The Captivating Girl Who Captivated Her Captivator



            Once upon a time, there lived an idiot girl who needed to learn how to say no.

            She was beautiful, but stupid.

            No matter what, she couldn’t say no.

            She had men lining their way around her, trying to get capture her heart. She couldn’t say no to them. That would just be cruel.

            But what’s crueler is saying nothing, but breaking their hearts later.

            That’s exactly what this girl did. She’d let them in to her life, then run away.

            In her defense however, these guys didn’t understand her as well as they thought they did. They thought flashy shows, and large crowds were the ways to get to her heart. But they only led to her to pull away.



            Yes, this girl is me. Yes, I’ve been proposed to over six times. Each time was different but all the same. They’d ask on TV or during a movie, or—the worst one—in front of large crowds.

            How am I supposed to say no to that? Then, I’d get guilty and try—I really tried—to love them, sometimes I’d trick myself into thinking I actually did.

            But realization always hit when I was walking down the alley. In the white dress. With the flowers. And the music. And the family. And the guy just at the other side.

            I’d freeze.

            Then I would run.





KWON MinNeul:

-the one that can't say no

-has a fear of commitment

-works at the Seoul Zoo

-born on March 30th 1991

KIM Joonmyeon:

-the best friend that is always supportive

-protective of MinNeul

-born on May 22nd 1991

PARK Chanyeol:

-the crazy friend that works at the zoo with MinNeul

-is really good at making awkward situations even more awkward

-born on November 27th 1992

DO Kyungsoo:

-the caring friend that's very supportive even if he doubts

-the one that seems to always have to knock some sense into someone

-born on January 12th 1993

BYUN Beakhyun:

-the cutie pie friend that is very good at causing distractions

-strongly oppionionated and is not afraid to speak his mind

-born on May 6th 1992

KIM Jongin:

-the flirt kid-friend that seems to always know what MinNeul is thinking

-greatest dancer ever (he says)

-January 14th 1994

OH Sehun:

-the kid-friend that MinNeul tutors

-is also her neighbor, but he lives at her place majority of the time

-born on April 12th 1992

KIM Minseok:

-the sarcastic cousin that enjoys to tease MinNeul

-seems to have a new girlfriend everytime she sees him

-born on March 26th 1990

LU Han (goes by Luhan):

-the thoughtful co-worker

-loves to randomly spout of facts about animals

-born on April 20th 1990

WU Fan (called Kris):

-the pessimestic co-worker/friend

-is able to predict MinNeul's love life

-born on November 6th 1990

ZHANG Yi Xing:

-the quiet and thoughtful co-worker

-enjoys taking bets on how one of MinNeul's boyfriends are going to propose

-born on October 7th 1991

KIM Jongdae:

-the blunt and sarcastic co-worker

-intimidates all of MinNeul's boyfriends

-born on September 21st 1992

HUANG Zitao:

-the Chinese exchange student that's living with Sehun

-seems to always have something to say for a comeback even if he says nothing else

-born on May 2nd 1993





            “I can’t marry him, he’s not my type.” I said, shaking my head vigorously.

            “What type of guy are you into, anyway?” Kris asked, giving me an amused smile.

            I thought about that for a moment. “Someone who loves animals.”

            “Well that’s pretty easy.” Luhan said, grinning.

            “Someone who can cook.” I said, ticking off each one on my fingers. “Someone who looks good in jeans, but can pull off a suit. Someone who wants kids. Someone who would be totally okay with me bringing home stray animals. Someone who likes going on random drives around the city just for the fun of it—“

            “Lower your standards or you’ll be single for life.” Jongdae said, bluntly.



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Wow! I've never read a fanfic with this kind of plot before.. It's interesting!!! DAEBAK !.. XD

Update soon :)