The Restaurant

The Customer - Hoon (U-Kiss One Shot)

“That’s enough sir,” the customer said, watching the water pour from the pitcher into her glass. 
“…”   Hoon, the waiter, stood there staring out the front window of the restaurant. 
“Um…hello?” The customer waved her hand in his face.  He was in such a heavy daze.
“STOP!”  She shouted.
“Huh?” Hoon jerked back quickly at the scream.  He watched as the water from the pitcher splattered all over the customer’s lap!
“THAT’S IT!”  She threw her cloth napkin down on the table and burst from her seat, charging for the door. 
“Wait!!”  The manager came rushing over to the fuming guest and blocks the exit.  “What happened?”
“Your stupid waiter just spilled water all over my dress!”  She threw her finger in the direction of Hoon who was burying his face in his hands. 
“I’m sorry to hear that ma’am,” he tried to calm the situation, “I can get you a towel if you would like and your meal with be at a major discount.”
“No, I’m not dealing with this, I’m leaving!  And I’m never coming back!”  She forced him aside and hurried out the door.  The manager shot around and glared at Hoon.  He sighed and brushed his fingers through his hair; he didn’t want yelled at by his uncle again.

Hoon worked for his family’s Korean restaurant.  His father was the head chef while his brother cooked alongside him.  His mother was the owner and his uncle was the day manager.  Hoon was a waiter and worked with his cousins but today he was stuck by himself for the first few hours.  The restaurant was rather slow but he still couldn’t concentrate.  There was something plaguing his mind.
“Yah, what has gotten into you?”  His uncle smacked a menu across the back of Hoon’s head.  He deeply bowed.
“I’m very sorry.  I won’t do it again.”  Hoon peaked out of the corner of his eye to the window again; she still wasn’t there.
“Whatever, just, go clean that mess and then help your brother in the kitchen.”  His uncle wandered off to the sound of the phone ringing.  Hoon wiped his brow feeling a bit relieved. 

He slowly wiped off the table, glancing up every few seconds.  Once he was finished he checked his phone for the time then sighed.
“Where is she?” he mumbled to himself.  He gathered up the soaked towels and walked into the kitchen.  He tossed the towels in the corner and started doing pull ups on the door frame; he had a habit of exercising to calm his mind.
“What’s up with you?”  His older brother asked while cutting vegetables. 
“She hasn’t shown up.” 
“Oh, you mean your little girlfriend?”  He chuckled.  Hoon stopped mid pull up.
“Yeah, like that will happen.” 
“What’s with your lack of confidence?  I swear she stops by just to see you.” 
“Then why isn’t she here now?”
“Maybe she was just busy today.”
“Yeah…I’m sure.”  Hoon let go, landing on his feet and paced back into the dining room.  He sat down at a table waiting for more customers.

For the past two months, Hoon has had an eye on a girl that stopped by the restaurant every Thursday at 3 PM.  It was indeed Thursday but just about hit 4 PM with no sign of her.  He only knew her name from the nametag she sported.  He overheard she chose their restaurant to spend her lunch breaks.  He had never said a word to her before, always pulling another waiter because he was too afraid to speak.  Something about the way her dark hair was tucked behind her ears and the way her eyes sparkled gave him chills.  Her pale white skin stuck out in the sea of usual customers along with her lack of chopstick skills but she did her best in learning.  He managed to hear her angelic voice by always cleaning a table close to her as she ordered.  Sometimes she would just ask the waiter to surprise her and Hoon would decide hoping she would enjoy it. 

Today though, was a bit different.  He not only had planned out her surprise lunch but he wanted to make a move.  When she first started coming there was a man by her side, but he hadn’t been there for the past few weeks.  Hoon noticed a necklace she had always worn wasn’t around her neck the week before.  Something told him in his heart that this was his chance.  He had practiced the words over and over of what he would say but she wasn’t there to say them to.  He had nothing he could do other than wait for his shift to end then drink his troubles away. 


“Okay, go home,” his uncle said.  Hoon whipped off his apron and laid it on the counter.  Business was picking up for dinner time but Hoon was happy to be leaving.   He walked out the door instantly feeling the chilly winter air.  He zipped up his jacket and pulled up his hood, trying to shield himself from the blowing snow.  He started venturing on the icy sidewalk to his car.  He jammed the key in the lock and turned it while glancing around the busy parking lot.  Their restaurant was located on the edge of a huge shopping center.  The lights of the other stores were shining brightly amidst the dark evening.  He pulled open the door and hopped in quickly turning on the heater.  As he waited for the car to warm up he looked at the store signs. 
“Hmm…” he said to himself.  “I think that’s where she works.”  He watched as the automatic doors opened and closed.  From where his car was sitting he could see a little bit inside.  His eyes widened as he thought he saw her standing at the register.  He quickly shut off the car and jumped out, slamming the door behind him then making his way to the store. 

“Hi, welcome to-“  a woman greeted at the door.  Hoon barely heard the words, his eyes focused on his crush. 
“Thanks,” he kindly said, passing the greeter by and heading near the register.  The girl looked in his direction and he instantly glanced down to his feet.  “What do I do?” he thought.  He felt too weird to approach her for no reason so he looked at some shelves.  “I’ll just purchase something.”  He spotted a pack of bubble gum, it was good enough.  He nervously made his way towards her. 

“Hi, how are you today?” she politely smiled. 
“I’m…good,” he stuttered, blushing heavily. 
“It must be cold out-“
“Hey.”  Out of nowhere a man popped up behind her wearing the same uniform.  “I’ll take care of this customer.  You get ready to go home,” he instructed her. 
“Oh, okay.”  She turned her back to Hoon, leaving the area.  Hoon watched as she went to grab her things, frowning feeling as if his opportunity was missed again.
“That will be 70 cents, sir,” the new cashier said.  Hoon pulled a dollar from his pocket quickly laying it on the counter. 
“Keep the change,” he hurriedly said, taking the pack of gum and swiftly leaving.  He stood outside pacing, hoping she would appear.  He leaned against the building until he caught her in the corner of his eye.  He gasped.

“Hi…” he weakly said, catching her attention.
“Sorry I left you back there,” she cutely apologized.  She zipped up her jacket nearly shivering and took a few steps away; Hoon stopped her.  “Is there something you want?”  She looked a bit confused.
“Well um…” Hoon’s ears were glowing bright red from his embarrassment.  “Maybe you don’t recognize me.”
She thought for a moment.  “Oh!”  It clicked.  “You’re that guy from the Korean restaurant!”
“Oh, so you do,” he nervously chuckled. 
“My name is Page.”  She offered her hand.  He shook it.  Her hands were so small and soft; she was even more perfect than he had originally thought.  He gulped.
“That’s a beautiful name.  I’m…Hoonmin.  But you can call me Hoon.” 
“That’s a very cute name,” she said.  Her cheeks were a rosy red from the chilly air.
“So um… how are you?”  He asked.  “I didn’t see you so I was concerned.”
“Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t stop by today.  I didn’t get a lunch break.” 
“Oh, yeah, I mean, I was just curious,” he tried to act passive and bit his lip.
“Well, I should head home,” she said.  “I have a long walk ahead of me.”
“Yeah, I suppose,” he sadly agreed.  “Wait, you have to walk?”
“Yeah, I don’t have a car.” 
“A woman like you?  I can’t let you, you’ll freeze.” 
“I don’t have a lot of choice.”
“I can drive you!”  He suggested. 
“Hmm…” she thought it over. 
“Don’t worry, I’m a safe driver.  You can trust me.  I mean you come to our restaurant all the time so if I didn’t get you home safe we’d lose another customer,” he joked.
“Are you sure it’s not a problem?”
“No, not at all!”  He assured her.
“Okay, thank you!”  He led the way to the car. 

“Here, let me get that for you,” he opens her door. 
“Thanks,” she says with a smile, sliding herself in.  He rushes to his side, putting the key into the ignition and blasting the heat.  He hurries to scrape off the windows and wipe the excess snow from the roof.  Once he’s done he hops into his car, pulling his seatbelt across his chest.  The radio is silently playing some silly pop song in the background.  He turns on his lights then exits the parking lot.  As they drive down the road an awkward silence seems to float above them.  Page begin to talk, hoping to fill that gap.
“So…” she says, “how long have you worked at the restaurant?”
“Well, it’s my family’s restaurant, so ever since I knew how to wash a plate.”
“That must be fun.”
“Not exactly,” he wanted to mumble but changed his decision.  “It’s okay,” he responded.  “If it weren’t owned by the family I probably would’ve left.  It’s not something I want to spend my life doing.”
“Oh really?  What are you interested in?”
He began to blush again.  “I actually went to a university for music, but they wanted me back home.  My true dream is to one day be a singer.”
“Oh, a singer?  Are you good?”  She seemed interested.
“I really hope I am.  I’ve managed to win a few competitions.”
“That’s cool!  I’d love to hear it.”
“Really?”  He looked at her.
“I bet it’s amazing.” 
He started to chuckle happily.  “Well, I um-“
“Turn left here,” she pointed.  He put his attention back on the road, nearly hitting a car as he turned.  He let out a breath. 
“Sorry,” he apologized.  They were silent again.
“So…can I hear you sing?”  She quietly asked. 
“Um…” he swallowed, feeling him sweat a bit.  “Where do we go next?” He said, changing the subject.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I should tell you.”  She stared out the windshield.  “Make a right and you’re there.” 

He pulled into a parking spot right outside her door.  At that moment he realized something familiar about that area.
“Wait, this is where you live?”  His eyes widened.
“Yeah, I live right there,” she pointed.
“I live…over there,” he nudged his head off to the left.  He lived a total of two doors away.
“No way!  I never knew we were neighbors!”
“Yeah, me either,” he was in awe. 
“Does the rest of your family live there?”
“No, it’s just me.” 
“So you have a cool bachelor pad,” she giggled.
“I guess that’s what it is,” he smiled back.  “Oh, so, shall I walk you to your door?” 
“I would appreciate that.” 

He shut off the car and went to her side, opening the door up.  He helped her up by holding her hand, feeling a tingle through his body.  She shivered at the touch of a snowflake that fell from the sky.  Without even thinking Hoon tugged her in close.  He wrapped his arms around her hoping to keep her warm.  Once he realized what he was doing he let go.
“I’m sorry,” he said, hiding his face.
“No, that felt really nice,” she huddled against him.  He kicked the car door shut while rubbing her shoulder till they made it to her front door.  He stood there waiting for her to find the key in her pocket; he was dreading their meeting would end by the flick of the lock switch.  As she got the door open there was a surprising sound coming from her stomach.


Her stomach started growling.
“Gah, I’m so hungry,” she whined. 
“It’s because you didn’t get a lunch break,” he teased.
“Ugh, and I don’t have any food in my house!”
“Well, I could um…” he drew in the snow with his shoe.  “I only live a few steps away.  I can make you dinner if you’d like.” 
“Oh, would you?”  Her eyes were full of delight; he couldn’t help but smirk.  He nodded then offered her his arm.  They strolled over to his place. 

Hoon let out a heavy gasp as soon as he the living room light.  His pajamas were scattered all over the couch.  He had been running late from lack of sleep because he spent all night thinking about her. 
“Close your eyes!”  He said, speeding around and picking up the mess.  He dashed with the pile to his bedroom, throwing them in then casual making his way back to her.  “Okay.”  She opened her eyes.
“Wow, this place is really nice.”  She instantly found a comfortable spot and hugged a nearby pillow tightly.  Hoon enjoyed her happiness. 
“Well, you can relax while I make dinner.”  He picked up the television remote and slid it over to her.  She rejected the offer.
“No, I’d love to help you cook.  It’s such a huge favor to me.”
“If that’s what you would like.”  He led her into the kitchen.  He cleaned off his breakfast bar that had bar stools on each side.  She took a seat while he grabbed the large bag of rice in the corner.  He took a measuring cup and filled it with rice then dumped it into the rice cooker.  He then went to the kitchen sink and filled another cup with water, adding it to the mix.  He fixed the settings and let the machine do its own work. 

“What are we making?”  She asked. 
“Something yummy,” he playfully hinted. 
He then proceeded to grab a variety of beef and vegetables from the refrigerator and placed them on the counter with a knife and a cutting board.  Page made a silly disgusted face.
“Ick, I don’t like vegetables.”
“You don’t?”  He seemed a bit disappointed.  “But you eat them at the restaurant.”  He feared he sounded a bit creepy but it didn’t bug her. 
“Well it tastes good there…” she kept her eyes elsewhere.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it delicious and you’ll love it,” he assured her.  She nodded her head in acceptance.  Hoon washed off a few carrots and begin to chop.  Page’s eyes were steady on his motions. 
“Wow, you’re really fast!” 
“I’ve learned a bit from my family,” he smirked.  His speed increased even more.  Once he started chopping another vegetable, Page spoke up.
“Erm…can I try?”  She shyly said.  She got off the stool and walked around to him.  He handed her the knife then stood to the side watching her try to chop.  At her first shot, she nearly missed the vegetable.  Hoon chuckled.  “Ugh, maybe I should just let you do this.”
“No, don’t get frustrated.”  He moved behind her sliding his hand around her wrist.  He blushed when their skin touched.  “I…” he stuttered.  “I’ll show you.  It’s just like this.”  He slowly lifted her hand and steadied the blade right over the vegetable.  “Be careful with your fingers.”  He moved her other hand to the side, intertwining his fingers with her.  He stopped a moment, tempted to brush her hair back and kiss the back of her neck, but he had to focus.  He shook his head then floated the knife over the spot.  “Just like this,” he said, taking a chop down.  It cut right through. 
“Oo yay!”  She cheered.  He helped her cut another bit.  “I got the hang of it.”  Page continued while Hoon took another chopping board and the beef.  It didn’t take long for him to chuck the meat in a pan.  He cranked up the heat on the stove filling the kitchen with the sizzling aroma.   Both of them were busy with their jobs and too busy concentrating to socialize, but Hoon kept sneaking a look to check on her.  He chuckled seeing a piece of onion on her cheek.
“You have something here,” he said, touching his cheek.  Once she missed it he leaned over and wiped it off with his thumb.  He found himself staring into her eyes.  “You’re so beautiful…” he wanted to whisper but couldn’t.  Instead, something else slipped out.  “It was onion.”
“Oh, thanks.” 
Hoon turned back to his work smacking himself in the head.  “Stupid,” he muttered to himself.  He flipped over the bits of meat and watched it for a few more minutes and then summoned her. 
“How are you doing there?”  He asked.
“I’m almost…done.” 
He took the cooking board and slid the variety of vegetables to join the sizzling meat.  He mixed them together then reached in a cupboard for a special ingredient and sprinkled it in.  They could smell the white rice from the cooker and their mouths filled with saliva.  Only a few more minutes and everything was done.  Hoon found a matching pair of plates and a few sets of chopsticks.  He put the food on the plates and set it in front of them. 
“What would you like to drink?” 
“Anything is fine.” 
He searched his fridge and found an unopened bottle of wine sitting on the bottom shelf.  He figured this was a better time than ever to break it open.  He remembered the pair of wine glasses he had received were sitting in his cupboard.  He popped out the cork and poured them both a taste.  As he sat across from her he felt something was missing.  As Page tried to steady the chopsticks in hand, Hoon headed to his room.  He arrived this time holding a candle.  He pulled out a lighter and lit it, placing it in the middle.  He picked up his wine glass.
“Should we have a toast?”  He pondered.
Page giggled.  “How about to having a new friend?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, “that’s fine.”  They clink the glasses and Hoon takes a large gulp, hoping she would like his food.  He watched as she tried to take her first bite.  Her hands were shaky and the rice slipped through the space.  She managed to hold a bit of meat on the chopsticks and slide it in .  She instantly smiled.
“This is delicious!”  She declared.  She stabbed her chopsticks back in trying to take another mouthful.  Hoon laughed at how she only actually got half of what she picked up in .  She seemed a bit embarrassed by her lack of skills.  “Sorry, I’m still new to these things.” 
“Don’t worry about it, Page.”  He blushed at letting her name slip from his tongue.  He nudged the glasses aside and reached across the table, digging his own chopsticks in.  He took a bit and raised it to .  At first she seemed unsure but then accepted it.  She hid behind her hand after taking the bit from his chopsticks.  “Watch how I do it,” he said, digging his chopsticks back in.  “You hold it like a pencil,” he instructed.  She picked up her own and tried doing it, managing to pick up a bit more. 
“So that’s the trick?”  Hoon simply nodded.  They continued to have a fairly quiet dinner, only speaking an occasional word.  Hoon still struggled to figure out the right words and was happy enough in her company.  Once he poured them a few more glasses of wine they became more relaxed with each other.  Hoon wanted to open up to her but it was still hard.  When they were both finished eating and reached to remove her plate.  She went into the living room getting a better picture of the surroundings.  As he washed the dishes quickly Page found herself drawn to the piano placed in the corner of the room.  She began to pluck at the keys creating a mess of notes and catching Hoon’s ear. 
“You play piano?”  Page called out to him, sliding her fingers across a line of white keys. 
“Yeah, for a long time now.” 
“So you can sing and play piano?  That’s really neat.” 
Hoon smiled at the compliment.  He dried the dishes with a towel then walked in to join her.  He scratched the back of his head approaching slowly to sit with her on the piano bench. 
“May I?”  He sweetly asked.  She moved over a bit so he could fit.  Both of them were silent as their bodies sat so closely.  Hoon set his hands on the ivory and began to play a sweet melody.  Page nearly melted at the beautiful sound. 
“Hoon, you’re so good.”  She sat there in awe.  Hoon could feel himself getting more confident.  He began to sing the song that his fingers were playing.  Page shuffled herself a bit closer to him.  As the song finished she clapped wildly.  “Play another please?”  She kindly asked.  Hoon wanted nothing more than to fulfill her request.  He thought about what he should play to win her heart.  It was then the idea came to mind.  “If I can’t say it, maybe I can sing it,” he thought to himself.  He started to sweat a bit from his brow. 
“Are you okay?”  She asked.  Hoon nodded.
“Yeah I’m just…I hope you like this.”
“You’re really good, I know I will.” 

With that burst of confidence, he couldn’t fight the huge smile on his face.  His left hand began hitting the chords they were begging to play.  His right hand started on the melody.  As the intro started he cleared his throat and closed his eyes.  He was ready. 

‘I think about you every day
But I barely know you
I get chills when I hear your name
I never know what to do
Afraid to say the words
That I desire
The girl that I’ve just met
Sets my heart on fire…”

The lyrics he created danced from his lips, making her heart flutter at each word.  He kept his eyes closed unaware of what she was feeling.  From the verse to the chorus his fingers rode up and down the notes and his voice got bigger. 

Is all I wish to say
Oh saranghae
Please be mine today

As he rounded the chorus a second time the nerves tickled his voice.  His eyes had opened and were staring into hers and he could no longer move.  He suddenly stopped as if time had frozen.  All there was were the sound of their breaths and Hoon’s prominent heartbeat.    He was stuck in the daze until she decided to speak.
“That song is beautiful, although I don’t know it.”
“Well, I um…” he broke the eye contact with a smirk.  “I wrote it.”
“The girl you wrote it for must be lucky.”
“Well…funny thing is…” he sighed.  “I wrote it for you.” 
Page gasped in surprise; Hoon didn’t know what to think.  He let out a deep breath and turned his head away from her worried if he had just messed everything up.  Instead, he felt her lips pecking his cheek.  He looked to see her face was bright red. 
“I loved it.”  She hid her face in her hands. 
“Really?”  Hoon’s eyes widened.  She could only nod.  “Well um…”  He was at a loss of words.  He leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.  They playfully smirked after the exchange then fell deep into each other’s eyes. 

“I had no idea you liked me,” she remarked. 
“I didn’t think I had a chance.” 
“Are you kidding?  I’ve had a crush on you.  That’s why I keep coming back to eat.”
“I can’t believe it,” he laughed.  “I thought you were too beautiful for me to ever get a chance.” 
“I couldn’t want anyone better.” 

Their cute innocence made them exchange little playful looks until Hoon placed his arm around her shoulders.  He could feel them falling into the moment.  His eyes closed and he slowly moved in close.  Before Page knew it, Hoon’s lips were pressed gently against hers.  Their sweet moment of passion seemed to last for them forever.  Hoon took the bit of her top lip in between his, kissing every part of it then moving his lips to the bottom.  He moved his other hand to her hip pulling her in closer.  She opened just a bit as he desired to enter his tongue.  Their first kiss had turned into an ensemble of kisses, each getting them deeper and closer together.  As they let go to take a breath, Hoon gently rubbed her hip.  He left a little peck on her forehead and looked right back into her eyes.  It was finally time for him to say it.

“Page,” he blushed, “will you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course I will,” she responded without hesitation.  She reached to gently slide her fingers through his hair wanting to get pulled into another kiss.  He quickly gave into her desires.  He leaned her back and began kissing more until they nearly fell off the bench.  He pulled them up and ended up bumping his head on the piano then started to laugh.  He helped her up from the bench. 

“Well, I guess we should sit somewhere a little safer,” he joked.  She put her hand into his. 
“You’re right,” she said, leading him over to the couch.  He couldn’t believe things were turning out this way and couldn’t be happier.  He smiled at her leaning against the arm of the couch waiting for him to join her.  There she was; everything he had been thinking about, losing sleep over, writing songs for; now was his.  His heart was beating like crazy as he thought it all over.  He remembered how he was earlier in the day, afraid she would never come back and he’d never have the chance, but this is where they were now.  He couldn’t ask for anything better than what was here and now.

“Well?”  She giggled at his standing there and stalling, staring into oblivion as he thought.
“Oh yeah,” he said then sat down beside her.  He started leaving kisses on the nip of her neck.

That’s how they were the rest of the night; leaving kisses on each other, playfully teasing and holding hands, exchanging smiles and little sweet phrases.  As the night went on they cuddled and she ended up falling asleep in his arms.  He stood and walked around the room and shut off all the lights then grabbed a blanket he had folded in a closet.  He covered her body quietly to not wake her up then sat behind her letting her rest her head on his lap.  He leaned in close and made sure he was asleep before he said a word.
“I love you,” he whispered.  He rested his head against the cushion.

He fell asleep and dreamt of the woman he now had. 


If you were wondering, I wrote the lyrics :).  I hope you enjoyed.  Feel free to comment!  I love you <3

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Chapter 1: so cute.. wah what is air XD omo well done :3
Aw, Hoon's just so...asdfhdskjdfjiuukkl! Great job! ^^
Chapter 1: This is so sweet. Honestly, this is the best one-shot that I have ever read ^_^ And the lyrics are beautiful :D
Chapter 1: So incredibly cute x3
kmiche #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww this is so sweet! wish it was a story instead of a oneshot tho hoon is in my top 3 biases from all k-pop boybands & its so hard to found storys starring him so thks a lot!!
page_90 #6
Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!! this was perfect you wrote Hoon sooo great for not know much!!! research did good hahaha!1 THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! im going to read this like a million times!!!! ITS SOO CUTE!!! (:(:(: and i love the pictures you picked!! ahhhhhh!!!!!!! this is the best thing that someones done for me!!! saranghae!!!! (: ohhh and well worth the wait!!! (: