

Jiyoung/Kang Jun

794 words

"Now I beg to you, who has turned away, but once your heart starts to fall, it falls endlessly like dominos"





Something feels wrong today; really, really wrong. He checks his reflection on the mirror for one more time. Not a strand of hair is out of place, and his clothes are crisp and straightened – yet still he feels like something’s out of the picture. His style is the same, it’s his favourite even – but why doesn’t he likes it today?


The sudden buzzing sensation interrupts his moment. He takes out his phone from the back of his jeans and presses it against his ear.


“Hello?” he says, resting the phone between his cheek and shoulder, while he fusses around with his hair for one last time. Upon hearing the voice on the other end, he smiles. “I’m going out now. See you at the usual place?”


After ending the call, he lets out a loud sigh and shrugs nonchalantly.


“Guess there’s nothing I can do about it.”





Tapping his foot anxiously, he glances down at his wrist-watch for the umpteenth time that evening. It isn’t like he’s not used to her fashionably late style, but just like how he has been feeling ever since he left his house – he can tell something wrong is happening or at least, going to happen soon enough. He tries to shake off the negative vibe, but the more he ignores, the stronger it gets.


He decides to send another text message to her.


He feels as though his heart is about to explode, and his head is suddenly throbbing with pain. Maybe I should cancel this date, he thinks – just as a pair of arms throws themselves around him from behind and her habitual “Sorry I’m late,” fills his ear.


He turns around slowly, ready to hold her in his arms – but all at once, the smile falters on his face when his eyes fall upon a very, familiar figure – frozen like a statue.


The headache that was disturbing him a few moments ago is coming back now, with this sick, nauseous feeling washing over him. He gradually loosens himself from her grasp and starts to advance towards the girl who’s standing just barely a few steps away from them, with heavy, trudging steps.


“Jun...” she calls him back, but he ignores her. “Where are you going?”


This can’t be happening...this cannot be possible. I must be dreaming...there’s no way


He summons all the strength in him to find his voice again.




The second he spoke, she seems to break out of her trance as she averts her gaze and starts to turn the other way. I can’t let her leave just like that.


He picks up on his pace and hurries after her.


“Jiyoung!” he shouts above the noise, jostling his way through the crowd and at the same time, trying not to lose sight of her. “Wait!”


He pushes away the throngs of people nearby and when he’s about one step away from her, he reaches out a hand and pulls her to a halt.


Instead of putting a fight, she stops, much to his relief. He opens his mouth, with the famous “I am sorry” at the tip of his tongue – but before he can even get them out, she whirls around so suddenly and a tight slap lands on his face.


He stands there, stunned and dumbfounded to what had just taken place. He doesn’t even realise when she had managed to yank her hand out of his grasp, but she is now staring at him with betrayed and hurtful teary eyes.


His right hand travels up slowly to his now reddened cheek, trying to comprehend on the reality that is taking place. Sweet, gentle Jiyoung, who has never once raised her voice at him even in their worst arguments, had just slapped him openly in front of many witnesses.


“I hate you,” she whispers through clenched teeth, fighting to keep her own tears under control. He can see how her whole body is shaking with rage, with her two fists balled up by the sides.


I hate you...No doubt; those three words slashed through his heart even more painfully than the earlier slap had felt. The one girl that means the whole world to him, the only girl he has ever truly loved telling him that she hates him...he didn’t think he’d ever hear those words coming out of .


It was a mistake, a huge, stupid mistake on his part – and now it’s going to cost him the love of his life. For only a moment of selfish enjoyment, he’s going to lose a lifetime of pure happiness and true love.


The trust that had took them months to build, is now totally destroyed by one, single act of foolishness.


And he has no one else to blame, except for himself.

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childarie #1
Chapter 2: OMG it's a beautiful yet sad story at the same time :(( Love it <3
Letterofspring #2
Chapter 5: woah! amazing.. masterpiece art work from you. <3
shuhadaramli #3
Can you please do more? I love all of these!
loveunexpectedly #4
Chapter 2: Wow, baby Jing with the boys I can imagine her with: Dongwoon, Kai, Jonghun <3
Letterofspring #5
KaiJing!! Even its quite sad but totally love it.
Chapter 1: X.X MY JINGWOON FEEELSSSS!!!!! Lol I only read cause of Jing and Dongwoon haha! Anyways gooood! Make more! :3 ....of Jing and Dongwoon... or her with Kikwang.... or her with Daehyun... ah who am I kidding! It's yours! LOL Do whatever you want! slmnjijirfhff
rockettoyou #7
Chapter 1: looking forward for more!
luhanhoney #8
Chapter 1: update soon!!