My Love Is Gone.

My Love Is Gone


It's been seven months since Soo left and time has stopped for Jongin..

Everyday is the same for him.

He wakes up and he misses her..

He sleeps and he is still missing her..

He longs to feel just one more time her presence ..

To feel her warmth when they sleep side by side..

To see her silky hair get messy by the playful wind..

To hear her crystal laugh..

To see he cheeks change into a pinky colour whenever he would say something sweet and lovely ..


                                                                          << What happened? You Changed ...   >>






It's been one year since Soo left..

Sometimes Jongin would walk by their favourite places..

Especially that small coffee shop at the end of the park.

He'd always order two cups of hot chocolate wither it was winter or summer.

One cup for Jongin..One cup for Soo 


                                                                << Do I mean anything to you?>>






It's been four years since Soo left..

Jonging scatters her clothes and belonging to every single place in his appartment

Every photograph of her is well-tapped on the walls.

Lately he tries to recall all their memories..

He hugs and sleeps with her favourite clothes just to feel her near,

though he already knows that her scent is long gone from them....


                                                  << I'll leave and I won't come back neither in a glitter of a spark.. >>






It's been six years since Soo left..

Jongin never leaves his appartment anymore..

The curtains are closed , dust dominates in every single part of the place Jongin once used to call 'home'..

He doesn't recall the last time he took a bath or ran out of cigarettes..

All he knows is that he barely remembers..

He barely remembers the sound of her laugh..her voice..

He barely remembers her scent & her warmth ..

And sometimes, he panicks when he realises that even those faint memories may be rotten by now..

They may have become mere illusions....


                                               << It's because stopped dreaming..About us..About our love... >>







One night ,Jongin hummed a song with his husky voice..

"You saved my life & ran away.....

                  Come save my life again"  

Their favourite song..Those magic lyrics..

He waited for her that night longer than usual but eventually  sleep won the battle

He fell asleep smiling for the first after she left..


That night,on the 5th year after Soo left, Jongin closed happily his eyes.....forever.


                                                                                 << Goodnight My Love.. >> 



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Chapter 1: Ono this made me cry T^T
philphil #2
Short and sweet.....:D
KaisooFeelsEverywher #3
Chapter 1: This was truly beautiful.. <3
I actually read it playing the song you talked about "Love is Gone" and now ... -crying in emo corner T_T -