On my way to Korea

Lost In Korea

 " Mom please!!!!!" I begged, I've been begging for days and days, what am I begging for you ask, we'll I'm 18 now and I want to live on my own, I want to have freedom but I can't actually have that unless my mom lets me, isn't that sad? " araso! But I will check up on you after 6 months and if I'm not proud of you, you will come home with me!"she replied, Omg!!! I can't believe she actually said yes! I on my way to Korea! I'm so excited I zoomed into my room and took out the biggest luggage that I had, " Korea, here I come!!!!" I squeaked


     The next day I was up early, in fact I didn't even sleep I was way too excited, I didn't even care that my hair was in a messy bun or what I was wearing was just a plain t shirt, jeans , and a hoodie, I was just way too excited,  i was screaming so loud I nearly woke up the whole neighbourhood,then my brother got me a cab and I was ready to go, I closed the door of the cab then my mom spoke

"forgetting something?"

" right sorry" I leaned out the window to give her a hug then suddenly the driver said

" pull your head back in the car before I cut it off!" yikes! Anger issues much maybe I should register  him in an anger management class, but even though my day started out bad I was still too excited  to care


when I got into the train station I screamed so loud that I thought everyone would look at me, oh wait... I'm still in the cab aishhhhh.........

" How much is that mr.?" I asked

" 500!" He said in an angry voice

" 500 for a ride To the train station?!?!" I argued

" we'll i need the extra money to fix my ears thanks to your stupid scream!!!" He complained 

" no way! Here's fifty! You ain't gettin any more!!!" I said while hastily  handing the money to him then I tried to open the door "I'm not unlocking it if you don't give me the money" he said seriously well you know what happens next, i lost 500 dollars to a drunk taxi driver

but all of my anger quickly went away when I saw the train, I'm finally on my own..


sorryyyy if its a short chapter I will make it longer next time, thank you sunny_m and  baroyah_ for subscribing!   Special thanks to deibaby03 for helping me out, sorry if I didn't post any pics or gifs my computer isn't working properly, stay tuned for the next chapter: a train, a phone, and him

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hey guys! Uhhhh chpter 5 got accidentally deleted 4 times, do you think I should still continue pls comment


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Chapter 4: Update soon... it's getting more and more interesting
It's interesting.
deibaby03 #3
Chapter 3: Well... Hahahahaha i wrote it first :P
Chapter 2: I mean deibaby I don't mean die!
Chapter 2: Omg die baby I was just about to write this chapter then you wrote it I was going to make it a better chapter, :p
Update soon please!