A Thousand Paper Planes


Annyeong, WakeMeWithYourKiss-imnda! I'm back with another story! Again, deeply sorry if this story is horrible and/or sounds like another. Please enjoy the story! ^0^


She left a lipstick stain on my paper. Trying to reach her was very difficult since we weren't supposed to cross the gender border. However, we had a strange kind of communication. We used paper planes. We both wished to see each other but it'll never happen. No matter how much paper planes we use,  a thousand paper planes isn't enough.

Number 1 Rule: opposite genders are not allowed to do any communication


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I guess I kind of get the opposite gender rule... But besides that, I think that it's really cute! ^^
Chapter 3: Awww that's cute! But I sorta wish there was more explanation on the gender rule :( Anyways hwaiting! :)
Chapter 3: Awwwhhhh i dont get the rule tho
Chapter 2: Aww love at first sight! Hopefully they won't get caught :( Hwaiting! :)
Chapter 1: I really liked the first chapter! I'm a little curious about the whole no opposite gender thing, so I'm looking forward to your next update! Hwaiting! :)
Great plot, can't wait!;) keke
Sounds interesting! I'll be waiting for your next update! ^0^