Jong In, I can't take it anymore...


It's a ONE SHOT story about Kim Jong In(Kai) a playboy having a relationship with the not-so-popular girl in school, Kim Byeol secretly.


Kim Jong In a.k.a Kai

-used to be playboy

-careless and playful

-Byeol's boyfriend



Kim Byeol

- study freak

- Determine to do anything for the loves one.

-Kai's girlfriend



i know. i know. i know its typical *sobsob*


Kai and Byeol has been together for about 2 years now. They were already planning about getting married with each other when they grow up which is yearsss later since they are still schooling. 19 years old couple with a big dream, huh?

Have I mention about their relationship? It was Secret relationship. Even their parents doesn’t know about this. Byeol was the one who requested it because she was scared that their parents will oppose the idea of her being in girlfriend-boyfriend-relationship.

Before they were an item, Kai was a well-known playboy in school. He touches, he hugs, he kiss and he did “it” with whoever that are willing to throw themselves to him but thanks to Byeol, he changed. He changed to a better person. In short, he quitted being a playboy.

Well… that’s what others thought when they saw him stop making out with girls every single day. Not for Byeol.

It’s true that he stopped sleeping with random girls but he doesn’t stop kissing girls randomly in front of anyone and everyone. Whenever Byeol told him to stop, he will said…

KB: Jong In-ah... can you stop kissing girls randomly? *frown*

Kai: baby… I just kissed her cheek. You know I can’t change myself drastically right? I’m a human too youknow. Give me time… okay? I love you. I will always love you. I promise I won’t leave you even if there’s Miss World in front of me. Come on… don’t be angry, okay? It was just a kiss on her cheek. Not lips.

That’s what he said every single time…

Little did he know, Byeol always saw him kissing girls secretly on their lips behind her back. Weird enough, Byeol always shrug it off and give him a chance (without him knowing it). Saying “it’s okay. It’s just a kiss” to herself even though it breaks her heart badly.

But one day, she caught him making out with her own classmate, her friend, in a storeroom behind the school’s library. For the first time, she cried. Her heart and mind couldn’t take it anymore.

Will she forget about this and give him the chance like how she always did?

Will she cry in front of him and ask him to stop?

Will she confront him?

Will she choose to leave him??



I'M BAAACK! gaaah! Im always at forewords. anyway! I wrote about Taemin on my previous fanfic. so now, its taemin look-alike! KIM JONG IN!

ONE SHOT FOR MY CHINGU, KimByeol_LeeBeongae !



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Chapter 1: woah was bad .... kai was papo tsk bad kai bad :/
Chapter 1: Yayayayayay~ ❤️
This story brought me to tears
Chapter 2: I'm not normally emotional but I actually cried. I don't know why... Kai you man-sl*t.
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhhhhh....
What happen????
I hate you KAI!!!!!
See you in the Sequel
Chapter 3: Yayy !
Sequel at last !
I am gonna kill Kai .
Nahh . There is no way for me to kill Kai .
Even though he is messing with my bias list .
Off to sequel !
kaifection #6
Chapter 1: jongin's crazy. :(
Chapter 2: Sequel!!!!
Chapter 2: nice great amazing...
daebak author-nim...
now i want to read the sequel one ^^
Chapter 3: it's a nice story.. even if its just a one shot.. =)
Chapter 2: So cool...I like your story (ง'̀⌣'́)ง !!!