First Meeting

Her Secret Life


"I can't do this anymore." Taeyeon mumbled to herself, trying to find the energy to finish her work. She glared at the 2 large stacks of paperwork unhappily. "Why do you do this to me, Ms. Jung?" she whispered under her breath.


At that moment, Taeyeon's boss, Ms. Jessica Jung walked out of her office.


"Are you finished with your work yet?" Jessica asked approaching Taeyeon.

"Uhh…I'm nearly done Ms. Jung. " Taeyeon lied back.

"That's good, because I still have another 2 stacks of work waiting in my office." Jessica replied, smiling mischievously at Taeyeon.

"Oh, yes Miss." Taeyeon pretended to say cheerfully, secretly keeping her anger inside. Jessica then turned back walked into her office.


"WHY?! WHY ME?!" Taeyeon yelled, sinking her face into her hands. "Of all the people in the office, it had to be me." she thought to herself unhappily.


“Hey, do you need help?” a cute voice said behind her. Taeyeon turned around and saw a beautiful young lady standing with a precious eye smile.


“How have I not seen her here before?” Taeyeon thought to herself, amazed at the girl’s beauty, not realizing that she was staring at her.


“Hey, you okay?” the young girl asked, waving her hand in Taeyeon’s face.

“Oh yeah, sorry.” Taeyeon replied, snapping out of the semi-trance she was just in. “It’s okay, I don’t wanna be a burden on you with all this work.” she continued.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already finished all my paperwork earlier and I just heard Ms. Jung talk to you about more work in her office, so I thought I should help you.” She smiled.

Well in that case, I would love for you to help me!” Taeyeon said cheerfully.


“My name’s Taeyeon.” She said as she stuck her hand out for a handshake. “Mine’s Tiffany.” The girl smiled, shaking Taeyeon’s hand.

“That eye smile is amazing.” Taeyeon thought to herself.


For the next few hours, the two worked together while introducing themselves to one another.


“Oh, you’re new here?” Taeyeon asked, remembering her thought from earlier. “Yeah, I only got this job last week.” Tiffany replied, focused on the work in front of her.

No wonder why I haven’t seen you around, I would’ve noticed a pretty face like you. Taeyeon said cheekily.

Tiffany laughed and blushed at the comment.

“Thanks!” she replied happily.


The two finished all the work at around 11pm.


“Ahhhh, finally!” Taeyeon yawned, placing her head on the desk while Tiffany was already fast asleep. Taeyeon noticed the time and quickly lifted her head up.

“Hey, wake up. We should get going.” Taeyeon said nicely, nudging Tiffany softly and noticing that everyone else at the office had already left.


Tiffany slowly woke up, stretching her hands in the air while yawning.


“Well, all that work sure was fun.” Tiffany said sarcastically, smiling at Taeyeon.

Hey, it’s your fault for helping me!” Taeyeon replied playfully.

“I’m glad I did though.” Tiffany smiled.

“Me too.” Taeyeon smiled back.


The two laughed at how cheesy they were getting.

“Let’s go! It’s already 11.” Taeyeon said as she picked up her stuff.


They both walked into the carpark together.


“I forgot to say thank you for helping me.” Taeyeon said as she hugged Tiffany.

The hug caught Tiffany by surprise but she glad it happened.

“Anytime Taeyeon! Just tell me when you get anymore work and I’ll help you!” Tiffany joked.

Sure!” Taeyeon laughed.


“Hey, before you go, can I have your number?” Taeyeon asked shyly.


“I was about to ask you the same thing.” Tiffany laughed.


The two then exchanged their numbers.


“Bye Taeyeon!” Tiffany smiled happily. “Bye Tiffany! I’ll see you tomorrow.” Taeyeon smiled back.


Both Taeyeon and Tiffany walked to their cars with a grin from ear to ear.


Taeyeon drove home happily, singing her favorite songs in the car.

“Doo doo roo~ doo doo doo
Kissing you baby~
Doo doo roo~ doo doo doo
Loving you baby~”


Meanwhile, Tiffany was also happy, singing her favorite songs in the car.

Coincidently, she was also singing the same song as Taeyeon.

“Doo doo roo~ doo doo doo
Kissing you baby~
Doo doo roo~ doo doo doo
Loving you baby~”


Taeyeon arrived home, still singing the songs she heard from the car.

Her roommate, who was watching TV on the couch, looked at Taeyeon confusedly. “You sure look happy.” Taeyeon’s roommate said.

“Ahhh. Oh yes I am Yoona.” Taeyeon replied joyfully.


“You’ve met someone, haven’t you?” Yoona asked suspiciously.


Taeyeon looked at Yoona, surprised. “How did you know?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m psychic.” Yoona replied sarcastically. “Plus, it says it all over your face!” Yoona laughed.


Taeyeon sat next to Yoona on the couch and told her about Tiffany,


“You’re in love! You’re in love!” Yoona teased in a childish voice.

“Shuuuush…” Taeyeon blushed.

“Well, I’m going to bed now. Nighty night Yoona!” Taeyeon smiled. 

“Good night Taeyeon!” Yoona replied back.


Taeyeon went to bed but couldn’t sleep. She decided to text Tiffany even thought it was already 1am.


"To: Tiffany

Hey Tiffany! Just seeing if you gave me the right number. Kekeke >.<

From: Taeyeon"


Tiffany also couldn’t sleep, thinking about the time she had with Taeyeon.


"To: Taeyeon

Taeyeon! Why are you texting me at 1am?! ^.^

From: Tiffany"


"To: Tiffany

Sorry! I just couldn’t sleep. :L

From: Taeyeon"


"To: Taeyeon

Nah, it’s fine. I couldn’t sleep either. :D

From: Tiffany"


Taeyeon was smiling in bed, knowing that she was talking to Tiffany.


They both texted each other for the rest of the night, happy to be in each other’s company, even if it was over the phone.


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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. My parents enjoy kicking me off the computer. ==" I'll try and put an update in a day or two. :D


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Chapter 3: Haha^^ enjoying your story authorssi keep updating pleasee~