Don't Forget Me



“Thank you, Summer. I’ll remember that.” He said softly, barely more then a whisper.

Then he paused. “Summer?”


“Don’t forget me.”



NOTE: This story is taking much much much longer then anticipated. I have no idea when ill be able to put it up. :( I hope soon though)

I kinda feel bad for Jonguppie, even though he's not my bias. All the stories I've seen with him make him a side character (and don't kill me if there are good stories with him as the main character... I just haven't found one.)

Originally this was going to be a normal story for my creative writing class, but i thought that I could put BAP into it, and this was born. I thought it would be a Yongguk x OC story, but as I looked over what the guy character was (his name was Mike) i saw that he reminded me of Jongup instead.

As to the fact that this was never intended to be K-pop fanfic, there's no honorifics or Korean dating stuff, its USA-ified.

This is also my first fanfic, so constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you everyone, and I hope you like it. <3



-None of the gifs or pictures are mine, unless otherwise stated.

-The characters (Except B.A.P) and storyline are mine, and any similarities are coincidental. Sorry.

(Someone just notified me that the story is very similar to a youtube video: HERE. I didn't know that this video existed until after I finished the story. My friend had told me a slumber-party story, and I thought that it was only that: a slumber-party story. I'm sorry for any confusion this might cause.)


Please don't plagiarize my work. I work hard to write these stories. 

Almost done. Finally.


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I liked your story ^^
I have one complaint, though; it sounds way too similar to this internet story; here's the link.
There're different versions of this story all over youtube. ><
It's really nice, though.
Chapter 7: I cried literally.. Its that good! UPDATE!
krinkle_shawol #3
Chapter 7: You're welcome :) Jongup is my bias, by the way :D
krinkle_shawol #4
Chapter 5: This isnt the end yet? Oh, i hope so..
Chapter 4: I'll be patiently waiting for your updates :)
Chapter 3: The first 3 chapters are daebak! And I hope Jongup is still alive -.-