Your Love


Jiyoung/Lee Joon

900 words

"You're getting farther away from me"




They have been best of friends, ever since he was 13 years old and she was 6. Usually, it would be a little awkward for two people with an as wide as them to even be friends – but for him and Jiyoung, they share a mutual understanding and a form of communication that bonds them in a way that no one could ever imagine.


She has always looked up to him as an older brother figure, one that she can come running to about anything – sadness, happiness and all. For him, he’s always felt this strong protective urge over her, whom he must look after as if he’s guarding his own life.


Chang Sun can be a little too childish for his age at times, and matched with Jiyoung’s superb maturity for someone her age – they complement each other like peanut butter and jelly. He needs someone to constantly remind him of the importance in life, and she needs a friend with a weird sense of humour to keep herself balanced.





Somewhere along the way, something changed. It could be him, it could be her or it could be the two of them, just that they’ve never said it out loud. She gets anxious when he’s late for their weekend movie-dates and he’d get jealous when she talks to other guys. She was the first to protest when he decided to join a team of undercover agents, and she’s the one he comes home complaining to after every tough mission.


He’s aware of the fact that she doesn’t quite approve of the career-line he had chosen to pursue.


Yet, just this one time, he decided not to let their different takes on the matter get into their way.


But it turns out to be a grave mistake on his part.





He wasn’t supposed to move forward without approval from his team leader. They have all been warned about how armed and dangerous the criminal that they are dealing with is. The whole team has been after him for months now – tracking down his steps and figuring out his whereabouts.


They know about his disturbing record and they understand the risks that come with it.


But Chang Sun had no idea the risk would involve him personally.


He had completely no idea that Jiyoung would be the price to pay for his ruthless actions.





“I have to get in there.”


“Chang Sun! Get back here!” his team leader barked into the communication device.


But he isn’t about to have any of that. Without a second thought, he yanked off his earpiece and threw it to the ground. He can hear his other team-mates calling back for him, but he still hurries forward, with only one thing in mind – saving her. Even if he dies today, he has to make sure she doesn’t.


He got her into this, and it’s only right for him to be one who saves her.


After all, he would never be able to forgive himself if anything bad were to happen to her.





“Let her go.”


“What if I don’t want to? Are you going to shoot me?” the criminal tightens his grip around Jiyoung’s neck and encloses his finger around the trigger. “I don’t think so.”


He catches her eye, and reads her silent message.


Don’t do this, she’s begging him.


I’m not going to leave you.


But he’s going to hurt you.


I’m not going to let him hurt you.


All those times when they’ve argued about his job, he wished he had listened to her. He wished, he had never once stopped listening to her.


And now, because of his selfishness, he might just lose her for good.


You know I love you.


Her eyes widen when she finally understands what he’s trying to tell her.


No, she screams silently as she struggles to free herself. Don’t do it, please.


It’s a suicide mission, and now both of them know it. There is no way for them to get out together safely. If he wants to save her, he has to put himself in the line of sacrifice.


On my count...


Please, Joon...


He smiles when he hears her calling him that. Not that she had said it out aloud, but still, he can hear her loud and clear. It’s the name she had come up for him and it’s his favourite ever.




She’s still trying to negotiate with him, but she understands.




He wraps his finger around the trigger, ready to pull it as soon as she is safe in his embrace.


She closes her eyes and he knows why. She doesn’t want to see it.


She doesn’t want to witness his last few moments.


Always remember that I love you.


He lunges his whole body forward and yanks her away quickly, without a moment of hesitation. As soon as she is safely shielded behind him, he pulls the trigger – just as the same time as the other person.


The last thing he remembers, is his own self falling to the ground slowly, with her arms wrapped around him so tightly he didn’t think she is ever going to let go.


Nevertheless, that is enough for him.


Because he could feel it. He could feel her love.


He’s happy to be departing from this world with her love accompanying him.


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childarie #1
Chapter 2: OMG it's a beautiful yet sad story at the same time :(( Love it <3
Letterofspring #2
Chapter 5: woah! amazing.. masterpiece art work from you. <3
shuhadaramli #3
Can you please do more? I love all of these!
loveunexpectedly #4
Chapter 2: Wow, baby Jing with the boys I can imagine her with: Dongwoon, Kai, Jonghun <3
Letterofspring #5
KaiJing!! Even its quite sad but totally love it.
Chapter 1: X.X MY JINGWOON FEEELSSSS!!!!! Lol I only read cause of Jing and Dongwoon haha! Anyways gooood! Make more! :3 ....of Jing and Dongwoon... or her with Kikwang.... or her with Daehyun... ah who am I kidding! It's yours! LOL Do whatever you want! slmnjijirfhff
rockettoyou #7
Chapter 1: looking forward for more!
luhanhoney #8
Chapter 1: update soon!!