Moving On

New School, New Start

         "Yah, Bom! Come on! It's time to go!" Dara called to her best friend from the foot of the stairs. There was no response. "Aish! Park Bom, you alien! Come downstairs! The moving truck's about to leave without the last of your stuff!" Still no response. She finally decided that she would drag Bom down the stairs and out the door if she needed to. Dara quickly climbed the staircase and entered the room they shared. It was empty except for the remaining two boxes of Bom's belongings. She wondered if Bom was in the bathroom down the hall. "Bom? You in there?" She called as she reached the door. She heard sniffles from inside and began to worry. "Bom! Are you alright?" More sniffles. "Can I come in?"

         "It's unlocked," Bom choked out from inside. Dara timidly opened the door to see her best friend sitting on the edge of the bathtub drying her eyes with a single square of toilet paper. The rest of the paper products had been packed up and this was all that was left in their bathroom. The tiny scrap of paper was ripped in several places and soaked with tears.

        "Bom, what's wrong?" Dara questioned, examining her distraught friend.

       "Nothing. I'm just sad to go I guess," Bom said.

        "I know. Me too... But just think about it... A new house, new school, new town, new cute boys...," Dara smirked as she shared the last advantage of their move. Bom looked up with a small smile.

         "There'll be cute boys?" She said, feeling happy and hopeful all of a sudden.

         "That's what Gyuri unnie told me."

         "Oh my God! Dara! We can finally find you your first boyfriend!" Bom exclaimed excitedly causing Dara to blush and begin daydreaming about her future soulmate. She pictured him to be tall, muscular, sweet, kind, loving, funny, and just overall perfect. But after only a few seconds she snapped out of her trance and remembered what she had come to find Bom for.

          "See! Something to look forward to! Come on. Let's go. My parents can't stand waiting much longer."

         "Right. Sorry, Dara. I was just thinking about when I first moved in..." Bom said, with tears threatening to form again. Three years and a month ago, Bom's parents were headed home from one of their movie dates when they were hit head-on by an 18 wheeler going the wrong way on the interstate. Bom remembered the night very clearly. She was staying at Dara's for one of their weekly Saturday night sleepovers when they got the call. Bom was in such awful shock that she didn't even fully realize what had happened  until she moved in with the Park family two weeks after the accident. For thr first two weeks she stayed with her closest relative, her great aunt, who had a countless number of cats and never heard what Bom said because of her old age and hearing problems. 

          Bom was not happy there, which only added to her constant miserable mood. Only when she moved in with Dara did she feel more like her previous self again. They had been best friends for as long as either of them could remember. Anywhere Dara was made Bom feel at home. The Park house was Bom's safe haven in the months and years after her parents' accident. Bom was sad to leave the only place that felt like home outside of the house she lived in when her parents were alive. Dara and Bom had been through so much together. This move was another obstacle that they had to overcome together. In fact neither of them wanted to leave, but they understood how important Dara's father's new job was to him and to the new hospital that had just been built and hired him.

         Dara helped Bom up and the two if them headed to their room arm in arm. They picked up the final boxes and walked down the stairs to meet the rest of their family on the front porch. Dr. Park and one of the movers took the boxes from the girls and loaded them into the truck filled with furniture, clothes, and other personal or household items. Once everything was packed up and the truck's door was closed the Parks got into their minivan and prepared to leave for a final time.

         Dr. Park sat in the driver's seat, Mrs. Park sat in the passenger seat, the girls sat in the two middle seats, and Dara's 14 year old brother Cheondoong had the backseat all to himself. Bom was a little scared of riding in a car for 6 or more hours, but she felt comfortable with Dr. Park driving and Dara next to her. She was still very sad to leave, though.

         As they pulled out of the driveway, Bom glanced back at the big empty house and felt a single tear trail down the side of her face.






1st chapter done! I hope it was actually interesting :P

thank you to all the subscribers I've gotten already! It means a lot!

let me know what you think in the comments! 

next chapter will be longer! So don't worry

also I apologize for the y-ness of my writing

❤, Leah



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update soon plz :D
Chapter 1: Please update. Update.
Chapter 1: I love it! Hope you update soon!