I Hate Mondays

On Pointe




The weekend had gone by faster than expected. I know what you were expecting; Saturday was yet another party night- a time to get wasted and have so much fun you forget it all the next day. But, no. I spent my weekend back at the dorm, sleeping. This just makes the fact that I’m a boring person even more true. Ra and Mi Kyung went out for a bit of cocktails Saturday night. They invited me but I just really wanted to sleep. Sunday came and nothing eventful happened. Mi Kyung and Ra weren’t coming out of their rooms so I did the same. But come Monday, all the peacefulness that the weekend had to offer, was gone.

“Did you hear? They’re going to start casting for next sem’s production.” Ra said while we were walking to the academy.

“They are?” I asked surprise. I found it hardly fair that the academy didn’t even hold auditions for the production. It was always up to the administration to cast who they thought fit best for whatever part there was.

“They’re posting it early this year.” Mi Kyung noticed.

“Whatever. I just want the production done with.” Ra said flipping his non-existent hair away from his face.

“It hasn’t even started yet and you want to get it over and done with?” I laughed.

“Exactly.” He smiled at me.

“Hey, what is everybody doing?” Mi Kyung asked upon seeing a mass of academy students filing into the auditorium.

“Hey,” Ra said stopping someone in his tracks. “What’s going on?”

“The admin is calling all 3rd years and 4th year students. They’re announcing production slots today.” He said cooly.

“They’re announcing it?” I asked emphasizing the word “announcing”.

“That’s a first.” Mi Kyung said. Like all the other 3rd year and 4th year dancers, we made our way into the BAPA auditorium.

When the last student had filed in and had taken his seat, Mr. Montgomery –BAPA’s head master-climbed the stage and took a spot in front of the podium.

“Good morning students.” He said clearing his throat before starting. The low hum around the auditorium slowly disappeared. “As you all know, every year we host a production for the 3rd and 4th year students of the academy. It is the perfect chance to show what God-given talent you have as well as showing dance companies what you’re made of. This year will be no different. As usual, second term will be spent learning and rehearsing the choreography amongst yourselves. Third term will be spent rehearsing on the big stage and running the production as well. But this year will be slightly different.” The hum had come back. “This time, we have a few extra hands and help from the Lyric School for Music.” Now the hum had become louder. Everyone was reacting both positively and negatively.

“What?!” Ra said almost charging to the stage. “The production is supposed to be about BAPA students not some other school.” He cried out along with other violent reactions.

“Yeah!” Mi Kyung said in agreement.

“What ever happened to tradition!?” I shouted in addition. The BAPA production was all about its students and dance. It was as simple as that. It didn't need voices to speak for us; our movements tell the story we want everyone to hear.

“Settle down everyone. Please. Settle down.” Mr. Montgomery said waiting for the students to calm down. “Obviously, this year will be more of a musical then a dance production on its own.” Again more negative reaction roared through the auditorium.

“You can’t do that!” more than one outraged student shouted at the head master.

“That’s just bull!” Mi Kyung and I cried out at the same time.

“Everyone, settle down.” He said more sternly. After a moment, he continued. “Please help me welcome the students from LSM.” He pointed towards the backstage. As if on cue, about 10 students from LSM walked out. No one clapped. Yeah, you could say we were pissed. “LSM has sent 10 of its most outstanding students to partake in this year’s production.”

“How will we know who gets to play the lead? A singer or a dancer?” Someone shouted from the back. What an excellent question.

“Well, there will be 4 lead characters. I think it would be better of Ms. Kimbell explained.” He said. Ms. Kimbell- resident ballet teacher- did as she was told. Climbing up the stage, she held the mic and started explaining.

“We, your professors, have decided to adopt the story line of the ever famous “West Side Story”. Oh great. “Since everyone seems to think they are better than everyone else, why not embrace it!” she said more enthusiastic than she should be. “So naturally, dancing versus singing.” Everyone was silent. How the hell are you gonna do that?! I asked myself. “Now I know you are all wondering how we are all going to achieve that but I think you all want to know who gets the lead.” That, she was right about. “Auditions, for any and all parts, will be from this afternoon until Wednesday. You will all be called by batch. And so as to help you prepare for the auditions, classes during the audition period will be cancelled. Please feel free to practice in the studios on the 3rd and 4th floor.” She said finishing. Although it was nice of them to cut the classes to help us prepare, that still isn’t much time.

“Today we start with the students from LSM. Tomorrow until Wednesday will be reserved for the BAPA students. If you wish to audition in pairs, you may. That is all. Now go.” Mr. Montgomery finished. Slowly everyone picked up their things and left.


“Can you believe all of this?!” Ra asked still outraged from the dramatic turn of events regarding the production. “I can’t believe they’re letting in some note singing kids into the show. It’s supposed to be a dance spectacle. Not some high school play!” he said fuming. We were at our favorite café having lunch.

“Exactly!” Mi Kyung agreed. “It's like they’re taking away the very essence of the production. Plus I can’t imagine how they would show singing and dancing as enemies. That would be hardly unfair.” Her perfectly trimmed and shaped eyebrows had met at the middle of her forehead.

“I was thinking the same thing back at the auditorium. I mean yes, dancing is another form of language, but when put against singing, is just really hard. Singing is so outward, so in-your-face. While dancing is something you have to understand, something you savor before grasping what it truly is. This is crazy.” I said. I too was angry. So angry I was not able to focus on food- and that’s rare. Never in BAPA history had this happened.

“Whatever, I just really hope the production comes out successful.” Ra sighed.

“Just a while ago you couldn't wait for the production to finish. Now you want it to go well?” I asked amused.

“Whatevs K. You know what I mean.” He rolled his eyes at me. Mi Kyung and I could only laugh.


Monday soon turned into Tuesday. The annoyed buzz about the BAPA productions had died down and had turned into anxious silence. People were preparing for their own auditions. The studios on all floors of the academy were filled with students trying their best to perfect their choreography down to the last pointe. That included Ra, Mi Kyung and I. We were sharing the 1st studio on the third floor along with most of the lyrical majors.  Mi Kyung was busy making sure her lines for her allonge were seamless. Ra was focusing on his ball change and keeping with the beat of his chosen music. I, on the other hand, was just listening to the song I wanted to use for my auditions. I decided not to dwell on the auditions too much since it changed.

Mi Kyung was turning on her toes for the nth time when a student walked into the studio and announced auditions were now being held for the 4th year lyrical majors.

“Good luck Eun Mi!” Mi Kyung said hugging me.

“I know you’ll do great.” Ra gave me a hug too.

“Thanks guys. Catch you after.” I said picking up my gym bag. “Good luck with yours. We’ll all do amazing!” I said jollier than I should be considering I was about to audition. I walked out of the studio and made my way to the second floor auditorium.

Just as I was about to enter, I saw Rain. The last time I saw him was last Friday night at “Caliente”. Weird how I kinda did miss his face. I wanted to say hi but he was with someone else. Before I could turn and walk into the auditorium, Rain called for me.

“Eun Mi!” He said slightly jogging towards me.

“Hey.” I said. “You auditioning now?”

“Yeahp.” He said smiling at me. Gah. “I’d like you to meet Joanne.” A girl, about my age, my height and my size came into view from behind him. She was in head to toe pink. Her long blonde hair was straightened to perfection. Her eyes were rimed with black eyeliner and her lips had a fresh coat of lip-gloss on. Before saying hi, she looked at me from head to toe- obviously judging me.

“Hi.” I said sternly.

“Hi.” She said flipping her hair back and rolling her eyes at me, clearly disinterested with my existence. “So anyway, I’ll see you around okay, Rain?” she said suddenly all flirty. She batted her eyelashes and was off.

“What was that?” I asked more amused than angry.

“That was Joanne Johnson, all star singer from LSM. I think they’re giving her a lead role, well that’s what she told me at least.” He explained.

“What were you doing together?”

“She just appeared.” He laughed. “She was trying to be friendly.”

“Ha! So that’s what you call friendly, all eyelashes and lip-gloss.” I said imitating her silly flirty face. He laughed.

“Stop it. Don’t be mean.” I only rolled my eyes at him, smiling. “You nervous?” he asked when we took a seat waiting for our names to be called.

“Surprisingly no. You?”

“Not really.”

“Of course you aren’t mr. Parallel.” I joked punching him lightly on the arm. He smiled a shy smile.

“Woo Rain, you’re up first.” Ms. Callahan called over at the director’s table.

“Wow. First?” I said laughing at how white his face had suddenly become. “I thought you weren’t scared?” I laughed even more.

“I’m not. But going first is something else.” He said, panic in his blue eyes.

“Hey, you’ll be fine. You’ll rock it and you’ll get the lead.” I said placing my hand on his arm.  “Break a leg, Parallel.” I said winking.  I meant what I said about him doing well and getting the lead. He was good after all.

“Thanks.” He breathed and was off to the stage.


Rain didn’t have to wait long before the spotlight was on him and his music played. The bass guitar had started strumming, followed by a few guitar strings. Rain stood still for a while, head down. When words were finally being uttered by the husky voice over the speakers, he has started moving. Stretching and leaping, Rain went across the stage. Pulling and pushing, he reached out to where the professors were seated. From time to time he’d turn and step to the side allowing faster movements to take over. His movements mimicked his face. His emotions were as loud as the guitar over head.

He was quite mesmerizing to watch, I concluded. I knew he was good, but I never thought he was this good. I guess being part of Parallel helped him a lot. I could tell everyone watching him was just as mesmerized as I was. I watched his face closely, his muscles, his hand, his everything. His blonde hair glistened under the lights making it look even white at times. I don’t think I have ever watched anyone like this before, I thought.

 With one last turn and a fan kick whilst landing on his knee, Rain had just finished his audition. Students in the auditorium clapped for him. I couldn't move. I was still in shock. Slowly he rose from his kneeling position, bowed to the professors and walked down the stage.  Just as he was about to get close to me, I snapped out of my mesmerized state and greeted him with a smile.

“Wow. That was amazing.” I said as if breathless. His blue eyes shot to my face. They were no longer tensed.

“Thanks.” He said letting go of his clenched jaws and smiled. “It wasn’t perfect but it was ok.”

“Wasn’t perfect?!” I asked appalled at how he judged his performance. “You were so good. How can you even say that?” I asked collapsing on the theatre chairs with him following. He smiled another shy smile.

“If you say so.”

“You are definitely going to get lead.” I said reassuring him.

“It’s your turn.” He said pointing towards the stage.

“What? No. They haven’t called me yet.” I said surprised.

“They just did Eun Mi.” He chuckled at my complete lack of focus.

“Oh, they did?” true enough my name was announced over the mic. I stood up and prepared myself.

“Break a leg. You’ll do amazing, I know it.” Rain said placing his hand on my shoulder. He was looking at me with those blue eyes of his. Somehow, this calmed by beating heart.

“You know it!” I said brushing off the thoughts in my head. I jogged to the stage and handed my iPod to one of the production staff. Without any further instructions, I took my place at the center of the stage and waited for my music to start playing.


The beat started pounding throughout the auditorium. I chose a semi hip-hop song to dance knowing it was another strength of mine.


I left my girl back home, I don't love her no more

And she'll never ing know that, these ing eyes that I'm staring at


            The lyrics started filling my brain. Letting the beat and the tone take me, I started my dance. Going deep into a lunge position I began stretching out. Closing my feet again, I bent from side to side. Swirling and turning my body around, I was letting it all go. I raised my leg to the side and slowly elongated my body along with the swelling of the music.


Bring your love baby I can bring my shame

Bring the drugs baby I can bring my pain

I got my heart right here, I got my scars right here

Bring the cups baby I can bring the drink

Bring your body baby I can bring you fame

That's my motherf*cking word too

Just let me motherf*cking love you


            Interchanging between fast and slow movements, I made most of the stage. Stretching my limbs out then quickly and stiffly bringing them back to my body, I continued. I loved this song. So much emotion, not to mention an amazing beat.


Listen ma, I'll give you all I got

Give me all for this, I need confidence in myself

Listen ma, I'll give you all of me

Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself

Oh, oh, oh


So tell me you love me

Only for tonight

Only for tonight

Even though you don't love me

Oh, oh

Just tell me you love me

I'll give you all of me, I'll give you all of me

Even though you don't love me


I reached for the skies and pulled down as if there was something I needed to reach and catch. I brought it back to my heart and let go of it immediately. Waving my body up and down, I changed positions. I loved how I was able to move fast and slow at the same time. Popping and locking, I integrated a few of my hip-hop dance steps to traditional lyrical ones. I was near the end of my song. As a finale, I turned and turned until I could turn no more and collapsed on the floor. Breathless, I was done.

It was the first time I’ve ever performed on stage and in front of an audience. I didn't like the thought of a hundred pairs of eyes staring at me and scrutinizing me as I did what I love to do best. As I slowly stood from the floor, I tried to regain normal breathing. The whole auditorium was silent. I started climbing down the middle stairs. I was halfway down when a hand appeared in front of me, offering me assistance. I followed the hand back to its owner and found a familiar face. 

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