
On Pointe




 “Where is he?” Mi Kyung groaned. It was a little past 8 in the evening and we were standing outside of the academy waiting for Rain to appear.

“Calm your knickers woman. He’ll be here.” Ra said. He was fixing his black studded jacket- something he was proud of because he made it himself. I could only laugh watching them.

“I know that but I chose a really good dress and I want to make the best of it.” Mi Kyung explained. She was wearing her signature dress. It was a cherry red dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was fit on top but from waist down it was flowing. It hugged her curves really well. To top it off she wore a simple black net cover up.

“You’re like the only one who’s dressed for the part too well.” I commented.

“Well whos fault is that? If only you had gone with the dress I told you to wear instead of that common looking one, then you would have looked alright too.” Ra pointed out. Back at the dorm, he and Mi Kyung had spent half an hour trying to convince me to wear Mi Kyung’ old halter top dress. It had a really, really low back and was flowing just like her dress tonight. But I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about having the world stare at my back for the whole night. So instead, I settled for a bohemian inspired dress that flowed down to my knees. It was in multiple shades of orange and yellow, which I really liked. Not being a fan of heels, I settled for a pair of strappy sandals and took my beige cardigan with me just in case it got too cold.

“I wasn’t ready for a back bearing, halter top dress Ra. It’s not exactly my style.” I defended.

“Whatever honey.” Mi Kyung replied.

“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.” Rain had finally arrived. He was in a plain white shirt, jeans, sneakers and a black leather jacket.

“See, I’m not the only one who doesn't look too dressed to kill.” I pointed out.

“You ain’t gonna defend yourself like that K.” Ra laughed at me. What?

“Whatever. Can we just go?” Mi Kyung asked impatient as always. She took Rain by the arm and pulled him towards our destination.

“Ok ok. Chill your weave Mi Kyung.” Ra rolled his eyes at Mi Kyung. And with that we were off to Caliente.


When we arrived at our favorite hang out spot, the crowd and the party was just getting started. Caliente wasn’t just a bar. It was a performance hall from Monday to Wednesday, a hip-hop battle ground on Thursdays, a hot bed of Spanish and Latin dances on Fridays, a disco on Saturdays and a mix of everything on Sundays. They had decent food and awesome drinks, care of bar owner and bar tender- not to mention our friend- Jose.

 We had chosen a small table at the corner of the main room. It held a few more tables and the dance floor. A live band was playing tonight’s Spanish tunes.

“I loooove this place.” Mi Kyung exclaimed as she savored her dry martini. She was seated beside Rain, who was seated beside me. Ra was seated on my other side.

“Thank God it’s Friday, baby!” Ra shouted raising his martini in the air. Rain and I reciprocated by raising our beer bottles. The glasses clinked, and we drank our drinks.

“How long have you been coming here?” Rain asked.

“Ever since we discovered it in first year.” Ra started. “It was actually Eun Mi who found it.”

“We thought it was just another dinky bar with no air condition.” Mi Kyung continued. “But we were wrong.”

“So you’ve been friends ever since you all got accepted?” Rain asked.

“Yeahp.” I replied for everyone.

“What about you?” Mi Kyung asked. “Where’d you come from?” Rain took in a deep breath.

“I transferred from the Institute of Dance. I spent my first year in class just like everybody else. But during the second term of my second year, I joined “Parallel” instead. Thankfully, the school allowed it, agreeing with me and how real experience can’t beat anything you learn in school. We travelled everywhere and anywhere, performing in big and small stages alike. It was the best year of my life I think. When I came back, they offered me a chance to study at BAPA for experience and exposure. And tah-dah, I’m here. ” he smiled finishing. All of us were silent and in shock.

Let me give you a little bit of information about what Rain just said. IOD, or Institute of Dance, is the best dance school in the West Coast. Even better than BAPA. They’ve got everything from Ballet to alternative hip hop, modern; anything you want, they’ve got it. But the things is, it’s only for those who can afford to spend a few thousand dollars every term for tuition. They say if you study at IOD you can get accepted ANYWHERE.

As for “Parallel”, it’s an exclusive dance company that focuses on lyrical and contemporary dances. I have only dreamed of getting a chance to join “Parallel” even if it means I’ll be for back up. “Parallel” travels around the world every year putting up shows just about anywhere. If Rain was able to join that, then he was one lucky guy.

Still speechless, we were all staring at him.

“You were part of “Parallel?” I whispered shocked.

“Oh dear. Here we go.” Ra whined.

“Let me guess, it’s your dream company?” Rain asked.

“Only since I could walk!” I exclaimed. “I can’t believe you were part of “Parallel”. You are so lucky.” And I was so jealous.

Suddenly Mi Kyung shrieked. We all snapped our heads and looked at her.

“What’s wrong?” Rain asked, worried.

“I love this song!” She jumped up. The band had started with a sultry Havana beat. The lead singer was taking it away. “Dance with me!” She pulled Rain up to his feet and into the dance floor. Ra and I could only laugh seeing as Rain had no choice.

“Excuse me senorita. May I have this dance?” A Mexican looking man had come up to our table and extended his hand in my direction. Flustered, I only nodded. I took his hand as he guided me to the dance floor.

As the song progressed, more and more people were making their way to the dance floor.

“My names is Marko.” Mystery man had said as he took hold of my hand and my waist.

“Eun Mi.” I said being nice. As soon as names were exchanged he had taken over. We moved and swayed to the hypnotic beat of the drums. The strumming of the guitar guided our pace. He spun me around once and then again making my dress fly in all directions. Salsa wasn’t my strongest dance, but I could cope.

“You are a very good dancer” Marko commented as he took me for a dip.

“Thanks! You’re not so bad yourself.” I smiled at him. He, on the other hand, knew exactly what he was doing. Quick and smooth, he was stepping here and there, always taking me with him. I was surprised I was having fun. Marko and I continued shuffling in place before spinning in the opposite direction. With one last turn and a dip the song came to an end. Everyone showed their appreciation for the band.

“It was a pleasure dancing with you senorita.” Marko said bowing. Flushed, I giggled like a little girl.

“May I?” Even before I could catch my breath, Rain had appeared by my side. He had his one arm around my waist and one hand being offered to me. He didn't give me time to reply. As soon as the sensual riffs of the guitar were echoing throughout the place he had already spun me around making me land wrapped in his arms.

Following the beat of the song, he lead taking a step forward, I taking a step back. We stayed like this for a while. Then his hand was at the hollow of my back supporting a swift turn and shuffle as the music picked up its tempo. He was looking straight at me with that stupid smile plastered on his face. Deciding not to have it ruin the moment, I smiled back at him.

Again and again, he would spin me around, making my dress fly. I laughed, conscious that my legs were slowly being revealed. Suddenly, he had pulled me close to him. Gasping with shock, I pushed him away teasingly. Before I could get too far from him, he had pulled me back in for the dance. I spun around, stopping as my back hit his front.

I swayed my hips from side to side, letting go of any apprehension and let the music carry me away. Rain placed his hands on the sides of my hips as I swayed them from side to side. In no time we were moving at the same time. I could feel his breath on my neck, sending little tingles up my spine. I had thrown my hands up in the air when the guitar quickened its tempo. As if by instinct, I wrapped them around his neck. For a moment my fingers went through his hair. Oh my. What was I doing? I wasn't supposed to have this much fun with him. But what could I do? I was just too much taken by the rhythmic pounding of the conga drums and the mesmerizing strumming of the electric guitar. His hands had slightly slid down my thigh and back up, catching the hem of the dress with it. Higher and higher the hem went. But before it was uncomfortably high, I had peeled myself off of Rain.

With a pivot step I was facing him again. He was still looking straight at me with those pools of ice he had for eyes. His blonde hair was slightly disheveled: I had caused that, I told myself. Again we regained that shuffling step we had started with. Taking my hand he spun me around and around until I was too dizzy to do anything. Laughing, and probably looking silly, he caught me as the song came to an end. Everyone on the dance floor once again clapped for the band.

Feeling flustered, strangely energetic and happy, I made my way back to the table. As soon as I sat down, I took a drink from my beer and combed through my messy hair. Rain had followed back to the table as well.

“Wow.” He said breathless. “That was something. I’ve never been in a place like this before.” He smiled and took a drink from his bottle.

“Glad you’re enjoying yourself Rain.” Mi Kyung said touching his arm with her long fingers.

“Excuse me darling,” a lady of about 30 years approached the table and addressed me. “May I borrow you boyfriend for the next dance? We need more men and he was the first one I spotted.” She flashed me her sweetest smile. Again, I repeated her question in my head. “Boyfriend?” Secretly, I laughed at the absurdity of it all.

“Oh no he’s not my boy-“

“She’s not my girl-“at the same time Rain and I said the same thing- well sort of.

“-friend” We both ended looking at each other. Laughing at how silly we looked, I said “Sure. Take him away.” Kindly, Rain accepted the offer. We watched as the lady lead him back into the dance floor.

“So,” Ra started when Rain was far enough.

“Yeah, so?” Mi Kyung added. They were both looking at me funny. It was like they were saying so much more with just a “so” and a “yeah”.

“What?” I said taking another drink. “Why are you looking at me all weird?”

“What was that all about?” Ra asked, a sly smile on his face.

“What was what all about?” I asked blinking at them both. I had a feeling this was about the dance Rain and I shared. But then again maybe I was wrong.

“You so know what were talking about.” Mi Kyung smiled at me flipping her shoulder length hair back.

“You’ve got it all wrong. I don't have any idea what you guys are talking about.” I said laughing at how odd things were getting.

“GAH. Eun Mi are you seriously that dumb?” Mi Kyung asked frustrated.

“Excuse me?” I asked surprised.

“I think blue eyes likes you.” Ra finally said.

“What?” I was surprised. Genuinely surprised. So surprised I could have spilled the contents of my mouth out onto the table. “That is so not true.”

“It so is.” Ra said nodding at me knowingly.

“Oh come on you two. It was just a dance.” I said explaining.

“Yeah. A dance where in he couldn’t take his eyes off you, let alone his hands.” Mi Kyung explained taking a drink from her glass.

“What?! No.”

“Yes Eun Mi. And you know it.” Mi Kyung said. I still couldn't believe what they were saying. Rain could not possibly like me. We just shared a dance: an innocent dance that meant nothing more than what it was.

“I don't think so.” I said laughing.

“Whatever, deny it all you want. Soon enough it’ll be staring you in the face.” Ra commented. I could see Mi Kyung agree. Gah. They were like a tag team or something. I took a final swig of my drink before deciding they were wrong. 

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