!! and I do think Ji Bin deserve the happiness too, so I hope she end up with changmin or s.t.
just a questi0n?what happened to jibin?c0z im kinda lost as to why eun jae s n0w eun jae and jibin s n0where n the picture...and im a new reader i wanna kn0w what happened to actualy ro0ting for her! Anyways,by the way the sequel s g0ing,is it safe to presume that eun jae and jaej0ng w0undnt end up together and will end up with jibin as herself who was magicaly given an0ther chance by fate to be with her real body?