Broken Promises

I Promise...


You looked at the people around you. Lone individuals, couples, families with kids, groups; reading, sleeping, chatting, jogging, playing, walking their dogs - people varied yet at peace with one another. A peacetime park on a sunny day. It have been more than 2 months since you been transferred to Hokkaido, Japan. On your request, even with heavy heart because he have to let go one of his best team members, your boss approved your application to moved to Japan branch. Lucky you got the chance since Jae Hyuk declined the offer because he is getting married coming summer.

It also have been 3 months you have not contacted him. Not even once after your last fight with him. 



"Can I go in and have a cup of tea, maybe?" Jae Hyuk said with a sly smile in his face as you turned to your door after saying goodbye and thank you for sending you back home.

You turned to him and said with a smile. You don't want to obviously show on your face that you uneasy with his request, "I'm sorry Jae Hyuk, I don't think today is a good day, maybe next time." and you continued, "my house a bit messy......"

"Just a cup of tea.." he still trying and hoping you will agree to let him in.

"No.... please, not today... I'm so sorry...." You felt more uneasy with his stubborn request even you have said no. You just looked at him hoping he'll give up.

"I'm so sorry if I'm too pushy, but you know that I like you...right?"  he said. "But it's okay... as you said, next time.." he continued. And then he turned and walked to the elevator. You waited until he get into the elevator then you opened your door and but then you saw Chansung was standing right in from of you. He stared at you with a jealousy expression and said, "who's that guy?"

You noticed his expression, but you just walked into the house, closed the door. "What are you doing here? Have you been waiting long for me?" You walked to the couch in living room and put all your stuff on the coffee table, then you walked to the kitchen to get some water. He just followed you and he is still expecting an answer from you. He hate it when anyone ignore him, especially when he is asking something.

He just watched you to finish your drink, and you looked at his face with your tail of eyes. "Want some?" You pour some juice into the glass and handed to him. He took it, and just put it on the kitchen table. "Who's that guy just now?" And he asked again. The same question, since you just ignored when he asked you before. But now, he looked more serious.

With guilty conscious, without looking at him, you answered stutterly, "He's just.... my colleague."

Then he asked again, "what is he doing here?"

"He just drop me home, since my car in workshop right now, for schedule check-up.."

You walked to the living room, sat on the couch and turned the TV on, but he took the remote from you and turned it off.

"If you car in workshop right now, why don't you just call me, then I can pick you up from the office?"

"What the matter with you, he's just a colleague and he just drop me home, that's all..." you felt frustrated with his over-jealousy act. "And, since you left last time you don't even call or SMS me once.."  You said while looking straight at his face. Why he have to be like that. It have been a week you didn't see him. You miss him... You miss his handsome face, his gentle touch. But why today he acted like this? You felt frustrated.

He avoided your eyes and looked at TV remote in his hand and said, "I heard he said, he like you.... do you like him too?" he stopped but the continued, "that's why you asked him to fetch you home?, is it because you like him too?" and again he asked, "do you like him too?"

"Chansung-ah, stop it... what's wrong with you..." you tried to get up from the couch, but he grabbed you right wrist. You cannot let this dragged long. You have to settle it as soon as possible, but you felt so tired after a long and busy week.

"" He asked again, but now his voice sound more stern than before. And you felt hurt as he tighten his grip.  You shook your hand to loosen his grip, but he didn't want to let go your hand.

"Chansung, you are hurting me. Let me go.....please let me go, jebal..?" You tried to let go your hand from his grip.

"Is that what you want? You want me to let you go?" But now his voice less stern, softer than before. He said with a slow voice and without looking at your face. "You really want me to let you go?"

"Chansung-ah.... What are you talking about... Please stop it... Please, let go of my hand..." You felt shocked with what he just said. Now you cannot avoid it anymore. You sat back at the couch next to him. Then, he let go of your hand and lapsed in silent. Both of you lapsed in silent. Just silent. He still not looking straight at your face, he just stared at the remote in his hand. And you were trying to sort back what you just heard from him. You still shocked. It showed in your face. Your mind stunned into silence, sputtered to life.

"Look at me..." Your shaken voice break the silent between you two. You took the remote from his hand and put on the table, and then you hold his hand but he still avoiding your eyes. "Chansung, look at me... Please look at me...." You waited until he look straight at your face, then you said, "What do you mean by that?". You stopped, trying to control your shaken voice. "What do you mean by what you just said right now?" Suddenly your tears fall down on your cheeks. You cannot control your tears anymore. But he still remained silent. 

After few moment, he started to said something, "Noona... I think we have make a mistake... This relationship...." Then he stopped. He sighed.

"What mistake? What mistake we have done? We just in love.... Chansung... We just in love..." You stopped expecting for him to say something, but he just remained silent. His silent really break your heart. "You have promised me... We have made our promise that we will together forever... Chansung... Please..." Your tears kept falling on your cheeks.

He put his hand on your face, used his thumb to wipe away your tears. "Please stop crying..." He said while his thumb carefully wipes tears on your cheeks.

"Please... Don't cry..." He tried to soothe you.

"Then what you expect me to do? Smiling? Smiling when you are trying to end our relationship?" You feeling hurt with what he just said. Seeing his face at that time makes you sad. You turned your face towards the silent TV.

"This relationship ruining you and me... We are still young.. There is still lots of chance for both of us in future..." He continued, "Everyone in the company said that I have change..."

"Then you put the blame on our relationship ????..... I...." You cut him before he could finish his sentence.

"They said I have lose my focus. You knew that we are currently in process of recording our new album..."

"Is that the best excuses you can give me? Please stop, don't say anything anymore... Stop... Fine, if I only troubled you... If I only made you become bad one here, let's just end this... Don't say anything... Let's just end..." you get up from the couch and walked to the bed room. You sat on the bed, crying your heart out.

He sat, kneeling on the floor facing towards you and said, "Please noona, please do understand me... This is the best for both of us....."

You just ignored him. Your heart have broken to the tiniest pieces. Impossible to put it back together. "Just go..... go...."

He was still trying to console you, he put his head on your laps and said, "Noona, let just take a break for a month. Let us take our time to sort everything out, then we'll decide later... " Once you heard he said that, you cannot say anything anymore. Seems like everything have been decided. Seems like he have already make up his mind. It is his final decision, even though that decision, broke your heart. You just lapsed in silent, you were at loss of words, nothing to say anymore.

You both remained like that for almost an hour, your tears kept falling down your cheeks until it felt like no more tears left. Looked at you nothing to say, finally he got up and walked to living room. He took his stuff and then you heard the sound of the door being closed. Now, he really left the house, he left you alone without the second thought. 

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Very good story :3
Chapter 4: TT_____TT oh no.. No...
Chapter 3: Ugh~~ when a story is actually make sense,it hits you hard TT maaan I'm a crying mess right now =__=
This is so realistic and it breaks my heart even more :'(
ichalibel #4
Chapter 3: i'm listening to 문득 while reading this story.. it makes me cry even more.. T_T
Chapter 2: Oh noo :( what if he rebels more when he found out that Jane was visited by JYPE staffs and asked to leave him? T^T