What really happened...

Those Little Moments

its Short I know... (TT-TT)

Early Morning the next day.

So I couldn't sleep... It's about 5 am now... I listened to the silence that finally filled the house. Screams and the sound of smashing objects finally laid to rest... I've got to break out of this hell.

1 hour later.

So I decided to get up and eat. After that I had energy after I ate and so I ended up finishing y homework and I took a shower and got dressed. I felt energized! Refreshed! Ambitious! So I decided to walk to the nearby train station and I got off by the school. I walked instead of talking the bus. And when j got to school it was 8 am and announcements start at 8:30. So I had half an hour to burn. I decided to head to the library and read some books. Well manga anyway! Hehe!

I always laugh at he "gooey-mushy-lovey-dovey" comics. There so stereotypical, and funny. "Hey. Your so noisy!" said a mans voice behind me. I decided to ignore it and continued to read. Until someone sat down beside me. I glanced up quickly and back down, then realizing who it was I jerked my head up. "YOU!!!!" I stood up pointing at him in surprise. Which I ended up getting hissed at by the librarian and the many people around me. I apologized and sat down. "So noisy in the morning." he shook his head. I felt ashamed.

"Oh! I have something to explain to you." I whispered to him. He stared at me for a second before gesturing me to follow him out of the library. Then we walked down the hallway and around the corner. There he stopped and turned to me. "What is it?" he said coldly. Ouch. That's when I explained the situation about how I pulled a leg muscle in Dance class and my friend was walking behind me up the stair case when he made fun of me for hoping up the staircase. "Your so slow, you cripple!!" he called out to me. Little did we know Seungho was at the bottom of the staircase listening in, and taking offense. That's when I saw Seungho smile, a truthful, unforced smile. His laugh made me giggle. The sudden happiness that came from him made me feel great. "Ohhhhh, Cheolyoung, and all this time I thought you were a bad person who made fun of people for no reason. " he chuckled.

*RIIINGG* suddenly the bell rang and we had to get going. We said our good byes and headed our different ways.

Walking to class i found myself looking foreward to the lunch hour break. 

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Loving it please update!
ouo; I love your fanfictions. They are so interestingggg =u=<333
myPVRTDmind #3
FIrst to comment mmel_ng95! :D its slowly gunna build up~!
mmel_ng95 #4
This is gooood :DD<br />
Poor mir, and lol Seungho is on crutches looking forward to this !! <3