Fourth Day

12 Days of Christmas (EXO One-Shots)


SeHun have been in the kitchen for hours, you got worried and went in to see him. When you got in the kitchen, flour landed on your face. "SeHun!" You exclaimed. 


"I'm sorry! I didn't see you coming in" he picked up a napkin and wiped my face clean. "You weren't supposed to come in" He murmured, looking at the mess he made.


"Well I was worried, you took forever to come back" You said "what were you making?" 


"Gingerbread man" he blushed, he can be so cute. "I didn't know what else I should do for you, so I thought on the fourth day I can bake for you" You pecked his cheek.


"You're so cute; I'll help you make it. It will be fun" You said, picking up the things we need. SeHun came sitting beside you and look at what you doing. "I said I'll help but you are doing all the work" you smiled and he rolled his eyes.


After we put the gingerbread to cook in the oven, we sat around the living and talk. "SeHun, these 12 days of Christmas was planned by the boys, right?" He nodded "They must be having a hard time"


"Yeah, they are. I am too...Kris-Hyung drew on his third day" we burst out laughing "I can't believe he actually did it"


"Thanks lord that you can at least draw" you continued to laugh "But sadly you can't cook" SeHun glared at you.


"You're so mean, I should've went over to LuHan-Hyung instead" he pouted and cross his arms. 


"Calm your face, SeHun. I still love you no matter what" You said and you received four roses from SeHun. "What are does for anyway? You been giving it to me since day one"


He shrugged "The guys said that we should give roses everyday" you frown.


"You only give them to me because they told you too?" SeHun stood up and stumble on his feet, he fell.


"No! I want to give them to you. It came from my heart" he looks up at you, seeing you smirking at him.


"Okay. I believe you" You helped him up and hug him "this Noona trust you"


"Merry Christmas Noona"


Im not a noona but i wanna be older thean Sehun T-T hes two years older

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smilebear24 #1
Chapter 8: Chanyeol is so cute!
Chapter 11: Yes...yes...yes Kai, I'll spend the rest of our lives together!! (✽˘⌣˘✽)
Chapter 12: Hahahah these cute exo drabbles. I love them! :D
Chapter 11: Kai YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: i love It~~!
Well Luhan's quite yyy xD
kima #7
Chapter 12: Wow!
Dat was wonderful series..
Write more about them pleeeseee!
*wink wink*
~(˘▾˘~) ~(˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~
Chapter 8: Aww I was really looking forward to Luhan's T~T
I was looking forward to a luhan or kyungsoo one......
Are you Lu Han biased? Lu Han's one shot seems to be the only slightly dirty/y one here lol