Reader's Request Anthology (and semi-hiatus announcement)

Up to Nothing, Down to Nowhere

Hello reader,

I am stuck in a very peculiar situation.

I know where the story is going and how it will end, but I have no idea how to get there. I cannot write anything worth your time at my current level. However, I don't want to just leave you hanging since you are precious to me (yes, you. Thank you so much for reading). I am letting you know with this announcement since I hate it when stories just stop abruptly, foreshadowing unresolved, plots hanging.

Yes, I have somehow run out of creative writing juice. I am very sorry. 

To solve my dilemma, I've decided to put out a public call for prompts. I will now create a completely unrelated anthology of BAP scifi oneshots based on your requests (comment with as many ideas as you have below). Your prompt can be a few words, a sentence, or even an entire story plotline sketch (that would make my job super easy). 

At the end of this anthology of four or five stories, I will begin writing 'Up to Nothing, Down to Nowhere' again--hopefully as a much improved writer. 

Some more information:


GENRES: Scifi***, steampunk*, fantasy, mystery**, horror**, adventure, action 

CHARACTERS: Yongguk*, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae**, Jongup*, Zelo

PAIRINGS: any, but OT6* is super preferred (BH, DJ, JL)



The rest is up to you. Remember it is only a oneshot, but it can be as long or short as your idea would like. 

For the anthology, I will pick the ideas which are most appealing to me. If no one comments, then I won't write any. :) Even if that happens, I'm sure I'll get back to this story eventually.

But for now, I encourage you to put forth an idea, or several ideas. It could be a link to a music video. A snatch of a dream you once had. Something vague. Something deliberate. It doesn't matter. Your prompt might strike a chord with me and help me write again. 


Thank you, and as always,


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I hope you will continue this story at some point <3
/re-reads this fic a million times/
Chapter 5: oh,yes pls >_< i'll think of a Daejae promt too~~fighting~
Fusspott #4
Chapter 5: I MISSED YOU! *glomps* Hmm I'll try and think of a Daejae prompt :3
Chapter 5: Ah, so do we request here? c:
It's been like forever ;( I'm sorting my subscriptions and just wanna say, I'm patiently waiting for another chapter :)
abunchofkoreans #7
Chapter 4: i joined asianfanfics solely to comment on this fic. hahaha.
i know it's been a while, but i'd love to see this continue.
it's the most intriguing daejae fic i've read so far.
Chapter 4: Himchan needs to make a reappearance with zelo or I fear I will cry forever ;---;