First Encounter

Those Little Moments
	                        (Howdy! lol first chapter! sorry if names are mixed up, i changed them last minute)                              

                             Chapter 1 - First Encounter/How it all started.

I can't have him... It's wrong for two males to be together. I know that, my family knows that, h
is family knows it, the world knows that... But what hurts me most... Is he knows and believes that. 
This is my story of my love for him. The love that can never be. It all started last semester...
I was done with her. She was a bad person, Mina. She WAS my best friend, but when she started 
hanging out with that girl Sungmi, She changed completely. Becoming a heartless bully. 
I finally decided to stay away from her negative-ness. The problem was... 
She was the only real friend I had. The others I wasn't on up-to-date with the others 
friends I had. I believed Mina was the only friend I needed. 
The Lunch hour bell rang and I did everything I could to avoid her. 
I took a different route to my locker. With my hood flipped on my head I crouched down 
beneath the people crowing the hallway. Quickly, I through my books into my locker and
slammed it shut. Pushing myself through the people I dashed down the stairway and pushed 
the door open. 
"Oww!!!" I jumped in surprise. I had hit the person behind the door. 
Instantly I bowed to them and began to apologize. "I'm so so sorry!" I cried. 
"Cheolyong?" the girls voice asked. I looked up in wonder. It was an old "friend", Eunji. 
We hadn't talked much since last year when we first met in Social class. Mina had 
introduced me to her but I never got to know her that well... Besides her drug use with .
~Its actually funny how I first encountered Mina and Eunji. I was a loner then, 
I hung out with anyone I could. It was my first year at the school and I hated it. 
The school that is, along with EVERYONE and Thing in it. The "friends" I followed walked 
into the staircase of the school. Along the wall were a group of people eating their lunch 
and laughing a little too loudly. As we started walkeing up the stairs I heard their remarks. 
I knew the nasty comments weren't for me, they had a hate for the leader of my pack. 
But I was so pissed off with everything I decided to let out some steam. 
I wipped my head around and glared. Stomping my way over to them, and I knew i had the advantage here. 
I was tall AND I was standing. My feet ready to kick their heads into the wall. 
"WHAT THE  IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!" I screamed down at them. I towered over them, 
"DO YOU WANNA START ?" I spat. Almost immediately they began apologizing. 
"No no! We were saying it to that girl! Not you!!! I'm sorry! So sorry!!" she cried. 
I rolled my eyes and spat on the ground in front of them. I turned around and 
stormed away. That's my first encounter with Mina and Eunji. ~

"Oh, Eunji! I was just in a hurry. I didn't mean to." I explained. 
She smiled at me. "Hey don't worry about it!" she patted my arm. 
"Well if you say your in a hurry I better let you go!" she waved cutely 
at me and continued on though the doors. It was nice seeing her again. 
I suddenly remembered why I was in a hurry and continued my journey 
out of the school and to the Confederation Pool next to the school. I decided 
to hang there until the Lunch hour ended. 
~Later that evening~

"Oh! She added me on Facebook!" I whispered to myself afraid to be caught. I was at home 
on my labtop in my room, safely hidden away from the world. 
With a click of a mouse I accepted her request. With that she 
messages me almost instantly on messenger.
Eunji: Heeeyyy!!! Haven't talked to you in a while right??? XD 
Cheolyong: Eunji! Yes, it's been a while. Howr u? 
Eunji: Im great actually! Life seems to be treating me well ;D 
Cheolyong: that's great! Wish I could say the same T-T...
Eunji: oh? What's buggin u? 
Cheolyoung: It's Mina, she's... Different. And I'm avoiding her. That's why 
I was in such a rush today. So sorry! 
Eunji: Aw! And its alright... Hey, why don't you hang out with me and my friends then?
Cheolyoung: Rlly? 
Eunji: yah :3 
-Like that I met up with her the next day. 
The Lunch bell rang throughout the 
halls and I went downstairs to the cafeteria where we decided to meet. As usual 
the lunch room was crowed, the DJ blasting music and the line up was never ending. 
Finally I spotted her. "Eunji!!" I called out. She looked over and smiled. She waved 
to me and I hurried over. "Hey!" she smiled. "Hey." I smiled back. Suddenly this boy, 
about the same height, maybe a bit older and surely more built then I am, turned around. 
He had crutches and his chest was puffed out. He looked pissed off. "Uhh... Hello..." I smiled 
weakly. "This is Seungho!" She said while grinning up at him. I didn't look him in the eye. I
 just smiled and bowed my head a bit. "Nice to meet you." I said. "Uh... Anyways." I started 
to get uncomfortable. "Eunji!! I found you! What's up Seungho?" A babo looking girl 
came running up to us. She had dirty blond shoulder length hair and he was a bit 
shorter than me. A little on the chubby side... Or maybe she was big boned because 
she didn't seem fat. "Who's this?" she asked pointing at me. I could tell I was going to 
hate this loud mouth girl already... 
"This is my friend Cheolyoung." Eunji answered, her arm linked with mine. 
"This is Soyoung." said Eunji. I forced a smile. Soyoung kept staring at me. 
I could tell with my peripheral vision. She made everything awkward. 
"So.... I'm going to get going." I announced finally after we walked around 
for a while. The Clank of Seungho's crutches were making was starting to annoy 
me. "Aww, already? I was just getting to know you!" Eunji whined. "Yeah well..." 
I hesitated. "Do you wanna walk with us to the train station afterschool?" 
she asked politely. "I looked at the window and was blinded by the snow, 
immediately I looked away. "Your walking in this weather?!?" I asked. "Yeah, 
we always do! Except Seungie here, he gets picked up since he's on crutches." 
she informed. "Hm. Sure I'll walk with you." I finally answered. "Yay!" cheered Soyoung. 
"...alrighty then. I'll catch up with you later." I said before walking to my locker. 
Finally... The end of an endless day of painful information being forced into 
my head. Angry from Mina's bragging and hateful words about some girl she
barely knows, I roughly threw my books into my locked. Threw on my purple 
jacket and black backpack. "Heyyy!!!" I whipped my head around to see which 
bastard was calling me now. My expression softened as I saw Eunji waving 
and smiling at me. Not too far behind was Seungho and Soyoung... Great. I quickly 
locked up my locker and walked over to them. "What's up?" I asked Eunji. 
"Nothing much. Let's walk Seungho to the door. Then we'll begin our journey 
through the blizzard!!!" she joked and started walking towards the door. Then 
I was concerned about Seungho for some reason. 
How was he going to get down the steps? I walked beside Eunji, I could feel two sets of eye burning a hole 
in the back of my head. One, a very chilling stare, and the other a kind of annoying 
gooey stare. I held the door open for Eunji and Seungho. I kinda felt sorry for 
him. He hasn't said a word since we've met but... He still had that tough 
guy stance to him. To my surprise Eunji routinely grabbed his crutches 
and Seungho leaned on the railing supporting himself as he kind of hopped 
down the staircase. That must take some arm muscle to constantly lift your 
weight all day like that. Obvious muscle that he had. "Hey!" a girl called behind me. 
I turned and saw Soyoung behind the door. 
I forgot about her and nearly slammed 
it in her face. i wanted to laugh."That hurt!" she said jokingly. "It didn't even touch you!" I exclaimed. 
"Yes, but it hurt my ego!!" she puffed and stormed down the steps half teasingly. 
Rolling my eyes I caught up to Seungo in no time. "'d you end up in crutches?" 
I asked curiously. He eyed me for a second then answered in a serious tone. "I was 
being foolish and slid down the rail... And kinda landed wrong." he said monotoneously.  
"I see. When does the cast come off?" I asked. 
"Today actually." he answered. 
"Hm. Good for you." I said in response. Eunji was waiting at the bottom of the steps 
with his crutches. She handed them to him and Soyoung was holding the door for him. We left the 
lobby and now we were waiting outside in the blowing cold snow. "My dads here." he smiled 
at Eunji. "Bye Hun!" she grinned and leaned up to kiss him... They're dating?!?! I didnt know that. "
Bye Seungho!" Soyoung called after him. "See ya!" he waved back. "Uhh... Bye." I said 
awkwardly. He stared at me for a minute before saying, "Whatever." coldly to me and got into 
the red car. Ouch. Why is he so cold towards me. I turned to Eunji. "Why's he so mean to me?" 
I pouted. "Well thats because he made fun of him a couple weeks ago. That's probably why!" she 
giggled. "What?!? When?" I asked dumbfounded. 
"Weeelll, we were all crowding the staircase 
and all of a sudden on of your friends called him a cripple. He thinks you were apart of it and 
making fun of him too."what?! Are you serious?!?! No! No!no! That's all wrong!!!! Hahaha! Its 
actually funny! Lemme explain... But first let's get going, I don't wanna freeze. Get my blood 
pumping you know?" I suggested. She nodded and Soyoung followed close behind, listening in to 
the story. "Hahahaha really?? Poor Seungie!! He was so offended! You have to tell him the truth 
tomorrow!!" Eunji laughed at the real story. Soyoung was still laughing. 
We arrived at the 
train station and took the Train heading South to the next Station next to the bus station. 
On the train it got awkward. For me anyways. Because Soyoung kept hitting on me... I think. 
"Nice , Cheolyoung!" she laughed and slapped me. I was so offended. My mouth dropped 
and she made comments about how manly I was. Ignoring her I kept my attention on Eunji. 
"So. How are you and Mina?" I asked. Her smile faded. "Well. Not so good. 
She doesn't talk to me anymore and she's always trying to push me around...
 Just because I'm smaller than her I think." she said sadly. Aww. I hugged 
her lightly. "And people Are purposely trying to get me in trouble with her." 
She added. "Eh? What do you mean?" I asked curiously. She stared out the 
window. Her eyes distant. "They're spreading false rumors about me spreading 
rumors about her." she confessed sadly. "Oh. Well are they true?" I asked. 
She jumped. "No! Of course not. I would never!" she said nervously. "Well... 
I'm here for you okay." I said grabbing her hand to comfort her. She smiled 
sweetly at me. "Thank you." 
Like that we parted our ways and I...went home. To hell as I call it. 
You see my home isn't...home. When people say home, they think comfort, peace, 
a place where they can retire their days duties and rest peacefully, get work 
done in at their own pace. For me it's entirely different. 
To sum it all up quickly: Mom died when I was 8 years old. Father ditched. 
And for the last 7-8 years I've lived with my auntie. Who's physically abused 
me all those years. Cruel she is. But she's not always like that. There a side to 
her that I love. A happy one. 
I pushed the button and the bus operator let me off. I stepped off the bus. 
As it pulled away I walked into the empty ally. I Looked around before I 
stopped in my tracks. Looking up at the beautiful blue sky. Clouds slowly 
gliding by. The sun... Bright and warm as always... Like her. 
I fought the lump in my throat but failed. "Mom... I miss you...a lot." 
soon I found tears streaming down my face. The sun reminds me of that day. 
Early lazy morning. I was sleeping when I was awakened by her sweet angelic voice. 
I opened my eyes, blinded by the light beaming in from the window, she approached 
me and sat down on the bed holding my hand tight in hers. The sun behind her, made 
me think she didn't belong to this world. She was my angel. Her song clear as day. 
"You are my sunshine, my only sun shine, you make me happy, when skies are grey... 
You never know dear, how much I love you, so please... Don't take... My sunshine... Away." 
I sang quietly along out loud. Swallowing hard and wiping away the tears, I straightened up. 
Breathed deeply and continued walking.
One day. We'll meet again. In heaven... 
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Loving it please update!
ouo; I love your fanfictions. They are so interestingggg =u=<333
myPVRTDmind #3
FIrst to comment mmel_ng95! :D its slowly gunna build up~!
mmel_ng95 #4
This is gooood :DD<br />
Poor mir, and lol Seungho is on crutches looking forward to this !! <3