My stuuuupid room

Lost In Korea



Ok listen, IM TIRED! IM SLEEPY! IM DIRTY! IM HOMELESS! IM PRACTICALLY A HOBO!!!!!!!!! Ok that was a bit offensive to hobos,

Sorry hobos, ugh! I'm so tired I'm talking about hobos!!!!! Ugh! Ok as I snapped myself out of it, I let my mind wander off, just then I 

realized that I was in a fancy lobby, decorated with flowers and cheesy music, 


" wow fancy " I said to my self, as I looked around, I saw a sign saying "anyeonghaseyo! Welcome to Jung Hotel "

yes! I'm here! I looked for the front desk, but guess what the price is...... 70 dollars a day!!! So I pulled a few strings and I got a room

for 30 bucks a day, hopefully it's good,

     As I went into the elevator the cheesy music was back but then it suddenly turned into good music, I found out that it was ssung by 

a KPOP group called B1A4, cool name, as I looked at the level numbers change, a boy with brownish blondish hair, 

I wanted to say hi but just then I was on my level, as soon as I got out he got out too, yay! We're on the same level!,

i headed for my room and I have one word to describe it........DIS-GUS-TING



   It had moldy green wallpaper that's nearly torn apart, an ancient TV that was probably used by cavemen, a torn apart curtain

a bed that had dust and a huge purple stain on it ( I don't even want to know), that's not the worse part there's no 

remote so I have get up and press that TV button that changes the channel, when I opened my lamp it didn't work bbecause instead 

of a lightbulb it was a potato!!, my pillows aren't even cotton they're just icky potato sacks filled with crumpled news paper,  and there's 

A HUGE hole in the wall so i can see my gross neighbour shave her hairy legs, eeeeeeeewwww it gives me the shivers, 


" THIS IS DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I shouted,

soon I heard people getting man


" must be new! " one said

" shut up and be quiet" a little kid said

" must be mentally challenged if ask me " an old lady saId


i was soooo embarrassed that I didn't squeak at all i just sat there, turning purple, I need to go back home! 

Im not ready for Korea, I'm leaving tomorrow....


 I opened the door and started looking for a pay phone, ( I know, I know, she could've just used her phone but c'mon gimme a 

Break! I accidentally deleted this chapter 7 times!!)

i wasn't looking so I bumped into the same dude I saw on the elevator, 


" ummm.....hi" I said

" anyeonghaseyo"  he said back

" oh no!!!! Nonononon! You speak korean, grrrrrrr,nobody speaks a different language?!?!?"

"oh sorry hmmmm maybe you speak French!, uhhh Bonjour Madame!, j' mapple baro!, Estce que ce du Korea? (Translation

hello ms. My name is baro!, do you like Korea?)" 


" Oh I know maybe you speak Tagalog! ..... Mabuhay!! Ang pangalan ko ay baro, kamusta ka? ( welcome! My name is bbaro how are 



" I speak English" I said


 " ooooohhhhh!, welcome!-"


" yeah,yeah, do you know where i could find a pay phone, I'm going home!"


" Well I'm guessing you just got here sooo, how bout you come to my house and ill introduce some friends" he suggested


" thanks! Don't you think it's odd for a girl like me to get invited to a strangers house and meet some " friends"'


I walked away but just then he grabbed my wrist and pleaded.... Pssshhh nice guy,


" my name is baro by the way!"


" Ok? Mine is Jazmine"


" very nice name!"


" Are you mentally challenged or something?" I asked,





(uhh hey guys, sorry I didn't post anymore but I was super busy with school and whenever I try to write this chapter I keep on accidentally deleting it so wish me good luck on writing another chapter!

P.S. I miss you deibaby03 and I miss your story!!!  <------ she's my Couzinkins


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hey guys! Uhhhh chpter 5 got accidentally deleted 4 times, do you think I should still continue pls comment


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Chapter 4: Update soon... it's getting more and more interesting
It's interesting.
deibaby03 #3
Chapter 3: Well... Hahahahaha i wrote it first :P
Chapter 2: I mean deibaby I don't mean die!
Chapter 2: Omg die baby I was just about to write this chapter then you wrote it I was going to make it a better chapter, :p
Update soon please!