Pink's Not So Bad!

Pink Catastrophe

Kris, with his infamous female dog face, glared at the never-ending rows of vehicles ahead and beside his own. He groaned in irritation, he was already running late as it is and this traffic jam wasn't contributing the least bit!

"Dammit," Kris cursed, letting his head fell back against the headrest in the process.

Beside his fancy Mercedes-Benz was a Ford SUV, but that fact alone wasn't why Kris was interested, no--the SUV was, of all colors, pink! He was baffled at the idea of painting such vehicle as pink. What female on Earth--oh. Kris straightened himself with an amused grin. Of course there were those girls who were divas which desired and loved anything pink. A chuckle left his throat while he crossed his arms over his built chest. At least he had some entertainment during this dumb traffic.

Kris drove up as the traffic slowly started to progress (barely any, though.) He was now side-by-side with the pink SUV, even a glance at the vehicle would make the corner's of his mouth twitch in humor.

The human in the pink catastrophe (Kris had nicknamed with a smirk) was ought to be some sort of frilly clothed, bunny-loving woman whom Kris would've avoided on a normal day, but he was itching to have a look at the person driving the pink catas--vehicle. How, though, was a problem. The SUV's windows were tinted with what Kris perceived as a sort of dark, dark purple whom one could only figure out by squinting their lids together incredibly tightly. Laughing at the tint's color and the vehicle in general, the stress he'd gotten from the idea of traffic while he was going to be late--but now, already late--brightened up his day.

Rolling his and the passenger's windows down with the simple press of a button, he was able to view the car in a different perspective, for his window's were also tinted (not a dark purple, that is.) He coughed as he stared at the vehicle he'd been poking fun at all this time in shock. He choked on his spit as he eyed the tires. In the inner area of the tires laid pink rims--pink rims, for goodness sakes! He couldn't say that he wasn't expecting anything else bogus since the tint and the color of the car, but the rims... were a bright, neon pink. He bit his lip to contain his laughter, but it got the best of him. He pounded his wheel as his female dog face broke out into a huge grin with the accompaniment of beautiful, melodic laughter.

The proud owner of the pink Ford SUV--that had purple tinted windows and bright pink rims--rolled down their window and eyed the man who was cackling. Indeed, cackling. Raising an eyebrow, Tao cleared his throat. When that wasn't enough to grab the attention of the man who looked like he'd seen the funniest thing in his entire lifetime, louder than the first time, he cleared his throat once more.

"Ah.. hah..." Kris dragged his last laugh out, wiping the tears in his eyes. He found himself looking at a man instead of the pink catastrophe. Was he thinking right? He rubbed his eyes, but much to his disbelief, he was looking at a man seated in the pink SUV!

Tao knew blonde was laughing at him, or rather something about his surroundings, because, well, he had been facing in his direction and somewhat pointing! "Excuse me, but what's so funny?"

Kris had been taken aback at the manly voice that erupted through the man's manly throat who was sitting in the seat of the not so manly car. "U-Um," he choked, not understanding the clear situation which was presented obviously right in front of his eyes: 'twas not a girl, but a boy! "You're a... man?" he questioned, dazed at the man in seat of the pink vehicle, because he was pretty sure it was a woman in the car and not a man, like he had suggested.

"What's wrong with me being male? Oh, it's the car. So what if it's pink?" Tao scowled tauntingly. He wasn't annoyed by the false accusations of his gender because of the car he had, actually, he was quite pleased with all the attention he received because of his oh so lovely car.

Blondie gasped. "You-You're a man! I thought--"

"--I was a girl? Because of the color of my precious car? It's okay, I get that a lot." He smiled proudly.

"I," Kris paused, suddenly embarrassed at the situation: he figured out that he was being kind of ist (no, he was being), "I... Your car's n-nice."

Tao scoffed. "Yeah? A cup of coffee with the man who mistook me as a female sounds nice, too. Oh, traffic's clearing! Follow me, we're going to that café a few blocks from here." He winked, and before even thinking about Kris' own answer and opinion about the sudden date he had scheduled, Mr. Diva rolled his window back up and drove slowly as the cars piled out of the area.

Kris, with his mouth agape, stared at the pink Ford SUV. Did he really allow himself to be dragged along to a coffee shop with someone who he might've insulted by accusing him to be a woman(which he was still embarrassed about)? He could've driven in the direction of his workplace, but instead, he followed the pink catastrophe. Why? He was already an hour late. An hour and thirty minutes of being late wouldn't be much different than an hour, right? Plus, he was a business man, and he didn't have any meetings scheduled in the morning. Perhaps he was just desperate for reasons to follow the interesting man--he didn't even know his name(!)--and maybe, just maybe he wanted a reason to get to know him. He was attractive, and hell, men driving pink cars didn't come strolling by very often.

Kris switched lanes, tailing behind Tao's catastrophe. Kris scoffed at Tao's simple license plate frame--it was black, not some crazy color like, oh, I don't know, pink. Maybe this man that Kris had made fun of wasn't insane after all.

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Chapter 1: hahaha thats glorious ; u ; i hope to read more please make another chapter ; u ;
Chapter 1: *facepalms* GAH. XD AHAHAHAH.. XD
Chapter 1: Oh my. Tao?? OMFG I CAN'T SEE THIS HAPPENING!! HAHA~! it's so weird.. Tao is just so dark and scary looking.. hm.. he's got a different side to him :D
ooo~~~ I likey :DD