It All Started With an Alarm Clock

It All Started With an Alarm Clock



                Jessica flew down the stairs in panic, her bag flying down along with her.  “Crap! I’m going to be late on my first day!” She cursed.  She hurriedly grabbed her lyric book and ran out the door.  “Eomma! I’m heading out! Help me lock the door!” She hollered as she rushed to the nearest bus stop.  “Arraso, arraso! Good luck on your first day,” She heard her mom faintly yell back.

            Good luck? I’m already late! My stupid alarm clock ran out of battery and I only noticed that this morning, Jessica groaned.  SM’s definite going to fire me today.  Nonetheless, she thanked her mother and continued running.  Her eyes were glued on the bus that drove past her.  Seeing that there were only about five people lining up at the stop to get on, she knew she had to get there in a matter of seconds or she was going to be late for sure.  She sped up her pace, determined to get on the bus.  As she ran across the street, she saw a van from a few feet away speeding down the street she was on out of the corner of her eye.  .  Knowing that she wouldn’t have enough time to run away, she braced herself for the impact.

            Suddenly, she felt strong arms wrap around her body, throwing the both of them onto the sidewalk.  Jessica’s eyes widened and momentarily stopped breathing as her body hit the floor.  Still lying on the sidewalk, she turned to her savior, who was running his hands through his sandy blond hair as he tried to sit up.

            To be honest, his handsomeness shocked her; she had never seen anyone as good-looking as him.  She unconsciously continued to stare at him, eyes following his long, slender fingers.

            “I know I’m handsome and y and all, but could you give me a word of thanks and then sit up like a normal human being or something? I don’t think the sidewalk’s that comfortable anyway,” He raised a brow.

            Jessica immediately stood up and bowed multiple times.  “Thank you for saving me and sorry for the inconvenience I’ve caused you! If you want, I can treat you to lunch later today, if you want,” She fidgeted nervously as she waited for his response.

           Unexpectedly, the male grinned and ruffled her hair, causing Jessica to wrinkle her nose.  “Lunch would be nice.  I’ll give you my number,” He motioned her to take out her phone.  She fangirled in her mind as she took her iPhone out of her bag.  It’s not every day where someone could get a hot guy’s number, anyway.

            While he typed his number in, Jessica peeked at her watch and gasped loudly.  “,” She cursed out loud.  “I’m late and so ing screwed.” Without looking up from the iPhone, he asked, “Late for what?”

            “Work.  Hey, do you happen to have a car? The bus isn’t going to come until 15 minutes later and I’m really running late,” Jessica panicked.  Right now, she didn’t care if she just asked a stranger to drive her to work.  Work came first.  And if she didn’t get to the SM building in she was sure the CEO was going to find someone to replace her.

            The male nodded and handed her phone back to her.  “The SM building? Wait.  THE SM BUILDING?” His eyes widened.  “Oh , oh , oh ,” He swore, running his fingers through his hair again.  “I was supposed to have a meeting- You know what? Let’s go.”

            Before Jessica even got the chance to raise an eyebrow, he already dragged her towards his car, saying, “You ain’t got time to raise that brow, girl.”


            “State your name and reason for coming here,” The guard demanded.  He eyed Jessica suspiciously.  Seeing a young girl appear at the SM building without any pass whatsoever made her seem like some crazy fangirl.

            Jessica gulped at the guard’s sternness.  “Jessica Kong.  I’m here for my meeting with the CEO,” She bit her lip.  The guard turned to her savior and nodded, allowing him to go up the elevator.  Then, he typed in her name and exclaimed in awe, “You’re the new lyricist! Okay, you can go.”

            She thanked the guard, bowing multiple times and rushed to the elevator.  Luckily, she squeezed through the doors just as it was closing and took out the acceptance letter SM sent her.  12th floor… She pushed the button and waited.  When the doors opened, she was immediately greeted with the furious face of Lee Soo Man.

            After 10 minutes of chastising and apologizing, the CEO put up a calm face and led her into the meeting room.  He opened the glass doors, revealing 12 handsome boys.  “Jessica Kong, you’ll be the new lyricist for our rookie group EXO.”

            Jessica bowed and introduced herself, her eyes scanning the faces of the boys.  She almost did a double-take when she saw the familiar stranger toying with a pen in a bored manner, not paying any attention to her.  It’s him! What’s he doing here?

           The CEO then instructed her to take a seat, apparently the only empty seat there was the one next to her savior, and the meeting began.



            About two hours later, the meeting finally ended and she was instantly bombarded with questions from the boys.  “Oh come on, let the poor girl rest!” A familiar voice chided the members.

            “But I wanted to know if Jessica ssi was single,” Tao, the wushu panda, whined.

            Jessica blinked and slowly answered, “Yes, I’m single.  Why?”  She turned to the tall blonde and raised an eyebrow.

            He rolled his eyes and reached for her wrist.  “Whatever.  Let’s go for that lunch you owe me.”



            “I’m Kris, leader of EXO-M,” He stated when they got into the car, as if Jessica asked for it.  “What do you want to eat?” He buckled his seat belt and turned to her.

            “I’m Jessica,” She nodded.  “Molla.  I’m supposed to be treating you anyway.” She shrugged.

            Kris laughed and started the car, driving away from the building.  “Yeah I know.  Hm, let’s go for sushi, then.”

            She playfully glared at him and slapped his arm.  “Yah! That’s going to cost me a lot! And I just graduated from college too, Kris.”

            “Well, you said you were treating me!”

            “…Jerk! I didn’t think you wanted something that expensive!”

            “I think I do deserve it though, since I literally saved your today.”

            Jessica sulked in her seat and crossed her arms in defeat.  She rolled her eyes, “Alright, we’re getting sushi, since the hot blonde wants it.”

            “Hot blonde?” He looked at her through the rear-view mirror, raising an eyebrow.

            “Shut up, giant.”



            The next three months were the best for Jessica.  She was able to see Kris every day and that made her extremely happy.  It was nice to finally meet someone who understood her, gave her all the time in the world, and joked with her.  Before she realized it, she found herself falling for the handsome blonde.

            “Oh my god, hurry the hell up, Jessica! You’re going to be late!” Kris hissed loudly through the phone.  “I’m not going to be able to stall him for long!”

            Jessica flung open the building door, greeted the security guard and dashed into the elevator.  She impatiently pressed the elevator button and let out a string of curse words.  I swear, if I’m late again, I’m going to throw that damn alarm clock out the ing window, She angrily blew on her bangs.

            When the doors finally opened, she rushed to the seat next to Kris and quietly thanked him.  He flashed her a smile and ruffled her hair.  The CEO then came in with his secretary, causing all the chatter in the room to stop.  “Let’s begin the meeting,” His voice boomed.



            During the meeting, she felt Kris’s body lean towards hers, causing her face to flush slightly from the contact.  She gave him a questioning look and slapped his arm in attempt to make him pay attention to what Lee Soon Man was saying.  Instead, he whispered in her ear, “You sounded so y when you came in panting like that earlier.”

            Jessica’s eyes became to the size of saucers when she heard what he said.  “Mwo?” She shouted, forgetting the fact that she was in a meeting.  She then blushed furiously and bowed repeatedly for interrupting the meeting.  Lee Soo Man coughed and continued speaking.  She shot Kris a final glare before sitting down.



            When the meeting was finally over, she literally dragged him out the building.  “Slow down! If you wanted to have lunch with me that badly, you should’ve said something!” Kris complained.  He rubbed his right arm. 

Ignoring his request, Jessica hissed, “What the hell was that? How in the world could you blurt out something like that without meaning it?”

Kris rolled his eyes and sighed, “You’re still on about that? How’d you know I didn’t mean it?”


“You know, you’re probably the densest person I’ve met in my whole life.  What I’m trying to say is that I like you a lot.  From all those lunches and teases, you should’ve known that,” He ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes refusing to meet hers.

A million thoughts rushed through her head when her brain finally registered what he said.  By now, Jessica was completely aware that Kris only did that when he was frustrated.  She knew him well enough to know what every action represented, what he liked, what he disliked.  But him liking a person like her? Someone who was almost late to work every morning and needed him to help her stall her boss? Someone who was often loud and clumsy? That possibility didn’t even go through her mind.

“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.  I understand.  You deserve someone better anyway.” Kris’s voice brought her back to reality and she immediately hugged him tightly, knocking the air out of him.

“Yeah, right.  There’s no one better for me than you,” She smiled softly.

She felt Kris trying to pry her hands off him.  “W-well there’s Luhan and Suho and-,“ She frowned hearing those names.  Not that she didn’t like them because Luhan was a sweetheart and Suho was extremely nice, but she never thought of them in a romantic way.  She let go of him and cupped his perfect face with her hands.

            Staring into his beautiful brown eyes, she flashed him a smile and shook her head.  “I love you and only you, Kris Wu.  Now shut up, push those insecurities away, and just kiss me.” Without hesitation, his lips crashed onto hers.  Her heart fluttered as she eagerly responded, wanting more of his soft lips.

            Slowly pulling away, Kris stared at her, his eyes full of love and affection.  “I love you more, Jessica Kong.  Now where do you want to go for lunch?”

            She blushed and looked down at her feet.  “Let’s go for sushi again,” She laughed as she remembered how their first lunch went.

            Although she was frequently late for work, she was glad, for the first time, that her alarm clock failed to wake her up on time.  Why? Because if she was actually on time, she would’ve never met Kris.



Well Merry Christmas to you too, Sica.

And don't kill me for writing something so crappy ><



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Chapter 1: what is this 'crappy' that you speak of? it's utterly adorable! jessica is so lucky orz. to meet yifan like that...write one for me too lmfao. half kidding c; <3
belated merry christmas!