First day of the bet

Bet for Taemin's 'Love'


Key's POV
The next day when I walked into the school canteen I spotted Taemin and Jonghyun already sitting at our table.
They were laughing and smiling at each other, I couldn't help the pain that shot through my whole body, it was bad enough that I couldn't confess to him but now he had to go and rub it in my face by flirting with taemin, my son taemin. 
Today is going to be the first day of the bet and I decided that I would have to do everything I could to make sure that Jonghyun didn't win, he couldn't, he just couldn't.
I walked over to the table and made my presence known, "Hi Taemin-ah, Hi Jonghyun" I said with a forced smile, but they didn't notice that.
Taemin immediately got out of his seat and wrapped his arms around my waist, of course I hugged him back and I noticed that look of irritation that had formed across Jonghyun's face and I couldn't help but smirk back.
As soon as Taemin sat back down I sat down next him, Jonghyun still wore the same look he did a few moments ago and really it was painful, was he really that jealous of me just hugging Taemin?
"Oh key are we still going shopping after school today" Taemin said whithout looking at me, he was too busy eating away at his food. I had actually forgotten that I promised Taemin we would go shopping today i was too busy worrying about this stupid bet.
"Of" when I said the last part Jonghyun's head immediately shot up and looked at me with even more frustration. Taemin just smiled back and said that he wanted to go back to his house first to get changed and then we would go. I had to agree with him i hated going shopping in my school uniform but I couldn't be bothered to go all the way back to mine, I'll just borrow some of Taemin's clothes.
Half way through lunch I decided to piss Jonghyun off more, I had to admit it was kinda amusing seeing him react in this way. So I casually put my hand on Taemin's thigh.
Taemin didn't seem to be bothered about it but Jonghyun...I was expecting a reaction but not this, he just got up and walked out of the canteen without even saying bye to us or to say where he was going.
"What's wrong with him?" I heard Taemin's voice from my side while I just sat their staring at the doors that Jonghyun just walked, well more like stormed through.
All I could say was "I don't know" 
For the rest of lunch he didn't come back, maybe I took it too far, maybe he really does love Taemin.
Jonghyun's POV
AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH I just kept repeatedly splashing my face with water, hoping that it would erase my memory of what just happened in the canteen.
The way he just straight away smiled when he saw Taemin's face, and then the way he hugged him. I mean those two hug like they haven't seen each other in years. 
And that smirk he had on his face when he looked at me, god it was so irritating, he never hugs me like that, he never acts that happy when he sees me. I was never too bothered about the fact they hug before so why was it bothering me now...oh maybe cus he just told me yesturday that he was in love with Taemin.
He clearly saw my look of frustration but he still carried on and put his hand on Taemin's damn thigh. He never touches me like that so why does he have to do with Taemin.
I switched of the tap and turned to grab some paper towels to dry my face.
I just stood there staring at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't let Key win the bet, I couldn't let him be with Taemin. 
I'm gonna have to do everything I can to make sure that never happens.
But what can I do, they've already planned their stupid shopping trip, I hate shopping and shopping with Key is the worst. 
I'm just gonna have to do it though I have to go with them and make sure nothing happens between them. 
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sorry for not updating but my last exam is tomorrow so i will definately update then! thank you for waiting


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Chapter 6: Well, this story is freaking gripping, I can't believe you decided to work on other stories. If I were you, I would seriously work on the plot if you have issues with it and then carry on with the story. Seriously, this story is amazing. Fighting ~~~
Chapter 4: i love this! haha tricky taemin
Chapter 4: it's very interesting - i can't wait to find out what will happen next :)
shilpatv #4
sounds interesting.......... waiting for nxt chapter :)