All is Good

Those Little Moments

I was at my locker grabbing my lunch. When Someone tapped at my shoulder. "Whatcha listening to?" asked a voice. I looked up and it was Seungho. Behind him was Eunji and Soyoung. "Hey guys!" I smiled and waved at Eunji. "Hi!" she answered happily. I turned to Seungho. "I'm listening to Wherever I may roam by Metallica." I announced proudly. and I watched as his face lit up. "You listen to them too?!? Haha can I listen in?" he asked. "Sure!" I said handing him the other head phone. "Start it over!" he demanded. I laughed and did as he said.

Before I knew Seungho and I were sitting at the foot of my locker jamming out. Air guitar-ing and air drumming to the solos. We also sang out loud, "ANYWHERE I ROAM!!!WHERE I LAY MY HEAD IS HOME THERE!!! doo doo doo!" we both sang loud and proud. Laughing at each-others singing.

Before I knew it the song was over and he took the head phone out. Suddenly I started noticing where we were. In the hallway, where people are staring at us like were idiots. Embarrasses I stood up quickly. "Where's Eunji?" I asked. "I'm not sure. Help me up will you?" he asked. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Oh right, you got your cast removed right?" I said pointing at his leg. "Yeah I did. It's sting enough to support itself but it hurts now and then." he said. Then he looked down the hallways and I looked too. There down the hall was Eunji and Soyoung walking towards us with a handful of food. "Hey guys!!" Eunji called. As we approached them she smiled widely and handed us a burger and a bottle of pop. "Since you two were too busy with your music, Soyoung and I decided to grab something to eat at the caff." Eunji explained. "Oh thanks! How much do I owe you?" I asked. "Don't worry about it!" she said smiling. "Can we eat outside?" asked Soyoung. Just as I looked at her our eyes met and she winked at me. My jaw almost dropped. Ok, so she likes me... Can she make it anymore obvious? I guess the other two saw the wink Soyoung gave me and Eunji just had to say it. "You guys should date!" she suggested. My eye twitched. "No, I don't date." I lied. The air suddenly got awkward, that's when Seungho stepped in. "So... Are we going to eat outside?" he asked eyeing Eunji. "Yeah, let's go." she hopped away with Soyoung ,linking arms. And we followed.

~Outside on the picnic table~

For a moment it was quiet and all you could hear was the munching of food. *YAWN* "Ugh, so tired!!!" cried Eunji as she stretched her arms out. "Why sweetie?" Seungho said resting his hand on her hand. Concern written on his face. "Well, the house kept creaking. It was keeping my awake... So annoying too!" she whined. Seungho laughed and rubbed her back to comfort her. "Haha! When that happens I think of the worst. Like i think it's ghosts or monsters!" I announced. "I know how you feel!!! Hahaha" Said Seungho laughing at the seriousness of my comment. "I'm afraid of the dark. One time I left my window open while I slept and a car zoomed by roaring, i got up suddenly, I thought it was a demon growling at me." He laughed at himself. I was laughing along with him, so were the other two. I told him about the time my kitty came into my room, she knows how to open the door, and I though It was a ghost slowly opening the door so I hid underneath the covers. "I'd rather suffocate then see what it really was hahaha!!" I said embarrassed, but they laughed and so did I.

"I have a story like that." said Eunji, her eyes up in the sky smiling as she reminisced. "I just turned off the lights and I laid down. As I opened my eyes I looked at the closet. I could of swore I saw a wrinkly scrunched up face looking at me. It felt my stomach drop. But when I looked closer it was a pile of my clothes. Hehehe so I the lights and rearranged them and closed the closet door." she smiled. Again we all laughed our heads off at each others stories.

And as I sat in class all I could think about was how lucky o was to have met Eunji, Seungho and... Soyoung too I guess haha.

Finally, things are finally looking up for me again.


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Loving it please update!
ouo; I love your fanfictions. They are so interestingggg =u=<333
myPVRTDmind #3
FIrst to comment mmel_ng95! :D its slowly gunna build up~!
mmel_ng95 #4
This is gooood :DD<br />
Poor mir, and lol Seungho is on crutches looking forward to this !! <3