Chapter 8

The Brightest Star


‘Get up , Get up, Its time to get up, Just open your eyes and walk straight out of bed.........’ Jaejoong sat up quickly as he shut off his phone’s alarm.

Yesterday , after the meeting, seol wi called him saying she’d went back home early because of a cold. But jaejoong notice that her voice was trembling.. it sounded like when you talk and cry at the same time… Jaejoong shrugged, maybe its because of her cold.

Today he woke up himself instead of seol wi waking him up. He wants to talk to her. Asking her what’s her relationship with that Jin boy.. *could he be her boyfriend?* jaejoong thought as he shakes his head. ‘Never, I’m the one she likes.’

 Jaejoong muttered softly. ‘Is it ?’ as he pick up JIJI from the floor.

“meao….’ Jiji looks at jaejoong with his innocent eyes.

Jaejoong’s phone rang . He reached for his phone and saw a text from seol wi.


I ‘m running a little late and I need you to drive yourself to Cjes. I’ll meet you there. Sorry.    Seol wi






Seol wi signs as she send the msg . ‘Its hard to be like this.’ She muttered

‘Barbie girl !!’ Jaejin waved at seol wi as he run to her with a big smile on his face. Happy to see her.

The other 4 FTISLAND members have the same schedule, their manager could not make it on time to fetch jaejin to Cjes. Because seol wi stayed just across the street of their dorm, she waited for jaejin to work.

Seol wi giggle . ‘ Do I look that much like a doll jaejin oppa ? ‘ Dolls are scary you know’ she muttered the last few words.

Jaejin grinned . ‘Nope ,’ as he shake his finger ‘Dolls are the most beautiful things on earth.’ ‘ You just watch too much of chucky .’ He pounded.

‘Maybe I have .’ said seol wi as she touch her lips

Jaejin just shake his head . Silly girl..But that just made him love her even more.




‘give me your bag, seol wi’ jaejin said as he reach out for seol wi’s handbag. Seol wi made a bargain with jaejin In the car that only when they are alone he’d call her Barbie girl. Its kinda embarrassing if you called someone that in public.


‘Its ok oppa, its not that heavy.’ Seol wi said as she held tightly on her bag.

Seddenly the game of tug of war started. ‘oppa !, I can hold it myself .’ giggle seol wi as she try to hold on her end of the bag.

‘ I insist !!.’ said jaejin gleefully

They were having a friendly war , but someone block their way.

Both of them look up

Jaejoong was staring at them with a cold hard look his face. His eyes felt like they can ice up whoever looks into them.

 ‘So this is why you were running late ?’ growled jaejoong as he start a stare contest with jaejin. And jaejin didn’t think of losing it.

*he was worried when he received her message. Seol wi was never late on schedule . Was she sick ?  But when he saw both of them entered the lobby together. He felt anger and hurt that he just want to snatch seol wi away from Jaejin.

‘Good morning Jaejoong, sorry I couldn’t fetch you . Jaejin oppa’s manager was busy so I thought I can fetch him since we live nearby. Said seol wi sounded like a professional business women.  

Jaejin takes this opportunity to take seol wi’s bag. Then he saw something familiar hanging on her bag.

‘Seol wi…’ said jaejoong with a shock on his face. Why she didn’t call him oppa ? Why she speaks to him like .. like… like his is just her agent ?

‘Isn’t this mine ?’ ask jaejin as he held up the keychain examine it.

‘huh?’ both seol wi and jaejoong thought as they look at jaejin.

‘yea, there’s a picture of a guitar beside, see.’ Jaejin said as he show it them. It was a gift from his sister when he first debuted. Specially made for him. It never leave his sight since.

‘seol wi , why is it with you? I thought I lose it.’ Ask jaejin

‘ I pick it up at the park ,  I went there few times but couldn’t see you ..  thought I’d hold on to it.’ Admitted seol wi

 ‘Here..’  seol wi as she reach out to take out the keychain from her bag.

‘no.. keep it .’ jaejin stop seol wi. ‘treat it as a gift from me.’ Said jaejin sheepishly

*so, jaejae means jaejin not him?* jaejoong frowned . He never thought seol wi will like anybody other than him.

‘seol wi, latte in my room, I’ll give you 15 minutes.’ Jaejoong ordered . He needs to talk to her in private.

‘deh… Jaejoong .’ seol wi said monotonously

‘Jaejin oppa, I’ll meet you later , you know the way to the studio right ?’seol wi ask jaejin with a brighter tone.

‘Deh.’ Said jaejin as he patted her head.

‘SEOL WI !! hurry up with my latte !!.’ barked jaejoong.

Seol wi flinch as she turn on her heels to get his latte. Leaving the two male alone together.   

   Both of them stared at each other until jaejin break it as he walk to the elevator. before the elevator door closes, he said loud and clear making sure jaejoong hear it.

‘She’s mine .. I won’t give up.’ Said jaejin as he hung his head low with his hair covering his eyes.


*I won’t lose her to you* jaejoong growl.

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Hey there, please don't forget to pick up your poster at Supernova. I'm going to revamp my shop quite soon. Here's the link to the poster in one of the chapters:
Hello! Thanks for crediting! I also made a background if you want it ^^
Chapter 12: please make a sequel~
i really liked your story ^-^