Meeting Taecyeon

Falling in love with my brother ?

Jay : Hey ~~~~ I'm back

You : Annyeong Oppa ^^

Jay : come in Taecyeon

Taecyeon : gomawo Hyung, Annyeong mm 

Jay : ~~~~~, she's my sister, ~~~~ this is a new member of our dancing group, he's Taecyeon

You : nice to meet you Taecyeon.... Oppa ?

Jay : well, I have to go somewhere, I'll be back very soon, Taecyeon feel free ~~~~ will stay with you

You : me ? but, where are you going ?

Jay : I'll be back cutie *peck your forehead and goes out*

You : then, Taecyeon Oppa, don't stay here, let's sit on the sofa nae ?

Taecyeon : nae ~~~~-ssi

You : aigoo Oppa you don't need to be this polite, just call me by my name

Taecyeon : with pleasure ~~~~

You : do you want something to drink ?

Taecyeon : why not ^^

You : mm a coke ?

Taecyeon : ok, that's nice, thanks


While you were preparing the drinks, Taecyeon was looking at photos of you and Jay, he was amazed by you, especially your eyes, he didn't know why but something attracted him to you. He was very glad to met you and hope that you'll be closer to him, he wanted at least be your good friend. He didn't live away from your apartment. It was only your first meeting, but he already wanted to see you more often. After a while you came back with the drinks and sat next to Taecyeon.


Jay : I'm back 

Taecyeon : ah Hyung, your sister is very nice, you're very lucky to have her

You : *blushing* ah aigoo that's so nice

Jay : *wrap his arm around your shoulders* of course I'm lucky to have her, that's why I won't let her go with some guys and stay away from me, she's forced to stay by my side as long as I want

You : Oppa, when you talk like this, you sound like daddy

Jay : but I'm not, I'm only.... your brother, and I want to protect you

You : but why do you say this ? It's only the first time I meet Taecyeon Oppa, you'll scared him

Taecyeon : I'm not scared this easily, otherwise I understand your brother, you seem to be a very good girl so you deserve to fall in love with a good man too

You : aigoo stop talking about me, and making plans for me, let's talk about something else ok ?


You guys then talked about the things you like and dislike, and other random things. You felt good and you thought that Taecyeon was a nice man, Jay can see it, the way you looked at him, the way you blushed and act shyly everytime Taecyeon compliment you. It made him a bit upset, and jealous. But he thought that it must be because he weren't used to the fact that guys charm and flirt with you. During all the time, you wondered why Jay stop talking and if something was wrong. Even if you were glad to met Taecyeon, and "flirt" with him, your brother was still the first in your heart.



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Chapter 9: Yay they got married. I'm so happy for them :)
Chapter 9: I liked the story alot, I'm now going further on your sequal =D!
Michellebeom1987 #3
Chapter 9: Awwww that was a cute story :)
thanks all for your comments ^.^ ~ I'll try to do a sequel ;)
Chapter 8: Aww..This is such a beautiful story! Sequel please! ^-^
Chapter 8: great story, I love it :)
opparisgay #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^