Chapter Two

Mirror Mirror

*Chapter 2*

We'd spent the last few weeks together, getting to know each other during our times in class together, as well as outside of school. I found out that we all lived close to each other, despite never realising before. I even got to know the maknae, Sohyun, better~ I truely felt like I belonged here, with them, laughing and having fun without really caring about what everybody else thought of me or what I "should" be doing to maintain my image. I even felt more comfortable showing my aegyo more. Before, I'd wear shades a lot, to try and hide my eyes and to try and appear mysterious, but the girls made me feel welcome enough to drop down the barriers.

It was just another Monday, and we were walking home, Hyuna had some pockys since she'd managed to convince Gayoon to buy her some.

She turned to me, "Wanna share?" she asked, while still munching on one.

I nodded and reached over to get one, but instead she pushed her face near mine, and offered the one that she already had in . What could I do? If I refused, she'd probably be suspicious, but at the same time, it was... Let's just put it this way, if the popular girls saw that they'd probably accuse us of all sorts.

"Fine, if you don't wanna share with me," she managed to say, it still staying in somehow, "maknae will."

I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her near me, taking a bite of the pocky. She blushed afterwards, probably not expecting me to accept her offer.

Then probably my worse nightmare happened. I knew we were close to Tiffany's house, but I hadn't expected to be unlucky enough for us to bump in to her.

"Omo~ You're hanging with these dorks now?" I heard a voice hiss from behind me. I recognised it immediatly. It was Krystal, one of Tiffany's best friends. I turned to check who she was with, exactly, knowing she probably wouldn't start an argument if she was completely by herself. Sure enough, Tiffany and her boyfriend, Seungri, were stood side by side.

"Come on," Jihyun whispered, grabbing my hand, "there's no point in arguing back."

"It's rude to just walk away when people are talking to you," Tiffany shouted, mock laughing, "but I guess people from poor families wouldn't know that. You know, basic manners and things."

I could feel the anger burning up inside of me, but I wasn't sure whether answering back would end up getting the others into more trouble. I wasn't really used to getting treated like this, but I guessed they were. They probably knew how to deal with such a situation, which was sad.

"Jiyoon, you can come and join us again," Tiffany added, grabbing my other hand to stop Jihyun from taking me any further. She let go. I quickly glanced at the girls' faces, and they all looked disappointed, like I was gonna choose to go back to Tiffany or something.

"No!" Hyuna tore our hands apart and pushed her body in the way. "Unnie stays with us." She pouted at me. I didn't really expect to see her defend me, she was always quite introverted - well, until she came out of her shell. Then you couldn't shut her up. It shocked me in to silence.

"Aish~ you guys have no respect at all, it's a good job we came when we did," Krystal butted in, pushing Hyuna out of the way and into a nearby fence. It looked like it was painful.

"Go away," I retorted, standing up to the girls, showing them I wasn't affraid, "or are you forgetting what I know about you... and..." I looked towards her boyfriend, Seungri, and smiled. She'd told me and Krystal about her kissing another guy at a party, obviously not expecting that either of us would dare to use it against her at one point. She liked to think she was perfect and untouchable, but she was as vulnerable as any body else our age.

"What?" Seungri asked, his eyebrows furrowed together with suspiscion.

"Omo, were you always such a bratt?" Krystal asked, "she's lying oppa, don't believe anything she says."

"Lying about what?" He further quizzed. I didn't want to reveal it yet though. It was nice having some control over her, it meant there wasn't any chance of us getting bothered. I may not have known the others long, but they already felt like good friends to me. I at least owed them the chance to right all the times I'd done them wrong by standing by and watching the other girls annoy them.

"I think you should go," I told them, turning to check Hyuna was okay. She was smiling, even though her hand looked lightly grazed.

"Whatever~" I heard Tiffany sigh, before they all walked off.

"My oppa, caring after me?" Hyuna whispered, "thank you, but I'm alright~" she assured. I felt my cheeks burning up again. This time though, there wasn't anything I could do to hide it.

"Appa!" Sohyun suddenly called out, hugging me, "usually they don't leave so fast."

"Ya," Gayoon said, "umma and appa."

They were right, I did fit the appa of the group better, and they needed one. No one else ever seemed to talk about how much of a tomboy I was, in fact a lot of people would try and convince me to be different, or act more girly, but being called their appa was a sort of confirmation that they knew who I was and accepted me for me.

Though, all I wanted to do was see Hyuna's face smiling at me again. Calling me her oppa. I was though. I hope she knew. But at the same time, I hoped she didn't. What would she think of me, if she knew?

"I never really noticed what they were like with other people," I sighed, feeling terrible for ignoring it for so long.

"Well you're ours now appa," Sohyun giggled, "umma is very posessive~"

"Aish," Jihyun giggled too, reaching in to give me a mock hug.

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Chapter 5: This story is plain AWESOME! Thanks so much for this story, I really needed a good JiAh fic!
szenemaxene #2
I am pretty late finding this fanfics T^T
Hikaru_4M #3
Chapter 5: The story was so cute. I liked it :)
So fluffy, I could die :D
StoneA #5
I love your story and i love them<br />
You can write about Sohyun and Hyunah---JiYoon and Gayoon<br />
2Hyun and 2 Yoon will good better <br />
JKmuzikluva #6
This is a really good story!! You are a great writer!! Can you please write another story on these 2!! After reading this Jiyoon and Hyuna have become one of my favorite couples!!! :)
Lattice #7
WAA~!! *spazz* OMG!! They kissed!! They love each other!!<br />
Is this really the end?? No way!! I want more of this sweetness...keke, but thank you so much for this wonderful story though! :D
Kharyan19 #8
hyuna's heart belongs to jiyoon??? hope its a 'yes'!!!<br />
pls update soon =D
Lattice #9
Hyuna is in love with Jiyoon?? Please tell me "yes"... :P<br />
I hope you can update soon again! :D
goingangnam #10
lol not quite a date, sorry guys. ^^