

I can't believe it.....Is this true?
I'm not dreaming am I? or.......
Oh My God...
am I dead???
I'm not dead.. it can't be!

Silly conversation with myself starts popping in my head as I just stared at her. Like, really stare at her in a level that it feels like im staring right through her. I know that my stare makes her feel uncomfortable somehow.. but I cant help it. It's her. The girl in my dreams. I can't believe that i'm staring at the same hazel eyes, the same warm gaze. She looks exactly the same as the girl in my dreams. A petit girl with a long wavy hair. 

I've found you....

"Uh... excuse me, Seung Hyun ssi".

She knows me....

She squat in front of me. The sound of her voice is not what I expected. It was husky but cute. Really cute. It does look like it suits her. 
"Hello~~" She waves her hand in front of my face. I was unable to move. I'm too schocked, too happy. It's all seems so unbelieveable to even be real. Suddenly, as if my mind is completely unattached to my body. I hugged her. 

I miss you.. I missed you so much

For a moment, everything seems so perfect.. until......
"YAH..!!" She pushed me hard "What is wrong with you? I don't care if you are famous! You can't just randomly hug me. Your fans will kill me if they saw this!"
"Sorry.." i mumbled, Standing up as i brushes off the snow from my coat. Neko purred as she walks around my feet. I bent down and take the kitten. She just stood there and watch my every move. I heard her sigh with frustration. I know she's angry.
"I want my Neko back" She said in a very serious voice. Her hand reaches out for the kitten. Without waiting any longer, I give the kitten to her.
"Hey.. you're bleeding" Her expression soften as she saw the cut on my hand. Holding Neko in one hand, she reaches out for my injured hand. Just then, i remember about the scratch. It was indeed, a deep scratch and to be honest, I already forgot about it.
"Wait a second.." She said as she sit down on the snowy grass and poured out everything from in her bag. I just watch as she rummages her bag inside out.
"What are you looking for?" I asked. Neko jumped on my lap as i sit down next to her.

"My tissues. Aish... jinjja! Where are they?!"
"Gwenchana. It's not that bad. I'm okay" she looks at me with a frown.
"Shut up.." she snapped.

This girl....she is different indeed.

I stand up and leave.. Just letting her do what she wants as I play around with Neko. Running and rolling in the snow with that fluffy guy. I laughed when i saw that she is completely covered in snow.
"Aren't you cold?" I said to the kitty. As if she could understands me, She mew and walks closer to me. Again, snuggling on my lap. I sit down lean back on the nearby tree.

"FOUND IT!!" I turns my head to her. She's jumping with excitement.There's a packet of tissues on her right hand and a water bottle on her left hand. I just smiled.
"Ppalli, give me your hand" I stretch out my right hand. Neko with my left hand. There's streak of dried blood on it. Without saying anything, she poured the water on my hand, making me flinch from the coldness. Gently, she cleans the wounds and put an aid on it. I just stared at her during the whole process.

I'm dreaming.. am I? If i do, i don't want this to end. I want to stay this way forever.

"Done. Thank God it's not bad. This won't effect you when you're playing guitar right?" She lifted her head and in a split second, we stare into each other's eyes. Blushing, she broke the stare. 
"Nope.. It's just a scratch. No big deal". 
"I guess i'll be going now...." 
She stand up, pulling me along.



I watch her cleans up her stuff as he faint words keeps repeating in my head. I don't want her to leave. We might never met again. Please... Please don't go.. 

".......Nice meeting you here Seung Hyun ssi. I have to admit here, I'm actually a primadonna. Though, You do look different in real life. Even your personality is a bit different from when you are on stage. You are calmer. Did anyone ever told you that?" She smiled.



I really wanted to scream those words out loud.. but i just can't. It just stuck in my throat.

".......... annyong...". She bowed and left with the kitten in her arms. For a moment, I just stood there and watch her slowly fades away from my sight.
I can't let her leave like that.
I don't even knows her name!

This is your only chance SeungHyun! Grab it!
Without any second thought, without any negotiation with myself, I ran after her with only one thought.. This moment can't just end like this. No way!

"EXCUSE ME!!" I screamed as i ran. She stops and turns around with a puzzled expression.
"Waeyo?" She asked as i get nearer. 
"Can i get your name?"
"Ahh.. sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Eun Ae.. Choi Eun Ae. Sorry SeungHyun ssi, i'm really in a rush right now. I have to go somewhere. I'm really sorry". With that, she left. 

Nice to meet you Choi Eun Ae

I just stood there with a smile, watching her as she fades away from my sight.


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hunhanus #1
Chapter 1: looking forward for more..