




                                Chanyeol lay on the full size bed, his feet hanging off the edge. He’s been awake for the past half-hour, gazing at the person beside him. In soft breaths, Baekhyun’s chest went up and down, not knowing Chanyeol’s restless glare upon his face. His hair was going every which way, pieces in front of his eyeliner-smeared eyes. Chanyeol’s shaky hand slowly lifted itself to Baekhyun’s face, gently pushing the hair from his eyes, then following through by tenderly his cheek. Baekhyun twitched a moment, as if he felt his hand. But he was a heavy sleeper—he figured it was nothing more than the wind.

                                As the fingers of Chanyeol returned to their stationary spot, they started to trace pictures into the dark blue sheets. The breath of Baekhyun was intoxicating, but he knew he could never be with him like that…he didn’t want him to know. He’d have to tell him sooner or later. Chanyeol laughed as Baekhyun let out a noise from his mouth. Probably a response from a dream. Chanyeol’s finger slowly perused his partner’s lips, lightly tracing the soft, light pink lines. He wished he could kiss them…Chanyeol scooted closer to Baekhyun, still tracing his lips.

                                Just then, a hand quickly grabbed Chanyeol’s wrist. Baekhyun was just dreaming, but it begged Chanyeol to come closer. At this moment they were an inch away. Chanyeol’s eyes wandered from Baekhyun’s eyes to his lips intently. His breathing became in sync with Baekhyun’s. He closed his eyes and leaned in until their lips were barely touching. He could slightly feel his skin on his. Chanyeol opened his eyes and muttered one word, “Goodnight.” As he spoke, his lips faintly touched Baekhyun’s, giving him innocent satisfaction. Chanyeol his side once again to sleep through the night.

                                Before he fell asleep, he heard a faint voice from behind, “Goodnight, Chanyeol.” And a small hand slid into his. 

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Chapter 1: Short but sweet ~ I liked it alot! This is one of my favorites, Good job^^
Chapter 1: Ahhh damnn too short!
It was gooood.
Askdhdjlgs i hope that they get to kiss for real!
We want moarrr! ;)
baekhyunloves #3
Chapter 1: Omg. Why so short? Ö but this is really good. Omg. I like it! More Baekyeol please. I love baek. ♥
nycbean #4
Chapter 1: WHY SO SHORT?!this is so good even if it is short, but it'd be nice if it were longer. Either way, amazing