The Mall is a special place

Bet for Taemin's 'Love'

Hi sorry for not updating in like ages but I have exams going on at the moment but I'm making an exception today cus really I just need a break from a revising. Anyway Im gonna try and make this a good chapter to make up for not updating. Here it goes...


Jonghyun's POV

Okay I know that I can't just invite myself to others plans and Key definately wasn't happy when I showed up on Taemin's doorstep and just barged into the through the door but I really had no choice now did I.

Me and Taemin where sitting in his living room skipping through the many channels on tv trying to find something good to watch while we waited for Key to get ready in Taemin's bedroom. How long does it take for one person to get ready we've been sitting here for 20 mins now, he doesn't even have to do anything he's already so perfect.

Finally I could here Key's footsteps coming down the stairs and me and Taemin immediately stood up heading for the door but when I turned around my eyes widened and my mouth dropped...Key looked amazing he was wearing a pair of Taemin's skinny jeans and as Taemin's kinda smaller than Key they were really tight in all the right places.

"Key umma looks really good doesn't he" I could just about work out what Taemin whispered into my ear.

"Yeah...he really does" 

I immediately turned to face Taemin who was staring at me with a smirk on his face"W-what!?" I half whispered half shouted. I couldn't risk Taemin finding out, he couldn't possibly know anything. I turned back to Key thankfully he was still struggling with putting his shoes on so he wasn't paying attention to our conversation.

"nothing" he was still smirking and turned around and walked towards Key.

"Hurry umma, come on lets go!" Taemin whined pulling at Key's sleeves.

"Fine! okay i'm ready lets go just stop pulling at my sleeve" Key mummered as we all made our way out of the door and into my car, Key immediately sat in the front seat, it was kind of a habit of his to sit in the front while Taemin made himself confortable in the back.

As soon as I started up the car Key the radio and soon the car was filled with Taemin and Key singing along to the some random songs that I swear have never heard of before, but I didn't mind I loved listening to Key sing it made me feel so relaxed.

4 hours later...

When I said that I hated shopping that was seriously an understatement this has to be the worst day of my life, I swear it was like getting really dark outside by now and the whole mall was nearly empty except for the three of us. I can't even remember how many stores we had already be in and out of. And here I am dragging my feet while carrying bags of clothes that aren't even mine. 

All I could do was just follow Key and Taemin around that whole mall while they walked ahead of me talking about god knows what and at this point I was really interested in finding out.

When Key finally decided which shop he wanted to go into next we I walked in to find Key on one side of the shop and Taemin at the other both too concentrated on trying to find something good. I walked up behind Key and decided to make this trip more fun for myself.

I quickly wrapped my arms around Key's waist.

"AAAHHH" he jumped and turned around to find me with teary eyes from all the laughing. Seriously how could a guy let out such a girly scream but I guess for Key that was possible.

"YAH!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???" he shouted while continuously slapping my arms 

"S-sorry I couldn't help it I'm just sooooo~ bored I wanted to have a little fun" 

"Can't you find other ways to entertain yourself, do you have to give me a freaking heart attack for you to have fun?" he started slapping me again while he said the last part.

I held my hands up in defence "okay okay okay i'm sorry I won't do it again...I promise?"

"You better not!" he threatened.

"Oh come on we've been here for ages~ what more do you have to find?"

"no-one told you to come along Jonghyun" he snickered at me.

"yeah whatever can we at least just go get something to eat i'm freaking starving" I whined I hadn't eaten in what felt like forever.

"...fine come on lets go" he walking past me towards to exit of the shop 

"What about Taemin?" he turned around back to me.

"There's a food court just outside the shop  we won't be that long let's just quickly get you something so you'll shut up" with that he walked out of the shop with me following behind me

"oh come on Key why you being so mean?" 

"Your annoying! and stop whining like a baby" 

"YAH STOP! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE THAT! COME BACK!!!" before we could reach the food stall I heard a woman - a shop owner presumably - shouting at a guy who was running out of the store whilst carrying a peice of clothing - shop lifting i guess. 

I saw that he was running really fast straight towards Key who was slightly ahead of me but he hadn't noticed the guy running towards him.

"KEY!!!" I shouted but he just turned around with a confused look on his face, as I ran up to him and pushed him to the side where he landed on the ground with me on top, I could see out of the corner of my eye that the guy had ran past. 

Before I knew it I was staring into Key's wide eyes but something else, I felt something soft against my lips...his

It was just too sudden I couldn't get my head around it. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if I should move away or just stay as I was.

As I kept our eyes locked I couldn't help but just get lost into his eyes, it felt like I was entering a new world, the world of Key I could even see my own reflection in his eyes and it felt like at the moment it was just him and me, me and him and no-one else in the world.

After what felt like eternity I slowly began pulling away but I couldn't help but feel regret when my lips left his.

When my weight was mostly off him we both stood up straight and tried avoiding each other eyes as we tried to stare at anything else that would keep us from looking back at one another. My eyes couldn't help but move back towards Key's face, he was staring at the floor so intently while he was chewing on his bottom lip...I could still feel the touch of those beautiful lips. Before I knew it I was just staring at his lips not noticing how his eyes moved up from the ground to me.


Taemin's POV


This trip to the mall was actually really good I found so many good stuff that I can't wait to wear. Poor Jonghyun  hyung though I could tell the minute we left the house that he didn't really wanna go, he thought I didn't know why he came, he can be such an idiot sometimes...ooppps i shouldn't really say that about him he is my hyung.. oh well its not like he knows I'm saying this about him ehehehehe. 

When we came into the store I immediately ran over to the end of the store as this one top really caught my eye and it was quite cheap I had to get this but as soon as I turned around to call Key over I couldn't see him or Jonghyun anywhere in the store. I started wandering around the whole store but I couldn't see them anywhere. Where could they have gone? and WORSThow could they just leave me here alone? 

I started walking out the store when I spotted Key on the ground with Jonghyun on top of him and their lips touching. My eyes widened at the sight at the same time my lips couldn't help but form a smirk...this was going to be interesting.


Hope you liked this chapter. sadly I won't be able to upload until around next thursday cus thats when my exams finish YAAAYYYY can't wait!!! 

Please leave comments to tell how you found it :) 


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sorry for not updating but my last exam is tomorrow so i will definately update then! thank you for waiting


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Chapter 6: Well, this story is freaking gripping, I can't believe you decided to work on other stories. If I were you, I would seriously work on the plot if you have issues with it and then carry on with the story. Seriously, this story is amazing. Fighting ~~~
Chapter 4: i love this! haha tricky taemin
Chapter 4: it's very interesting - i can't wait to find out what will happen next :)
shilpatv #4
sounds interesting.......... waiting for nxt chapter :)