Making Things Better

Since Then...

It was an average Sunday morning. I woke up at 10am and washed myself up. I changed clothes, put on an apron and went down stairs to clean up some of Soohyun oppa's mess from yesterday. I walked into the kitchen and it was already spotless. *He must've cleaned. Typical.* I walked into the lounge with my hands in my apron pockets when I felt something inside one of them. I took it out and saw that it was a piece of paper. "What's this?" I unfolded it and read it word by word but part of it has been cut off...




We regret to inform you that your house has been bought by someone else and is scheduled for demolition in the next week. We advise you to pack things necessary and leave before the process of the demolition.


"E-Eviction..." I stared at the paper and fell on my knees. "I-I can't just l-loose my h-house..." I started crying while slowly getting up to go outside. I walked to the front door but I didn't have the strength to open it. I was still shaking at the fact that the house I've been living in for nearly two years that I bought with hard earned money would be scheduled for demolition. *Who the hell would buy this house without even telling the owner...* I lifted my arm up and finally had the courage to open the door. I stood at the front of my yard, staring at the house. I soon shook it off and started walking.

I walked down the road and across a couple of streets till I reached where I needed to be. *Here goes nothing.* I walked up to the gate and rang the door bell. "Who is it?" A voice from the other side of the gate said. "It's me. Shin Heesun." The gate opened and I walked inside. *How long has it been since I've been here?*
I looked around and someone hugged me from behind. "HEESUNNIE!" I smiled and held his arms in front of me. "Hey Mir oppa." He turned me around and stared into my eyes. "Hmm...looks like something happened. Come inside and tell me all about it." He grabbed my arm and dragged me inside his house. There, he lived with his umma and his hyung, Bang Yongguk. His dad died a couple of years ago because of a terrible car accident.

As I walked in, I saw their spotless lounge room. It was beautifully set out with hand-made furniture and a leather three seater couch. *Wow... how long has it been since I've been here?*
"Heesunnie! Come and sit!" I looked at the couch and saw him gesturing me to sit down next to him. Before I could get to the couch, I felt someone grab my back and hugged me tightly. 

"HEESUN-AH! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!" His deep voice was way too obvious to recognise.
"Yongguk oppa! Nice to see you again!" I turned around and smiled at Yongguk. "HYUNG! I TOLD YOU SHE'S MINE!" I turned to see Mir staring into Yongguk's eyes and I shook my head. "Who ever said I was yours?" He smiled and raised his hand with pride. "I did." We all laughed it off and soon stayed silent.

"So you were going to sit down?" I nodded and sat next to Mir with Yongguk beside me. "So what happened Heesunnie? Why did you look sad when you got here?" Mir asked with a worried expression. *Don't look into the eyes!* I sighed and took a deep breath. "Instead of telling you, I'll just let you read it instead." I handed Mir the paper and stood up so Yongguk could read it aswell. As soon as they finished reading the cut-off note, their jaws dropped half way and turned their heads slowly to me simultaneously.

"Heesun-ah...your just going to waste?" Mir looked up at me as I sat back down and nodded silently. Yongguk wrapped his arms around me and made my head rest on his shoulder. "Shh. Let it all out." I laid my head on Yongguk's shoulder and started sobbing. Who in this small neighbourhood would just buy a house at random and schedule it for demolition in just a week? my life. It was bad enough moving out and now this? Having to move out again for some bastard? What am I going to tell Soohyun oppa? And worse...what will I tell umma?

"Don't cry Heesun. We both know how hard you've worked to get that house. Like how you've been working over time for both your jobs. I swear, when I find the bastard who bought your house, he better watch out and wait for karma to kick his down." Mir said with a serious tone. I giggled slightly and looked up from Yongguk's shoulder with a small smile.

"Thanks oppa's for cheering me up." I said while my grin grew wider. *But it's just not enough*
They both grinned back at me as Yongguk patted my head and Mir cupped my cheeks with his hands. "Look, Heesun. I've been your friend for 10 years. You should know by now that there's nothing in this world, and I mean nothing, that I wouldn't do for you." He gave a warm smile and hugged me. I was just about to tear up but held it in. *Oppa, why do you have to be so sweet for? Can't you see that I love you but I'm not supposed to?*

I sat there in Mir oppa's arms for quite some time until.. "AHEM!" Yongguk broke our moment and we let go of each other with sheepish smile's. Yongguk smiled. "That's better. By the way Heesun-ah, why not stay at our house for the mean time? You rest off a bit. Our treat! And in addition, we'll take you out somewhere today!" He said with a wide grin as Mir and I just stared at him baffled. "Where to?" I asked. "You'll see." Yongguk winked at me and grabbed my arm. "I'll drive you home so you can get ready. We leave at eleven thirty, arasso?" He dragged me outside the door along with Mir following behind and I nodded in agreement.


We drove past a couple of streets until we reached my house. Yongguk parked the car and opened my car door. "Make sure you hurry. It's already eleven. You have twenty minutes to get ready. We'll be back soon!" Yongguk pushed me to my door, ran back to his car and drove off. *Hmph...* I walked inside and walked upstairs. "Twenty minutes to get ready?" I said to myself again still confused at why we would leave so early. I shrugged it off and showered for 10 minutes. When that was done, I quickly changed into a casual, comfy outfit. Just a pair of black skinny jeans, an average blue and white striped tee, a maroon beanie and a black and white scarf. I walked downstairs, grabbed my small backpack and started putting in some snacks just in case. All that in 10 minutes also. *They should be here soon.*

I walked up to my cupboard where I kept all of my shoes and chose a dark blue pair of high tops. As you can see, I'm pretty much a tomboy.
I walked outside and sat on a small bench in front of my house waiting for the oppa's to come. *Pssh...and they told me to get ready in twenty minutes when they don't even show up on time.* To pass time, I took out my mp3 and played a couple of songs. "B.A.P's new song should do the trick." I B.A.P's song 'Rain Sound' and gazed into the distance.

I sighed loudly. "If I stay at Mir and Yongguk oppa's house, who knows what Yongguk would do..."
I started thinking to myself. "But I have no other place to go."
I slapped my face lightly and sighed again. "But it also might be trouble for their umma having to take care of three people."
I looked up into the sky and stared at the clouds. "But she's always so nice to me, so she might let me stay."
I shook my head and closed my eyes. "But Soohyun oppa might offer me to stay at his house."
I opened my eyes and rested my head on the palm of my hand. "But he would probably get mad at me for not doing anything about the demolition."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "So many but's and not enough certain answers..." I leaned back on the bench and just stayed like that for a while.

I took out my phone and it was already 11:45. I stood up and started walking over to their house. *Stupid oppa's*
I was half way there and all of a sudden, I heard a car horn. I looked over to my right and saw Yongguk oppa's car parked right beside me. Mir popped his head out of the window and gestured me to come in. I shrugged it off and climbed into the car.
"Mind telling me why you guys were fifteen minutes late?" I buckled up my seatbelt and folded my arms. Mir turned around as Yongguk started driving and smiled. "We'll tell you when we get there." I shook my head and just sat back. "Fine."

I stared out the window without a word when finally, Yongguk cracked up a conversation.
"So where do you plan on staying after moving out?" That question took over my thoughts. I took my gaze off the window and looked down onto the floor of the car. "I honestly don't know oppa." I looked up and saw Mir turning his head around to meet my stare. He reached his hand over and held my cheek lightly from where he could reach. "Don't worry too much." He said with a smile. "Me, Yongguk hyung, Soohyun hyung and SHINee will take care of you." I managed to soften a bit after what he said and smiled. "Whatever you say." He leaned back to his seat and took a quick glance at me together with a wink. I blushed and turned my head to face the window again. Sooner or later, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


"WE'RE HERE!!" I woke up in an instant from Yongguk's loud voice. "Ugh..." I lifted my head up from the window and groaned. I blinked furiously and rubbed my eyes. "Where are we...?" I asked as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I saw Mir open the door for me and I stepped out while his smile beamed brightly. My eyes widened at the sight. "A zoo?" They both nodded as Mir pointed another direction. "And there's an amusement park right next to it." I smiled brightly. It's my first time in so many years since I've been to the zoo and I've never been to an amusement park.

"Kaja!" Yongguk grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the entrance with Mir following behind. As we walked in, Mir and I were just staring at all the animals. "OOH OPPA'S LOOK AT THAT!" I ran ahead and spun around gazing at each and every animal I saw. I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and turned me around. Apparently I landed right on Mir's chest with his face just inches away from mine. I wanted to stay like that for a while. He stared into my eyes and smiled ever so brightly. I blushed and smiled as well. Mir then leaned in closer and whispered something. "I have a surprise for you..." He broke off our close moment and dragged me along with him.

"Close your eyes." I did as he told me to and just let him drag me to wherever he was planning on taking me. It took a while until I heard heaps of screams. "You can open your eyes now." I opened them with my mouth wide open. "YAY!" I screamed and jumped for joy while sprinting to the entrance. Mir ran beside me and grasped hold of my hand again. "Tickets for three please." Yongguk suddenly popped up from behind and asked for the tickets. He paid the man and we all ran in.

"Where do you want to go first Heesunnie?" Yongguk asked with his hands on my shoulders. "Let's go on the viking first!" I let go of Mir's hand, shook of Yongguk and ran towards the viking. I stared at it for a while. "Bigger than I thought." I turned to see Mir and Yongguk following behind. "YAH STOP RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT!" Yongguk yelled out. I laughed and shrugged. "Not my fault for being excited!" I got in line and saved a spot for Mir and Yongguk. When they came up next to me girls from the line started to stare.

"How can guys like them be with a girl like her?"
"What a having two boyfriends with her."
"What a lucky bastard having guys at her feet like that."
"They are way out of her league."

I looked down in shame and clenched my fists. It's not my fault for having guys as friends. "Hey. Don't listen to them." I looked up and saw Mir and Yongguk looking at me with soft smiles. "We came here together so we'll stay together." I softened up a bit. "Plus, I would rather have you than some other s around in this line!" Yongguk said loudly on purpose while throwing his arm around my shoulder with a smile. The girls snickered and turned their backs to us. *Finally.*

It was our turn. "Let's sit at the end!" Mir and Yongguk grabbed my hands and made me sit down in between them on the very last seat. "Here goes nothing." The Viking started moving slowly and Mir shot his eyes open. "Wow. Wow. Wow." He took hold of my hand in fear and I just laughed at him. "It hasn't even started yet oppa and you're already scar...AHHHH!" The ride started going faster. Rocking up and down while everyone on board was screaming their asses off. "YAAAAHH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS HEESUN-AH!" Yongguk oppa yelled while the boat nearly went upside down. Soon the ride stopped and we were relieved. "Never. Again." Mir and Yongguk said at the same time as I laughed it off.

After the Viking, we rode many other rides that made the oppa's scream like little girls. When all that was finished, we went to eat. "Here you go Heesun." Mir handed me a plate full of dumplings and a bottle of orange juice. I smiled and bowed my head.
"Thanks oppa." He smiled back and patted my head. "Anything for my penguin."
Yongguk stopped eating and asked. "Why do you keep calling her penguin?" I came to realise that I never really knew why he called me penguin and turned my head to face him. Mir had a sheepish smile and replied.
"I noticed that when she walked down stairs, she flaps her arms. Aigoo, so cute!" Mir leaned over and pinched my cheeks. I looked down embarrassed and just continued eating.

Yongguk laughed and nodded. "It seems to suit her well. I want to give you a nickname too." He said while rubbing his chin. "What about..." Yongguk clicked his fingers and smiled. "Lollipop!" Mir and I looked at him confused. "What made you think of lollipop?" I asked with my head tilted on one side. He just gave a grin. "Because you're sweet, colourful, nice and everyone loves you." I looked down again and just continued eating. Little did they know that I was blushing at his statement. I looked up again so see Yongguk just smiling in approval. "So it's settled. You are Mir's penguin and you're my lollipop." I blushed again and nodded.

We finished eating and went on a couple more rides that were calming like the Farris Wheel and went back to Yongguk's car. As we climbed in, I remembered something from earlier. "Why were you guys late in picking me up this morning? You said you would tell me when we got here." I heard them both giggle as Yongguk started the car. "You'll see when we get home." Mir said with a smile as we drove off.


When we reached their house they told me to sit on the couch and wait for them. I did as they said and rested my head on my backpack. *I wonder what they're doing.*
Suddenly, I heard music playing. *What's going on?* Then I heard a voice.

Baby say yeah yeah yeah yes
Don’t say no no no no
I can’t take my eyes off
Even when I know I can’t have you
This is happening for the first time, look at me
Even when I call why? Where are you looking?
You are like a Mona Lisa without any answer
This is your spot, don’t leave me

I saw Mir come out with a rose in one hand and a card in the other. I took it and smiled like an idiot. "You're a good rapper." I said and he just smiled back at me. "Thanks penguin. But wait till you se hyung." Mir sat beside me and yelled out. "HYUNG!" The music changed as soon as he said that and out came Yongguk with one hand behind his back.

A girl like you is such a confusing set of questions and answers
So I shut my mouth
I bury love inside the farewell
Outside the window, the forgotten rain and wind blows
In the wee hours of the night, I hear familiar songs from the radio
It’s perfect for thinking about you
There are two empty cups of coffee
In this place without you, I fight with loneliness.

The music stopped and I clapped like a total maniac at their performance. Mir got up and stood next to Yongguk as they both bowed. "You guys are so awesome." I ran up to both of them and hugged them. I let go and Yongguk held out a rose and a card as well. "Don't read them now. Read them next weekend." They smiled and I just nodded in agreement. "Arasso." I smiled back at them and looked at the cards and roses in my hands.

*You guys really did make things better didn't you?*

"Time for you to go home now." Yongguk smiled as Mir took my backpack. "I'll drive you." Mir offered and I followed him out the door. "See you again Yongguk oppa!" I waved to him and he waved back. "See ya lollipop!" We both got into Yongguk's car and drove off.




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Chapter 6: new reader+sub here :D update soon~
Chapter 6: YONGGUK!!! my bias from B.A.P :D keep up the good writing !
Chapter 5: Love your poster :3 update soon!
Chapter 4: cant wait for the next update c:
dennisaur #5
Chapter 4: update soon! :D
Loverkee #6
Chapter 3: please update
Chapter 3: :O KISEOP!!! I wonder what's going to happen!! Can't wait for the next chappie
shineemadune #8
Chapter 1: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 1: Starting to love this story :) Cant wait for the updates
shineemadune #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^