
Up to Nothing, Down to Nowhere


            Youngjae was having a really nice nap. He had never had a nap quite so comfortable before. The chair he was leaning against was really pleasant and warm and perfect. Since it was so warm, Youngjae decided to snuggle into it more.

            Wait, the chair seemed to be hugging him tighter. Since when did chairs have arms? Or heartbeats for that matter? Startled, Youngjae blearily open his eyes and was met with the world’s most beautiful, plump lips, smiling at him.

            “Hey dummy, had a nice sleep?” The lips (which were attached to his handsome co-worker Daehyun’s face) asked him.

            “I thought you were a chair!?” Youngjae said, feeling terribly sorry he had mistaken his colleague for an inanimate object. “Excuse me! Sorry for falling asleep on you. Your legs must be numb.”

            “Oh, nah, they’ve never been happier.”

            “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Youngjae scooted away like a rabbit and in his haste, bumped his head against the bottom of the table. “Oowww.”

            “Be careful! I’ll be upset if your skin bruised. Lemme take care of that.” Daehyun scooted closer, trapping the flustered accountant against the corner. Youngjae’s mind began to freak out. Daehyun’s gorgeous face was too close! He could bear the other’s beauty at night time, when it was dark and he was tired, but the soft glow of the post dawn sun made the other look inhuman.

            “Oh look! What’s that?!” Youngjae pointed at Daehyun’s shirt, thinking quickly.

            “Hum?” Daehyun looked down at his blue top. Other than being rumpled, it was fine.

            “You must clean that and change right away, seeing as I seemed to have drooled on you!” Youngjae lied.

            “Oh really? Where?” Daehyun asked, looking excited and happy. “That’s just too precious!”

            Youngjae blinked, that wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. But since Daehyun was distracted with searching his shirt, he took the opportunity to hop out from under the desk, escaping the other’s clutches.

            “I should get back to my work station now. Himchan will be wondering where I was.” The young accountant sighed and looked away guiltily from Daehyun’s sudden hurt expression.

            “You’ll be back, right?” Daehyun asked, and got up slowly from the floor to encircle Youngjae in his arms tightly.

            “Of course I’ll be back!” Youngjae blushed. Daehyun’s chest was toned and very warm. “But I got to go now.”

            “Okay.” Daehyun sighed. “One last thing though.”

            “What is it?” Youngjae asked softly, his eyes lifting shyly from under his lashes to search the other’s face.

            Daehyun’s beautiful lips twisted into a large, sly smile before pressing a kiss on Youngjae’s cheeks. The handsome man noted with satisfaction how Youngjae’s skin coloured prettily.

            “By the way, I love you.” Daehyun whispered huskily into the other’s ear. Then he released Youngjae from his grasp reluctantly (he didn’t want to let the accountant go, but it was for the best). His love stood rooted to the floor, with the wide eyes of a deer caught in the path of an arrow. Youngjae made for a very pretty deer.

            They both were still for a few moments, before Daehyun grabbed Youngjae’s shoulders strongly with his hands. Since the other seemed to be in shock, he helped out by manually turning the accountant in the aisle, towards the direction of his desk. Then he gave the younger a shove forward. Youngjae finally became unfrozen and dashed off, face aflame.

            “Yah! Baby bird, you must return to me before the sun sets!” Daehyun shouted after the younger’s retreating back.

            They both had big silly grins on their faces.

• • •

            “Jaejae!” Hyosung called out sweetly, a hand held out in greeting. But the running figure passed by her desk without a word, in a blur which set her paper and hair a flutter.

            “Bye Jaejae!” Hyosung shouted, and returned to her work.

            “Bye Jaejae!” Sunhwa leaned out of desk and into the aisle to shout at the accountant, who was already very far away.

            “Man, he was in a rush wasn’t he?” Hyosung asked as she rummaged through her binders.

            “He was!” Sunhwa pouted and giggled, “Didn’t even stop to thank a pair of lovely older women who helped him out yesterday.”

            “I hope they had fun last night.” Hyosung stuck out her tongue mischievously.

            “Oh yeah, who knew what they were doing under that desk.” Sunhwa giggled, fanning herself. The two pretty ladies were making no effort to be quiet. In fact, they were being very loud and were quite aware of the eyes on them. They enjoyed being the center of attention at all times, after all. But those eyes also were attached to faces that had ears, and mouths that could spread rumours. By the end of the afternoon, everyone on the Shelf would have heard of the “escapades” of the cute but uptight Youngjae guy from accounting, yes that workaholic who is always around Himchan, yes really, him!

 • • •

            Youngjae walked down the aisle towards his seat with a huge smile that refused to fade, caused by Daehyun’s earlier words. His mind was setting of fireworks! He was so happy. He never thought he would ever be loved. Everyone had always viewed him as the plain wall-flower whose only defining traits were being hardworking and being Himchan’s friend. People he had admired, or even loved, had only said things to him like that’s nice or thank you, while ruffling his hair and looking boredly over his shoulders.

            But Daehyun looked straight at him. Not over him. Not around him. And it was more than a passing glance too. The handsome man’s eyes had a burning intensity to them. When Daehyun’s gaze was on Youngjae, he felt like he was the center of the universe and the only thing that mattered. That thought made his smile become brighter.

            “Himchan!” Youngjae called out to his best friend.

            Himchan whirled around in his new chair before grabbing Youngjae with his slim fingers, and shaking him. “Where. The. Hell. Were. You. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?”

            The sincere concern on Himchan’s face made Youngjae’s big smile wobble just a bit, but it recovered.

            “Stop smiling like an idiot!” Himchan hugged Youngjae tightly til tears sprung in his eyes. “I thought you had fallen over the edge or something! Or maybe someone kidnapped you!”

            “What are you saying? Himchan stop it! I’m not that dumb!” Youngjae laughed and patted his friend’s shoulders, “I’m sorry I made you worried, but please calm down.”

            Himchan sniffed delicately before settling back into his chair. “I’d give you the silent treatment since you were being such an idiot.” The pretty man said as he stacked his binders all into one pile and put it into a box. “But I’m just so proud you grew up.”


            “Well,” Himchan gestured at Youngjae, “How do I explain… Your hair is rumpled and I just received word that you spent your entire evening with the new guy together under his desk.”

            “Huh?!” Youngjae’s eyes widened, “What are you implying?”

            “If I’d known what you were up to all these nights then I wouldn’t have been so worried! You didn’t even think of telling your best bro about this…this relationship you’ve gotten yourself into?”

            “Wait, how did you hear about this? Who told you? How did you find out so fast?”

            Himchan ignored Youngjae’s questions. “So apparently the new guy with the big desk is very handsome, but he better also be a good person because you deserve no less.” Himchan placed his hands on Youngjae’s cheeks and leaned until their foreheads touched. “Tell me if he ever hurts you. Because I will beat him up. Wait, scratch that, I’ll get others to beat him up. I don’t want to ruin my cuticles. Really, make sure you take care of yourself Youngjae. Since you are an idiot, you always forget the most important things. Will you promise me you’ll take care?”

            “Himchan. Are you crying?” Youngjae asked, aghast. The older man was getting teary eyed. In Youngjae’s 18 years of existence, he had never seen the other so emotional before.

            "I'm not crying. The Kim Himchan doesn't cry." The older male said, stubbornly. 

            "Himchan...What are you hiding from me?"

            The elder leaned back, face falling. "I'm sorry, I meant to show this to you a day ago, but I couldn't bring myself to." He produced an envelope from the folds of his jacket.

            Youngjae’s blood froze when he saw the embossed seal. It was an order from the top of the tower. He himself had received a letter like this once before. With shaky hands, he opened it so he could read the official statement, even though he already knew what the paper contained.

            “Congratulations,” Youngjae said, after a pause. His throat was dry and the smile had disappeared from his face. “You really deserve it.”

            “I’m being promoted,” Himchan tried to look happy, but his efforts fell short. He had always dreamed of this moment. Bragged to people that it would eventually happen, since he was the Himchan. But now that his moment came, the beautiful man realized he didn’t want to go after all. He had so much to lose.

            “Two thousand floors up,” Youngjae whispered past the lump in his throat. His vision became blurry from tears. “Wow that’s quite the leap. You’ll have a cubicle like you always dreamed!”

            Himchan squeezed Youngjae into another hug. The two friend embraced silently for a minute then—

             “Thank you for putting up with this unbearable, vain person all these years. You’ll only have to put up with me for one more day.”

            “I’m an idiot, remember? I would have put up with you til eternity, Himchan.”

• • •

            Himchan was going to say goodbye to the rest of his friends on the floor. The officials would come to his station to collect him and his supplies in eight hours, to bring him up two thousand floors to his new home. Youngjae wished him luck over and over, his red rimmed eyes downcast.  

            “Before I go, the messenger kid wanted me to give this to you,” Himchan took a small, green thing out of his drawer and handed it to Youngjae.

            “Wow, it’s cute.” Youngjae cupped the plush frog toy in his hands. The eyes were missmatched buttons. From the worn, threadbare look of the plush, Youngjae could tell it had been well loved. He knew messengers weren’t allowed to have personal belongings, other than their bag and uniform, but somehow Zelo must have kept his one and only toy hidden from the officials’ eyes. He felt a twinge in his heart, knowing Zelo had trusted him with it.

            “He said your kindness helped him grow up, and since he had slept on his first desk he wasn’t a kid anymore, so he didn’t need a toy.” Himchan added, “Also something about repaying you for a cookie.”

            “Thank you Zelo. Sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” He whispered, even though the boy wouldn’t hear him. At the crack of dawn, all messengers must move one floor up or one floor down. No exceptions.

            “You are well loved,” Himchan smiled warmly. In his deep, sage voice, it sounded like he was bestowing a blessing. The man then turned his back and walked away. “I’ll go see the other guys now.”

            “Then I will do my paperwork,” Youngjae sat. Beside him, Himchan’s desk was empty and wiped down. The clear black expanse felt lonely.

            “I finished your portion for today already.” Himchan waved lazily, “Why don’t you relax or something?”

• • •

To Himchan.

I know you keep insisting I start my letter to you with ‘Hello Beautiful’ with a capital B, but I refuse.

 I want you to know that you are my best friend. You are my most vain, most bothersome and most wonderful best friend. We have had some unforgettable times. We were inseparable. At times I had assumed the two of us would be together, annoying each other til old age. I was wrong, but that’s okay. Sometimes people separate for the best. I had felt like I was holding you back, but now that I’m gone you’ll be able to become what you were always meant to be. Don’t shake your head vigorously and insist I am wrong.  Between the two of us, your personality always burned might brighter than my own, and that suited me just fine.  You are meant to be a star, and I know you will flourish in a higher Shelf. I imagine that it is your calling. You will meet many wonderful people whom you will come to love as your own.

As always, I am thankful for your help. You’ve been making me into something bigger all these years. Like a baby chick under his mother’s wing, you had defined me. But I think now I am really to do well on my own.

 Although you pretend to be shallow and prideful, I know there is no one with a heart warmer than yours. Even though I am never going to see you again after this day, you will always be my best friend.

Then, to the one and only Himchan.

Goodbye and take care.

-Yoo Youngjae

            Youngjae folded up his letter and tucked it into one of Himchan’s boxes. The other man would discover the letter when he is unpacking. It was difficult to write the letter. Even though he was trying to prevent his tears from falling on the pristine page, one or two still had escaped his sleeves, smearing the ink. 

            “I wonder if you feel the same, parting from your owner?” Youngjae asked Zelo’s frog plush, and sighed.

• • •

            “Wake up, wake up.” Daehyun was under his desk again, talking to his bag.

            The entity’s groaned awake. A single white line appear across the grey screen.

            “What.” It enquired.

            “I’m feeling anxious.” Daehyun confided.

            “Would you like me to make a crowd of clowns appear to appease your anxiety?” The entity asked, its white line wobbled with every word. It seemed particularly testy today.

            “What’s up with your attitude?” Daehyun asked.

            “I’m not sure. It may be due to the fact that I am the all powerful being in charge of this whole world, and here you are, asking me to be your psychiatrist.”

            “Well, can you help me or not?”

            “Do you want the clowns then?”

            “No! I want Youngjae!”

            “He is very upset right now.”

            “Do you think what I did was wrong?” Daehyun chewed his lips nervously.

            “Yes.” The entity replied flatly. “But it’s too late now. The damage is done.”

            “If I play my cards right—”

            “Word of advice boy, if you feel guilty now imagine what you will feel later tonight when Youngjae runs to you crying.”

            “But…Then why didn’t you stop me?”

            “You wanted Himchan gone. I did want you wanted. Choices have consequences, and it is time you learned that.”

            “You didn’t have to listen to me.”

            “Do you know what a stubborn arse you are sometimes, Jung Daehyun?” The white line flared.

            “Is it my fault?” Daehyun asked coldly.

            “No. The fault is mine alone.” The entity replied coolly. “I wish sometimes I would have created you differently.”

            “But it’s too late. The damage is done.”

            “Exactly. Choices have consequences.”

            “You can always erase my existence and make another heir.”

            “Don’t tempt me boy.” The machine stated simply, before shutting off.

• • •

            It was a few hours before sunset, and any moment now Himchan was going to be picked up and filed away to another Shelf. Youngjae had fallen asleep, waiting for his friend to return to his desk. There was something about grief and tears that made him exhausted.

            A soft hand shaking his shoulders woke him.

            “Youngjae.” Himchan’s low voice whispered. Behind his shoulders were two bulky men in black suits, holding boxes of Himchan’s stuff. Youngjae sat up with a start, recognizing the men as officials.

            “Time to go,” One of the officials ordered.

            “Just one second,” Himchan said.

            “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” Youngjae asked, hugging his friend desperately.

            “I hate goodbyes.” Himchan answered sadly.

            “We are going to get going now.” The bulky man ordered again.

            “I said, one second,” Himchan hissed, turning with a cold glare on his face that could freeze stone. The two officials became silent.

            “What am I supposed to do now?” Youngjae asked.

            “Feel sad for a bit, miss me for a bit, then go on with life.” Himchan smiled, tousling Youngjae’s hair.

            Youngjae silently regarded his friend’s face. Himchan’s long nose, sharp cheekbones, cat eyes and beautiful eyebrows. This was the face from which spouted wisdom and frivolity in equal measures.

            Himchan seemed to have suddenly recalled something. He laughed. “So Youngjae, what do you say now?”

            Youngjae looked puzzled for a bit, then grinned.

            “I claim your desk.”


 • • •

            With Himchan gone, the floor seemed so quiet and empty and cold. According to the clock, the sun was setting, and with it Youngjae’s heart seemed to be turning to ice and settling deep in his stomach.

            Sitting in his seat, he had felt numb and restless at once. He was so lost without Himchan chattering beside him.

            Which is why, Youngjae told himself, I am running to him.

            Running to Daehyun. To warmth and happiness.

            Some parts of his mind felt like he was betraying Himchan somehow, allowing himself to be happy so soon after he had gone. But Youngjae told himself that he only wanted someone’s company. Just a bit to abate the loneliness.

            But in the end, doesn’t he always seem to be running back to Daehyun?

• • •

            Daehyun thought his heart was breaking into a million shards.

            Youngjae was before him, sobbing, hands wiping away tears. Thin shoulders shaking from grief that made Daehyun want to wrap his hands around them and protect the other.

            So he did.

            “Himchan’s gone.” Youngjae whispered, voice cracking. The warm, salty tears swelled into his eyes, caught between the strands of his long lashes, before becoming swollen and running down the contours of his cheek.

            “Himchan’s gone.” Youngjae repeated tiredly.

            “I know.” Daehyun whispered, looking away. "I know."

• • •

A/N: You've probably noticed, but I'm kinda bad at romance and sad stuff. So to make myself feel better for being terrible at it, I'm going to write something about black holes or maybe space cowboys, because scifi makes me happy.

Some other things: Each chapter ends with Youngjae coming back to Daehyun, to symbolize their interdependence.

And now that Himchan's really gone, I have to make the computer entity two times sassier to make up for it. 

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I hope you will continue this story at some point <3
/re-reads this fic a million times/
Chapter 5: oh,yes pls >_< i'll think of a Daejae promt too~~fighting~
Fusspott #4
Chapter 5: I MISSED YOU! *glomps* Hmm I'll try and think of a Daejae prompt :3
Chapter 5: Ah, so do we request here? c:
It's been like forever ;( I'm sorting my subscriptions and just wanna say, I'm patiently waiting for another chapter :)
abunchofkoreans #7
Chapter 4: i joined asianfanfics solely to comment on this fic. hahaha.
i know it's been a while, but i'd love to see this continue.
it's the most intriguing daejae fic i've read so far.
Chapter 4: Himchan needs to make a reappearance with zelo or I fear I will cry forever ;---;