Elize's Story

Fairy Tail Beginnings - Elize's Story


The sun played peek-a-boo behind the clouds casting temporal shadows across the field as the light would shift back in its place. The lake was still too cold for swimming in April, but the sun made the chill of the day fade. There was a slight breeze that animated the trees and tall grass. Our Nanny sat beneath our favorite spot; the willow tree. Sometimes in the Spring a sudden rain storm would come along and the three of us would simply sit beneath the willow and watch the raindrops dance across the surface of the lake.

I tossed a pebble at the water and watched it skid across the surface before finally sinking down to the bottom of the lake. I imagined the small pebble hurtling down the water and small fishes dodging the round meteor.

Eloise tossed her pebble and I watched it shoot straight into the water, probably smacking a fish or two unconscious on its way down. I smirked at Eloise and she fumed at me silent teasing.

"Retina! Elise is making fun of me!"

I stepped back as if it was such an absurd thing to say, "I didn't even say a word."

"Elise, stop provoking your sister." Retina commanded softly before flipping the page in her book.

Retina wasn't an old Nanny, early thirties. She was an intelligent woman and a good friend of our parents. Retina was an old member of the guild, but retired early due to an odd job that ruined her eyes sight. Even so, she'd strain her eyes to read any book in sight.

I knelt down by the lake and began to pick up tiny pebbles, analyzing them carefully before adding it to my hand. Eloise squatted next to me, "When mom gets back, we have to ask her how she did that water trick."

I placed a pebble in my hand and dug for another one, "Mom can manipulate water, that's how she was able to do it. Besides, mom and dad won't be back for awhile."

Eloise picked at the weeds that grew on the side of the lake, "Why will they be gone so long?"

"They're on a high ranked job, a very important one," I stood up from the dirt and tossed a pebble into the water, "They'll be back as soon as they're done."

"What if they don't come back?"

I paused and glanced down at my little sister who looked up at me with worried eyes. I pulled my hand full of pebble back and chucked them all into the water. I brushed my hands on my shirt, "They'll be back as soon as they're done." I lightly smiled reaching my hand down to her.

Eloise grinned and took my hand into hers, "One day, I want to control water just like mommy!"

"I thought you wanted to be a healer?" I questioned as we began to walk up the hill to the willow tree, "You decided you'd be an air manipulator."

"I'll control all the elements!" Eloise shouted in joy.

I laughed, "I don't think that's going to be as easy as it sounds Eloise. It all depends on you, and your magic body type." I explained, "You could get water like mommy, fire like daddy, or do something more on the lines of speed equip like dad learned."

"Or Air like Retina," Eloise nodded as we reached the willow tree, "Retina can you teach me air magic?"

Retina closed her book and stretched her arms out, "Why do you want to become an air mage?" Eloise scratched her head as Retina stood from the ground, "When you have an answer, I'll teach you."

"Because I breath air." Eloise smiled.

"When you have a good answer, I'll teach you," Retina laughed, "Come on, I'll make you two dinner."

Eloise hurried ahead of us running up the curvy path to the top of the hill where our large home waited. It is big brown, tan and labyrinthine, the wood creeks under our small feet, but it is ours, and has always been our safe traditional Japanese house.

I step onto the wooden floor boards and stomp my way into the kitchen where Eloise waited on the high chair behind the counter. Retina went straight to the fridge as I climbed onto the high stool next to Eloise, "What if we got both moms and dads magic and learned something new to add to it."

"What's that now Elise?" Retina asked, pulling out pots from the cupboard.

"What if I got fire magic and Eloise got water. If we studied hard, we could learn one other element too. Eloise air, and I earth. Then if we studied harder, we can learn to equip."

Retina shook her head as Eloise nodded in excitement, "I like that idea."

"If only that idea is possible." Retina added, "Sure, you could gain a magic power, but you can't just go off and learn it. You're born with it."

Eloise sulked, "No fair."

"But," Retina continued, "You could look very hard, and maybe come across a book that will teach you an elemental equip."

My face shot up with joy, "Really?"

Retina nodded, "If you look really hard, study extremely hard, and train until you bleed; You might just be able to learn it."

"Do you know where we can find this book?" Eloise asked.

Retina shrugged, "Maybe I do; Maybe I don't." I arched my eyebrows at the smirking Retina, "Maybe if you wake up extra early tomorrow to clean the house; I might remember where you could find it."

I turned to Eloise with my hand risen high, she smacked her hand against mine as we cheered with glee, "I'm going to learn air and water!" Eloise shouted.

"Then I'll learn fire and earth," I grinned, "We could be called the Elemental sisters!"

Retina laughed lightly, "I like the sound of that!"


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girlyoudontknow1708 #1
if I may ask, how old is Elise? Eloize is 6 and is younger then Elise so how old is she?