Moving On To Another School

I Wont...

"angelika! please accept my gift!" a pretty boy give you some chocolate bar." thanks, i dont like chocolate" you faked a smile.

you headed to your locker and open it.

the same thing happen, your locker filled with sooo many gift, you were tired of this popular thing, you oftenly thought to have a plastic surgery, to make you uglier, but you dont know if there is a special plastic surgery to make you uglier, because oftenly people who have plastic surgery, looks more beautiful.

you headed to your sit while carrying some books and.. "noona! why did you bring such a heavy thing! let me help you!" zelo a really cute junior plus your fan take away your book and carry it.

"no,thanks zelo-ssi  it was just some books, i will be fine" you take your book back, "no noona! i cant let your smooth white skin, get red because of this heavy books" zelo taking your book back.

ok,maybe all of you think it was scary, but not just it, just wait till the class.

"fine.." you finally give up, he followed you to the class and placed your books gently.

he even clean up your desk, he wipe a single dust that exist on your desk,scary?? not yet...

after that, he turned to you and ask "is there anything i can help?","no,and now please leave" you answered while pushing him away.

"ok.." zelo calmly answered, and as soon as he get out he scream "WAAAAAA ANGELIKA NOONA TOUCHED MY UNIFORM!! I WILL NEVER WASH THIS DAMN THING AGAIN!" now that was scary.

they really treated you like a queen, just because you were from england, and you have a blue eyes and a brown hair.

"hey angelika!" some of your fake friends, greet you.

"hi, whats up?" you replied them, even though they were fake, you still act polite

"umm can you accompany us to go shopping? and pick some clothes for us?" the other one asked.

"sure, when?", "after school we will wait for you at the gate" they answered.

"ok see you around", *sigh* just from the way they spoke, it already seems like they using you.

you look at the window and as usual you wont pay attention to the lesson, you always study later on at home, you just dislike studying at school because the teacher will always look at you.





"hey there hottie" daehyun the kingka of this school as usual seducing you again, he was a real player, he kissed some girl, he used that girl, and throw that girl away.

*not again!!!!!* you whisper to yourself but then turned around to him and as always faked a smile

"hi there daehyun oppa" he told you to call him oppa, and if you call him with oppa every friday he wont disturb you, a pretty good deal right? instead of hearing "hey babe" "hey y" "hey cutie" "hey hottie" everyday.

"why dont you and me go out this saturday?" he asked while seducely linked his arm around your neck.

"i have another plan" you smiled cutely, hoping him will melted at your smile and go away from this earth.

"you always answered that, it sounded like you dont want to go out with me" he pouted.

"*yes!! i never wanted to go out with you* nooo oppa i want to,but.." you were searching for a reason.

"but?" daehyun asked

"my grandmother die" you pretended to be sad.

"heyy but didnt you said last week that your grandmother die?"

** you mumbled, "oh did i said grandmother? i mean grandfather" you were sweating because you were afraid he will find out.

"ok then, i feel sad for you, but if you wanted to go out with me let me know it y" he whispered ily on your ear, which if you are his fangirl you already dead, but becoming a manhater you are, you really wanted to stop the time and punch his handsome face  untill there is no "face" left.

and he walk away.

*finally some peace* you smiled.





"i'm sorry i'm late, i went to grab some drinks" you said to your fake friends

"ne its ok,and by the way angelika can we go ride with your car?" the fake friend number 1 ask

"sure" you smiled *pfft* you silently mumbled.

"to dongdaemun please" you politely said to your private driver

"sure miss"




"wow, this place? i'll never get bored of this place" fake friend number 2 said

"now lets go straight to the mall" you said with a little sarcastic tone

you picked up some of their clothes, and as usual not in school, not in public everyone admire you, some of them mistakenly thought you as an actress.

"angelika can you pay the food bills? fake friend number 3 ask

"sure, its not like i always pay for your food right haha" you sarcastically laughed.

having no shame your fake friends are, they just laughed.




"i'm home" you said as you laid down on your big living room.

you touch some button and said "hot chocolate please with cinnamon, and dont add some whipped cream" you order, thats how you ask for food at your home, your home was like  5 stars restaurant, push some button,order, and the maid will deliver it to you.


like i've said you were rich.



"we're home" your parents said in unison, and right when they come home the maid deliver your order "here you go miss"," thank you" you said and the maid leave.

you glanced at them and then sit.

"what news is it?" you asked, they rarely come home at noon, sometimes they were home at 11 PM and go to work at  5 AM.

"you know us so well dear" your mom smiled.

"i must handle some company at Jeju, so we're moving there, you will move to SM High School,the most well known school there,is it ok sweetie?" your father worriedly ask.

"sure it is appa, when are we going to move?" you smiled

"tomorrow right after you come home from school, say goodbye to your friends, and we'll of to jeju, thats why, you must go upstair now and started to packing,hush hush hurry up!" your mom laughed.

"fine..." you mumbled.





"guys... i'm moving to jeju" you sheepishly laughed.





it was a real chaos, the fanboys were tearing apart, and the girl was crying because they cant use you anymore.


you tried your best to calmed them down.

lucky for you the teacher come in at the right time, and make the class silent, but still the atmosphere is gloomy.


"so anyone wanted to ask? before the  break time comes?" the teacher said

a handsome boy raised his hand

"yes you, what do you wanted to ask?" the teacher smile.

"how did we prevent angelika from moving to Jeju?"

"mwoya.."you awkwardly said, they were always so scary, but this is too much!!

"errr, errr well i will emm-" the teacher confusedly answered


"it was lunch time! bye bye kids!" the teacher closed the lesson and run away.

** you remembered something, you've told them that you're going to move to jeju, but you havent tell them when you're going to jeju.

"emmm guys i have another announcement..."

"what?! you're not going to jeju?" a boy ask.

"nope, i will leaving this school today, after school i will headed right to the airport" you announce




they were all started to say nonsense.

but then daehyun come.

"babe, i heard that you're going to move to jeju, and you'll move today after school" he said sadly.

"what? that news is spreading already?" you asked in disbelief.

"yes, and why dont you spend a little time with daehyun, huh? we can smooching,cuddle,even if you want we can make out" he asked in a ert manner

"no thanks" you faked a smile.

"awww i know you want to" he said while curling your hair.

"oh shut up! i'm having a real chaos here, jerk, why dont you wipe your own off!!" you yelled and angry at daehyun for the 1st were sick of were tired of this.those bithces that using you.all of them.

and that day you decided to ditch school and headed straight home.leaving daehyun dumbfounded.



as soon as you got home, you locked your door and laid down.

*dont cry pabo dont cry* you hold your tears.

you were really tired.

somehow you fell asleep.

"hey angelika!" some stranger greet you in some weird town.

"hey,who are you? and where am i?" you ask.

"thats not important! i just wanted to tell you something,in the new school, you will meet various of new things"

"let me guess, more crazier fanboys?" you sarcastically said.

"no...there you will find a love and true friends and then you will have some crazy new exprience, but remember.... if you doubted something just follow your heart...the one that can make you said those three magical words 'i love you' " the stranger strangely said.

"What?! no!! I Will Never Say "I Love You" To Anyone !" you said.

"lets just see"

"GAH!" you wake up from your weird dream

"dear, dress up and we're going to airport" your mom said from downstairs.

"yes mom"

you dress up and headed to the airport

somehow you were excited about this school.









*p.s: Noona: a younger boys usually calls the older girls Noona

         Mwoya: what is this (informally: what the , what the heck,what the hell)

         Umma: what a daughter/ a son called their mother(just like mom)

         Appa: what a daughter/a son called their father(just like dad)

         Oppa: what a younger girl usually calls the older boy

             -ssi: to show the other people that you call -ssi a formality


hi guys

i'm here

with new

fanfic again.........i've deleted my 2 previous fanfics we got married with taemin and sword art online kpop version,

i thought both of them were so lameeeeeeeee, and then i have some inspiration so suddenly when i write something on my notebook,and then i write it right away hehehe, by the way, i dont really like silents readers, comment and subscribe please^^


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CrossSanford #2
this is cool
chooseme #3
love this!!!
Chapter 5: That is cute cute cute cute CUTE!! Update sooon!!
LoveLikePearL #5
Chapter 5: update soon
Chapter 3: wait.... Taemin knows her???? Update sooooooon!
Chapter 3: author-nim hwaiting! :D
smlover123 #8
Chapter 2: i love your fanfict ^^
It's interesting ;D
can't wait for the next chapter~