No More Secret

I Promise...


After Chansung received message from Nichkhun, he rushed back to the studio.

"Chansung-ah~~, JYP hyung want to see us at the studio... Please come back here as soon as possible... palli..."

The he received another message from Wooyoung, "Chansung, palli... hyung already on the way here.."

Before he entered the training room, he left his stuff and his jacket outside and rushingly walked to the hall. When he arrived at the training hall, everyone already been waiting for him, all the 2PM members, JYP hyung, manager hyung and their trainer.

"Chansung-ah~~~ where are you going? Palli...hyung got something to say.." JYP hyung said. Everyone looked so serious. Then he sat next to  Nichkhun. He became restless. What is the things that hyung wants to said, suddenly called everyone to come to the training room.

JYP sighed. Everyone eyes fixed on him, waiting for him to say something. Then JYP continued talking, with his serious face he said, "hyung think, the song not good enough for title song.. what you all think?"

Everyone shocked, speechless. But then Taecyeon said, "But hyung, why....., we just got few weeks until schedule comeback, too risky to suddenly change the title song..."

"hyung didn't say to change the song, why don't we add another song? make it 2 title songs..."

"We just satisfied with current song, right everyone?" Taecyeon expected others to agree with him.

Everyone else just still stoned. Thinking of hyung suggestion.

Then JYP continued talking, "As everyone knew, it have been 2 times  we postpone this new album... and hyung thinking...." and he looked at all the 2pm members one by one, "Don't you guys want to present something special to your fans?, they have been waiting long for your comeback..."

Everyone nodded in silent, everyone seems agree with the new suggestion.

"Seems like everyone agree...." JYP looked at Nam Yong who sat at his right. "So, Nam Yong~ah... can you come out with choreography for the new song as soon as possible. With the same image as previous song, choreography that made them look like fine grown-up gentlemen..."

"Seems like there's no other choice right? Ahahaha.. I'll listen and study the song first, and try to come out with choreography by tomorrow evening..." As he said, he looked at all the 2pm members. Actually in his mind, already roughly thinking of choreography for that new song.

"Good, hyung know you are the best choreographer.... " And he continued, "Then, let's try listen to the songs first.... hyung guarantee this is the best song..." he took out a CD from his bag, and put it CD player and played it.

While the song played, all the members concentrate listening to the song. The music really simple and catchy and also match their new album concept. Then they looked at each other and smiled. Junho said while looking at other members, "This song quite good. It fit our concept..." Others members nodded, agreed to Junho statement.

"Yeah... the music catchy and addictive...." WooYoung added.

And Junsu continued, "The lyrics seems related with current song, right? "

The members nodded to what Junsu just said.

After the song finished, JYP stand up and said, "So, everyone agree to this song?"

"Yeahhh...!!!" everyone answered in union. "Good...let's keep that spirit and start practice this song..."

"I think that's all... Let's all work hard and ensure this song and 2pm album success... And everyone can dismissed." JYP took out the CD from CD player and put it back into his bag. Then he remembered something, "Ah.... 2pm members please wait for a while... and also manager... Hyung have something to talked about..." All the members looked at each others, wondering what else left JYP hyung want to said.

2pm just standing still waiting for JYP to start talking. After everyone else went out from the room, manager hyung close the room, and walked back to 2pm members and JYP hyung.

"Let's sit first..." JYP sat on the floor and others followed.  After all members sat, JYP looked at the members one by one. "Is there anything, anyone of you want to tell hyung??"

All the members looked confused, wondering what JYP hyung meant.

"Anything... about album... about your personal life..." JYP looked at Chansung. Chansung knew JYP hyung looked at him, he just looked down on the floor, kept silent.

"Manager?" JYP looked at the manager.

Looked everyone just kept silent, JYP sighed. "Hyung don't want get involved in you guys personal life... but... if this so-called personal life effect you... hyung got no other choice but to get involved into it.... understand??"

"yess...." everyone answered in union and but with low voice.

"that's all i want to say... you guys can continued with your training.." JYP took his bag, and walked out from the room walked to his office.

Once JYP walked out from the door, they all sighed hard and looked at Chansung.

"Chansung~ah... i think hyung know about you...." Nichkhun started talking.

Taecyeon added, "That's because you missed practice so many times... you knew hyung hate that..."

"But, weird right, we all cover it so hard... how come hyung know about that??" Junsu raised an question that made everyone curious. The everyone turned to the manager hyung.

"Hyung... did you report to JYP hyung??" Nichkhun started to interrogate manager hyung.

Stuttering, manager hyung said, "No... hyung never told anything to JYP hyung... But hyung have remind you guys before... JYP hyung have sharp ears and nose... He will know if there anything wrong..."

"But Chansung, what so special about that girl..." WooYoung sat in front of Chansung and waited with curiosity he waited for Chansung to answer. Listen to WooYoung  questioned make other members also curious and like ants attracted to sugar, everyone sat next to Chansung and WooYoung waiting for answer.

"Come on Chansung, what so special about her?"

"Is she beautiful?"

"Where do you meet her?"

"When you want to bring her to meet us?"

"Hyung...." Chansung trying to avoid to answer hyungs question. "Stop it....hyung..." He tried to stand-up.

"Come on Chansung, we just want to know, what kind of girl have made our dongsaeng life this miserable.."

Chansung looked at his hyungs, they all looked excited waiting for his reply. He sighed.

"Well.... i like her, when she smile it makes me happy... i love the way she look at me, when she bit her lips.. she smart, honest...simply said, she's awesome, and gorgeous... " Chansung stopped and smiled. "I love watching her sleep. She always care about me. Her silky hair, her red apples like cheeks when she blushes and her eyes... her eyes looked deeper than the ocean, and i just want to drown in that deepness..."

"woooowww..... Chansung, looked like you are serious with this girl..." Nichkhun suddenly said.

Chansung just smiled to hear Nichkhun said that, "Hyung, i actually afraid... i afraid if i have to lose her... what should i do? i can't imagine my life without her..." he whispering in his heart.

"We should met this special girl..." Junsu said.

"Yeah, Chansung... you should introduce her to us...." Juhno continued.

"But hyung..."

"No, no more excuses...."

"Okay.... enough, we should continue with our practice... if we dont want to delay our album more.. " Taecyeon said, then they continued with their practice for the new song.

 A week have past. Now only 2 weeks left until their comeback. They have to practice extra hard. No more time to slack around. They have to give 200% focus on this 2 weeks.

"Tit...tit..." Chansung handphone rang. He saw a new message notification on screen. He took the phone and read the message from JYP-hyung.

"Chansung~ah, come to hyung office now. You're at the practice room right? Hyung got something to discuss with you."

He excuses himself from the practice to see JYP-hyung and hurriedly walked to JYP office. Once he arrived at the JYP office, he saw JYP talked to their manager. JYP saw Chansung standing in front of the door and he waived at Chansung as a sign to come in.

Then he said to the manager, "It's okay... I'll looked into it. We'll talk again later..." Then the manager walked out from the room and closed the door, left only Chansung and JYP hyung in the room.

"Come Chansung, sit..." JYP told Chansung to sit on the couch prepared in his room. Then he sat at the left.

Chansung just sat on the couch and waiting for JYP hyung to talk. "So, how's practice for the new song?"

"Well, so far everyone doing good. We all like that song. " Chansung said, but still trying to avoid eye-contact with JYP.

"That's good..." JYP noticed, Chansung avoiding any eye-contact with him. "How about you?"

"Huh? " Chansung shocked with the question. He's trying to digest what actually JYP hyung trying to ask with the question. "I'm just fine hyung... i also like that new song... i.."

Before Chansung even finished his statement, JYP cut. "I didnt asked about the song... i asked about u Chansung... How are you doing now? "

"ermm.... i'm just fine, hyung... Everything okkkkk......" Chansung answered with confused face.

"Chansung~ah... You know what hyubg meant..." JYP stand up and walked to his desk and took the paper on his desk and walked again to the couch. "You know, hyung just asked you guys schedule your manager...  hyung also knew, you have missed few times of your practice..."

Then, JYP just stopped and looked at Chansung. Chansung just remained quiet and he just looked down. He have nothing more to say. He knew that is his fault. He should just accept anything JYP hyung said. Then JYP continued, "Don't you like all this thing you are doing? Don't you like singing and dancing anymore?"


"Chansung~ah, you're still young... there is so much thing that you are going to face in future, if now, you seems can't handle it, how do you suppose to do in future?" JYP stopped then continued, "Hyung know, it is normal to fall in love, but it's only for normal people.. You are not normal people... You are an idol... Anything you do, you have to being considered of your team members too. Now whatever you do, you seems....selfish..."

"Hyung.... I'm sorry.... so sorry....i..." Chansung a bit stuttering and still cannot looked straight to JYP hyung.

Before Chansung even got chance to finish what he's going to say, JYP said, "If you're really sorry, then fix it... Fix everything you have done. You have to prove to me and other 2PM members that you have changed, if you really love to remain in this entertainment industry...."

Then, both remained quiet. Nothing else can Chansung said. JYP seems so serious. Nothing he can say to change whatever hyung said.

"I think that's all... You can go back to your practice..." JYP said as he stand up from the coach and walked to his desk and took his handphone on the desk.

Chansung get up from the coach and walked to the door, as he opened the door, he looked back to JYP hyung who's standing at his desk holding his handphone while looking at him.

"Chansung~ah, make sure to fix everything..." JYP said to Chansung for the last time.

Chansung just nodded and walked out from the room to continued his practice.

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Very good story :3
Chapter 4: TT_____TT oh no.. No...
Chapter 3: Ugh~~ when a story is actually make sense,it hits you hard TT maaan I'm a crying mess right now =__=
This is so realistic and it breaks my heart even more :'(
ichalibel #4
Chapter 3: i'm listening to 문득 while reading this story.. it makes me cry even more.. T_T
Chapter 2: Oh noo :( what if he rebels more when he found out that Jane was visited by JYPE staffs and asked to leave him? T^T