Part I

Forgive me


As I enter the dark bedroom, I see her standing by the window. The scene is absolutely beautiful. Although the lights are off, the room is dimly lit by the bright moon shinning in the starry night sky. Half of her figure is clearly shaped by the light coming from the round object outside, emphasising the features of her gorgeous face. Despite the distance separating us, I can still smell her particular sweet scent which reminds me of those years we used to spend the whole day together.

“You are here at last…come closer.” she says in a low voice, slowly turning her head to stare at me.

At first I hesitate a little but, as soon as I meet her gaze, my body starts moving automatically towards her. Walking steadily, I feel my mouth dry and my hands sweat. Every step I take makes my heart pound. I should turn on the lights but something inside me prevents me from doing so.

I don’t know how much time has passed by now since I don’t seem to be aware of its existence. Right now, the only thing on my mind is her. The most significant individual in my life has always been her.

“I need to know…” the girl who used to be my best friend starts speaking, “…what you think about my announcement.” She tenderly takes my hand stepping closer to me. My whole body shivers at the sudden action.

Trying hard to disguise my anger over her good news I lie, “I think … i- it’s… fine Stephanie”.

My younger friend doesn’t believe me as I can tell that by the ‘I-don’t-buy-what-you’re-saying look in her eyes’.

“Taeyeon, could you please tell me the truth for once in your life? I know every bit of you. You usually succeed in keeping problems to yourself without telling anyone…but not this time! I’ve been your damn friend for more than 8 years! So please, be honest with me!” she says raising her voice. I immediately notice an unfamiliar tone of annoyance. Her grip on my hand tightens.

I take some time to think carefully about what to say next. I decide to ask her something which I know will lead to the conversation we’ve never had but the one I’ve secretly been waiting for “Stephanie, what do you want me to say?”

Something that isn’t a lie of course…” she pauses and carries her free hand to place it on my face, ever so gently that I feel as though I could melt right here. Her touch makes me feel weak and vulnerable. The only one on earth who causes indescribable feelings inside me is no one but her. The look in her eyes has changed. This time, it is tender and sweet.

“Do you really want me to tell you the truth? Are you sure?” I ask her. I attempt to hide my fear though my body isn’t helping me as I begin to shiver. I’ve been waiting for a moment like this ever since I realised that those beautiful chocolate-coloured eyes that are staring at me intensely, were the ones I wanted to look at every morning…for the rest of my life.

“Why Steph? Why are you doing this to me?” I keep questioning, in spite of the growing eagerness to confess all the feelings that have been stored in my heart, ready to be freed at the right time.

“Taetae…why are you answering my questions with more questions? And why are you calling me ‘Stephanie or Steph’ …and not ‘Fany or Miyoung’ as you used to?” My best friend caresses my left cheek, burning it with every touch. I can’t bring myself to understand why she’s acting this way. We haven’t seen each other for four years…a long time that seemed eternal to me. Because of the phone calls I would make once a week and the emails she sent to me every fifteen days, we never lost contact though.

“Why? Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I can’t seem to stop enquiring. I try to maintain my piercing gaze, looking into her hazel eyes…feeling trapped in them, lost.

“I…I didn’t know how to…” she replies, avoiding my eyes. She then lowers and shakes her head as if she wanted to get rid of something that is bothering her.

“Why Fany?...What’s the reason? I can’t get it!” Flashbacks of this evening come to my mind all of a sudden. They strike me like a wooden baseball bat being hit on my head once I recall the words I heard earlier today. At the moment, a bunch of different emotions wash over me. I’m not only afraid any more but disappointed, upset, annoyed and desperate. Seemingly affected by all these feelings, I can’t help but shed tears of pain. My heart aches as it has never before.

“I-I- can’t explain it right now…but…Taeyeon please…get it off your chest…I know you’ve been hiding lots of things from me.” She fixes her eyes on mine again. Tears roll down her cheeks, making the expression on her pretty face darken. I wish I could read her mind.

“Tiffany, I can’t carry on doing this anymore…pretending that everything’s OK, when it obviously isn’t. Fany…I-I…”I shut my eyes and clench my fists in anger. However, as soon as I feel her thumb gently tracing my lips, I grow calm...quiet. Her other hand, which was seconds ago holding a firm grip on mine, is now on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

“Fany…I-I…” I take a pause and look into her beautiful brown orbs, trying to convey every single feeling stuck in my heart. Leaning closer, I narrow the distance between us. Only a few millimetres separate my lips from hers, I breathe in and continue, “I c-can-n’t let y-you do this. Y-you c-can’t marry him…´cause…’cause I l-l-lo-ve-“, I whisper…






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Chapter 2: Wow. They are together though (: I am truly happy for them.
Cinderella127 #2
cute...hahah i thought fanny left taeyeon kekeke...but i was wrong at the end :D.

nice twoshot :D.


thank u!