New School

I Wont...

the teacher came in.

the students stand up and greet the teacher.

"annyeonghasehyo seongsaengnim!" the student greet the teacher politely.

"annyeonghasehyo, you may take your sit" the teacher said and stand up in front of the whiteboard.

"before we start the lesson, we have a new student here,song angelika you may introduce yourself"

you stand up and thanked the teacher.

"annyeonghasehyo, angelika imnida, i'm new at here so please treat me well!" you said and smile,showing your cute dimples.the guys were drooling but didnt say anything.

"hey taemin! dont you think that the new girl is cute?" minho whispered.

"she is normal" taemin said.

*oh minho hyung, you have no idea..* taemin thought.


and the lesson start.




*what should i do now? i dont have any friends yet and my fanboys were quiet, but they were drooling...* you thought as you searched an empty table at the cafeteria.

"hey! new girl!" someone called you.

*huh? me?* you point your finger at yourself.

"yes you!" a girl with a black hair, and a beautiful face call you.

"can i help you with something?" you politely ask.

"drop the formality! we call you for asking you do you want to sit here with us?" that girl smile widely.

"really? thank you so much!" you said.

"it's ok we see you there looking so confused, and you also seem nice! you were in our class just now right?" a girl with a black-reddish hair and a beautiful eyesmile asked.

"yes, i'm angelika!and you two?" you smile.

"i'm yuri!" a girl with a black hair answered.

"and i'm tiffany!" a girl with a black-reddish hair smiled.

you smiled and shake their hands, but then you remember something.....*are they fake? should i test them up,i think i should,so i can stay away from them easier, because its our first meeting*

"yuri,tiffany, i was thinking  do you mind to show me a really good jeju mall? i was wondering if we can  go shopping together" you said.

"sure! but my dad used my personal car, because his were broken" yuri pouted.

"so do i" tiffany pouting too.

*yep they were fake* you silently thought.

"it's ok we can use my car, and you two can lead the direction!" you smile.

"sure!" both of them said in unison.



"stop right there!" yuri said.

"that is one of the greatest mall in jeju,lets go!" tiffany said.

"it looks nice" you scanned the mall.

"let's buy some clothes!" yuri and tiffany said.


"try this,this,this,this,this,this, and oh! this" tiffany picked you almost all of the clothes at the store.

*oh my god,so many clothes, they really are fake!* you angrily thought.

you tried all of them and yeah right, all of them looks good on you,so you bought all of them.

"where is the bill?" you asked politely to the cashier.

"your friends already paid the bill" the cashier girl smile.

"you guys paid the bill?!" you asked in disbelief.

"of course! we borrow your car, and we asked you to pay the bill? what kind of friends do you think we are! we're not that mean" tiffany sarcastically said.

*so they're not fake..* you thought while smiling.

somehow your heart felt really warm, and you were so happy.

"let's get food!" yuri childishly said.

you smiled and walked with your new real friends.


"i'm so full!" yuri patted her stomach.

"i'm going to pay the bill" you smiled while standing up.

"NO!" both of them said in unison.

"i'm going to pay it!" both of them said in unison(again)

"no! me!" tiffany argued.

"meee!!!" yuri childishly whining.

"the fastest  to go to the cashier can pay the bill" you said while laughing.

after what you've said both of them run really fast.

"hehehe i won! i won!" yuri laughed while paying the bill.

"huh! next time! i'm going to pay the bill OK?!!!" tiffany angrily said.

you laughed at their childishness.

"come on guys,let's go home" you smiled.




you come home happily.

it was the FIRST TIME, you going to a mall, WITHOUT paying anything.

"you look really happy miss" your maid smile.

"hehehe! you have no idea" you smiled.



i'm sorry for writing a short chapter, my hands are hurting, the taemin part will come next!, and i probably will update twice a week, because my school has started,and enjoy the fanfic!!!

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CrossSanford #2
this is cool
chooseme #3
love this!!!
Chapter 5: That is cute cute cute cute CUTE!! Update sooon!!
LoveLikePearL #5
Chapter 5: update soon
Chapter 3: wait.... Taemin knows her???? Update sooooooon!
Chapter 3: author-nim hwaiting! :D
smlover123 #8
Chapter 2: i love your fanfict ^^
It's interesting ;D
can't wait for the next chapter~